<tdcolspan="3">Addresses who, what, when and where of project qualitatively in less than 300 words.</td>
<th>Size and Scope</th>
<tdcolspan="3">Includes quantitatative information pertaining to the materials and time required to complete the project. Finacial Information and Market Summary sub-sections should be filled out if applicable to the project.</td>
<th>Knowledge and Skills Aquired</th>
<td>Lists things learned in project.</td>
<td>Lists things learned in project and addresses each goal.</td>
<td>Lists things learned in project and demonstrates how at least 2 goals were met, as well as addressing all goals.</td>
<th>Exhibition Summary</th>
<tdcolspan="3">Lists exhibitions and placings from entire year.</td>
Before you start a 4-H project, get out a blank sheet of paper.
At the top, write down why you want to be in this project this year.
Then, underneath that write down four or five things you broadly want to acomplish this year in this project.
Now, like any organized and motivated individual, lose the sheet of paper and don't look at it for three months.
If you followed the instructions, you will probably find that you have already made significant progress toward those four or five items you wanted to acomplish.
If so, then take this oportunity to solidify your broad objectives into <strong>GOALS</strong>.
Goals are desired acomplishments that are <strong>SMARTY</strong>.
Here's what that means:
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Goals must be to-the-point.
They cannot deal with more than one subject at a time.
Goals must have a fully objective way to tell if you've acomplished them or not.
Attaining the goals must be fully in your control, not another person, animal or circumstance.
Make sure your goals are actually something that can be attained in real life.
Goals should always have a time by which they should be acheived.
(Hint: in terms of record books, the end of the 4-H year is always a good time limit!)
Goals should always be motivated by a good reason or higher purpose.
Sometimes, you will need goals just for the sake of completing your record book, but try to keep those to a minimum.