Full rewrite

This commit is contained in:
Jakob Nybo Nissen 2021-08-24 16:30:11 +02:00
parent 642658f592
commit 87277268f6
4 changed files with 222 additions and 415 deletions

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@ -114,12 +114,6 @@ uuid = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
[[Logging]] [[Logging]]
uuid = "56ddb016-857b-54e1-b83d-db4d58db5568" uuid = "56ddb016-857b-54e1-b83d-db4d58db5568"
deps = ["Markdown", "Random"]
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[[Markdown]] [[Markdown]]
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@ -189,12 +183,6 @@ version = "0.1.2"
deps = ["LinearAlgebra", "SparseArrays"] deps = ["LinearAlgebra", "SparseArrays"]
uuid = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2" uuid = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"
deps = ["MacroTools"]
git-tree-sha1 = "be127ca4ba297c1574457baa0ac3092b0054395e"
uuid = "8e1ec7a9-0e02-4297-b0fe-6433085c89f2"
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[[TOML]] [[TOML]]
deps = ["Dates"] deps = ["Dates"]
uuid = "fa267f1f-6049-4f14-aa54-33bafae1ed76" uuid = "fa267f1f-6049-4f14-aa54-33bafae1ed76"

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@ -7,4 +7,3 @@ version = "0.1.0"
BioAlignments = "00701ae9-d1dc-5365-b64a-a3a3ebf5695e" BioAlignments = "00701ae9-d1dc-5365-b64a-a3a3ebf5695e"
BioSequences = "7e6ae17a-c86d-528c-b3b9-7f778a29fe59" BioSequences = "7e6ae17a-c86d-528c-b3b9-7f778a29fe59"
BioSymbols = "3c28c6f8-a34d-59c4-9654-267d177fcfa9" BioSymbols = "3c28c6f8-a34d-59c4-9654-267d177fcfa9"
SumTypes = "8e1ec7a9-0e02-4297-b0fe-6433085c89f2"

View file

@ -1,38 +1,39 @@
module SequenceVariation module SequenceVariation
# TODO: Add functionality to move a Variation to a new reference """
# needs to be done with heavy checks to make sure the alignment of the two Needs to be able to:
# is not full of gaps in the area where the Variation is * Given a sequence and a reference, create a `Variant` that unambiguously represents
#= the sequence
Substitution should work just if the ref nuc don't match a deletion
Insertions/deletions should work if there are only matches (+/- 3 nucs), or at the ends
Perhaps first make an array of oldref -> newref, with some positions marked nothing? * Given a `Variant` and a new reference, translate the variant to the new reference.
# TODO: Do we need to prevent calling indels at the ends of alignments?
# No, we need a filtering step that trims the alignment before calling Variation
#= """
Extract alignment
Trim ends of gaps
Call Variations
# TODO: Add inversions?
using BioSequences
using BioAlignments
import BioSymbols: BioSymbol import BioSymbols: BioSymbol
using SumTypes using BioAlignments
using BioSequences
const ALN_MODEL = AffineGapScoreModel(BLOSUM62, gap_open=-12, gap_extend=-2) #=
import Automa
import Automa.RegExp: @re_str
@sum_type Edit{S, T} begin struct Unsafe end
Substitution{S, T}(::T)
Deletion{S, T}(::UInt) const DEFAULT_AA_ALN_MODEL = AffineGapScoreModel(BLOSUM62, gap_open=-12, gap_extend=-2)
Insertion{S, T}(::S) const DEFAULT_DNA_ALN_MODEL = AffineGapScoreModel(EDNAFULL, gap_open=-12, gap_extend=-2)
end model(::AminoAcidSeq) = DEFAULT_AA_ALN_MODEL
model(::NucleotideSeq) = DEFAULT_DNA_ALN_MODEL
const CONTEXT = Automa.CodeGenContext(
vars=Automa.Variables(:p, :p_end, :p_eof, :ts, :te, :cs, :data, :mem, :byte),
const BYTES = Union{String, SubString{String}, Vector{UInt8}}
""" """
Substitution Substitution
@ -40,15 +41,10 @@ end
Represents the presence of a `T` at a given position. The position is stored Represents the presence of a `T` at a given position. The position is stored
outside this struct. outside this struct.
""" """
Substitution struct Substitution{T <: BioSymbol}
function Base.parse(::Type{Substitution{S, T}}, s::AbstractString) where {S, T}
mat = match(r"^[A-Z]([0-9]+)([A-Z])$", strip(s))
symbol = T(first(mat[2]))
Diff(parse(UInt, mat[1]), Substitution{S, T}(symbol))
end end
Substitution(x::BioSymbol) = Substitution{typeof(x)}(x)
Base.eltype(::Type{<:Substitution{S, T}}) where {S, T} = T
""" """
Deletion Deletion
@ -56,168 +52,213 @@ Base.eltype(::Type{<:Substitution{S, T}}) where {S, T} = T
Represents the deletion of N symbols. The location of the deletion is stored Represents the deletion of N symbols. The location of the deletion is stored
outside this struct outside this struct
""" """
Deletion struct Deletion
function Base.parse(::Type{T}, s::AbstractString) where {T <: Deletion} function Deletion(len::UInt)
mat = match(r"^Δ([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)$", strip(s)) iszero(len) && error("Deletion must be at least 1 symbol")
start = parse(UInt, mat[1]) new(len)
stop = parse(UInt, mat[2]) end
start stop || error("Indel cannot have negative range")
Diff(start, T(stop - start + 1))
end end
Deletion(x::Integer) = Deletion(convert(UInt, x))
Base.length(x::Deletion) = Int(x.len)
""" """
Insertion Insertion{S <: BioSequence}
Represents the insertion of a `T` into a sequence. The location of the insertion Represents the insertion of a `S` into a sequence. The location of the insertion
is stored outside the struct. is stored outside the struct.
""" """
Insertion struct Insertion{S <: BioSequence}
function Base.parse(::Type{<:Insertion{S}}, s::AbstractString) where S function Insertion{S}(x::S) where {S <: BioSequence}
mat = match(r"^([0-9]+)([A-Z]+)$", strip(s)) isempty(x) && error("Insertion must be at least 1 symbol")
seq = S(mat[2]) new(x)
Diff(parse(UInt, mat[1]), Insertion(seq)) end
end end
Insertion(s::BioSequence) = Insertion{typeof(s)}(s)
function Insertion(s::BioSequence)
length(s) == 0 && throw(ArgumentError("Insertions cannot be length 0"))
Insertion{typeof(s), eltype(s)}(s)
Base.:(==)(x::Insertion, y::Insertion) = x.seq == y.seq Base.:(==)(x::Insertion, y::Insertion) = x.seq == y.seq
""" """
Diff{E <: Edit} Edit{S <: BioSequence, T <: BioSymbol}
Represents an `Edit` og type `E` at a given position. An edit of either `Substitution{T}`, `Insertion{S}` or `Deletion` at a position.
If deletion: Deletion of length L at ref pos `pos:pos+L-1`
If insertion: Insertion of length L b/w ref pos `pos:pos+1`
""" """
struct Diff{S <: BioSequence, T <: BioSymbol} struct Edit{S <: BioSequence, T <: BioSymbol}
x::Union{Substitution{T}, Deletion, Insertion{S}}
pos::UInt pos::UInt
edit::Edit{S, T}
end end
function Base.parse(::Type{Diff{S, T}}, s::AbstractString) where {S, T} #=
beginning = first(s) @noinline throw_parse_error(T, p::Integer) = error("Failed to parse $T at byte $p")
if beginning == 'Δ'
parse(Deletion{S, T}, s) # Parse substitution
elseif isnumeric(beginning) let
parse(Insertion{S, T}, s) machine = let
else biosymbol = re"[A-Za-z]"
parse(Substitution{S, T}, s) number = re"[0-9]+"
biosymbol.actions[:enter] = [:enter]
number.actions[:all] = [:digit]
Automa.compile(biosymbol * number * biosymbol)
actions = Dict(
:enter => quote
symbol = T(Char(byte))
if firstsymbol === nothing
firstsymbol = symbol
lastsymbol = symbol
:digit => :(num = UInt(10)*num + (byte - 0x30) % UInt),
@eval begin
function Base.parse(::Type{Edit{S, T}}, data::BYTES) where {S, T}
$(Automa.generate_init_code(CONTEXT, machine))
p_eof = p_end = sizeof(data)
firstsymbol = lastsymbol = nothing
num = UInt(0)
$(Automa.generate_exec_code(CONTEXT, machine, actions))
iszero(cs) || throw_parse_error(Edit{S, T}, p)
if firstsymbol == lastsymbol
error("First symbol and last symbol are identical")
return Edit{S, T}(Substitution{T}(lastsymbol), num)
end end
end end
""" # Edits are applied sequentially from first to last pos.
Variant{S <: BioSequence, T <: BioSymbol} # The vector must always be sorted by pos.
Represents a series of diffs of type `Diff{S, T}` against a reference of type `S`.
See also `Variation`.
struct Variant{S <: BioSequence, T <: BioSymbol} struct Variant{S <: BioSequence, T <: BioSymbol}
ref::S ref::S
diffs::Vector{Diff{S, T}} edits::Vector{Edit{S, T}}
Variant{S, T}(ref::S, edits::Vector{Edit{S, T}}, ::Unsafe) where {S, T} = new(ref, edits)
end end
function Base.show(io::IO, ::MIME"text/plain", x::Variant{S,T}) where {S,T} function Variant{S,T}(ref::S, edits::Vector{Edit{S, T}}) where {S<:BioSequence, T<:BioSymbol}
cols = displaysize(io)[2] - 3 sort!(edits, by=x -> x.pos)
recur_io = IOContext(io, :SHOWN_SET => x.diffs) result = Variant{S, T}(ref, edits, Unsafe())
print(io, summary(x), ":") is_valid(result) || error("TODO") # report what kind of error message?
for i in x.diffs return result
v = Variation{S, eltype(S)}(x.ref, i) end
str = sprint(show, v, context=recur_io, sizehint=0)
print(io, "\n ", Base._truncate_at_width_or_chars(str, cols, "\r\n")) function Variant(ref::S, edits::Vector{Edit{S, T}}) where {S<:BioSequence, T<:BioSymbol}
Variant{S, T}(ref, edits)
# Validate:
# A sequence is invalid if any of its operations are out of bounds, or the same position
# is affected by multiple edits.
function is_valid(v::Variant)
valid_positions = 1:length(v.ref)
last_was_insert = false
for edit in v.edits
pos = edit.pos
op = edit.x
# For substitutions we simply do not allow another modification of the same base
if op isa Substitution
pos in valid_positions || return false
valid_positions = first(valid_positions) + 1 : last(valid_positions)
last_was_insert = false
# Insertions affect 0 reference bases, so it does not modify the valid positions
# for next op. However, we cannot have two insertions at the same position, because
# then the order of them is ambiguous
elseif op isa Insertion
pos in (first(valid_positions)+last_was_insert:last(valid_positions)) || return false
last_was_insert = true
# Deletions obviously invalidate the reference bases that are deleted.
elseif op isa Deletion
len = length(op)
pos in (first(valid_positions):last(valid_positions)-len+1) || return false
valid_positions = first(valid_positions) + len : last(valid_positions)
last_was_insert = false
end end
return true
end end
""" #=
Variation{S <: BioSequence, T <: BioSymbol} # Substituion can only occur in 1:len
# Deletions of len L only in 1:(len-L)+1
# Insertions at 1:len+1
"If a Variant passes this validation, then it should be possible to unambiguously
reconstruct the variant."
function validate(v::Variant)
len = length(v.ref)
sort!(v.edits, by=x -> x.pos)
lower = 1
Represent a single diff against a biosequence. See also `Variant` # No not allow two inserts right after each other at same pos, because then it's
""" # ambiguous which to pick first.
struct Variation{S <: BioSequence, T <: BioSymbol} last_was_insert = false
ref::S for edit in v.edits
diff::Diff{S, T} editx = edit.x
end pos = edit.pos
if editx isa Substitution
@case Edit function check((x,)::Substitution{S, T}) where {S, T} (pos < lower || pos > len) && error()
(ref, pos) -> begin lower = pos + 1
eltype(ref) == T || throw(TypeError(:check, "", eltype(ref), T)) last_was_insert = false
checkbounds(ref, pos) elseif editx isa Deletion
(pos < lower || pos > (len - editx.len + 1)) && error()
lower = pos + editx.len
last_was_insert = false
else # Insertion
(pos < lower + last_was_insert || pos > len + 1) && error()
lower = pos
last_was_insert = true
end end
return v
# TODO: We NEED to include diffs at ends. Yes, they may not be proper mutations
# but we need it to reconstruct the actual seqs
function variant(seq::T, ref::T) where {T <: LongSequence{<:Union{AminoAcidAlphabet, NucleicAcidAlphabet}}}
return variant(pairalign(OverlapAlignment(), seq, ref, model(seq)).aln)
end end
@case Edit function check((seq,)::Insertion{S, T}) where {S, T} function variant(aln::PairwiseAlignment{T, T}) where {T <: LongSequence{<:Union{AminoAcidAlphabet, NucleicAcidAlphabet}}}
(ref, pos) -> begin ref = aln.b
# We can have insertions at the very end, after the reference sequence E = eltype(typeof(ref))
pos == lastindex(ref) + 1 && return nothing edits = Edit{T, E}[]
checkbounds(ref, pos) result = Variant(ref, edits)
@case Edit function check((len,)::Deletion{S, T}) where {S, T}
(ref, pos) -> begin
checkbounds(ref, pos:(pos+len)-1)
@assert SumTypes.iscomplete(check, Edit)
function check(x::Variation)
check(x.diff.edit)(x.ref, x.diff.pos)
@case Edit _show((x,)::Substitution) = (io, pos) -> print(io, pos, x)
@case Edit _show((len,)::Deletion) = (io, pos) -> print(io, 'Δ', pos, '-', pos + len - 1)
@case Edit _show((seq,)::Insertion) = (io, pos) -> print(io, pos, seq)
@assert SumTypes.iscomplete(_show, Edit)
Base.show(io::IO, x::Diff) = _show(x.edit)(io, x.pos)
function Base.show(io::IO, x::Variation)
if x.diff.edit.data isa Substitution
print(io, x.ref[x.diff.pos])
show(io, x.diff)
Base.:(==)(x::T, y::T) where {T <: Variation} = (x.ref === y.ref) & (x.diff == y.diff)
function variant(seq::LongAminoAcidSeq, ref::LongAminoAcidSeq)
aln = pairalign(OverlapAlignment(), seq, ref, ALN_MODEL).aln
diffs = Diff{LongAminoAcidSeq, AminoAcid}[]
result = Variant(ref, diffs)
refpos = seqpos = 0 refpos = seqpos = 0
markpos = 0 markpos = 0
n_gaps = n_ins = 0 n_gaps = n_ins = 0
insertion_buffer = AminoAcid[] insertion_buffer = E[]
for (seqi, refi) in aln for (seqi, refi) in aln
isgap(refi) || (refpos += 1) isgap(refi) || (refpos += 1)
isgap(seqi) || (seqpos += 1) isgap(seqi) || (seqpos += 1)
# Check for deletions # Check for deletions
if isgap(seqi) if isgap(seqi)
iszero(seqpos) && continue # skip indels at start
iszero(n_gaps) && (markpos = refpos) iszero(n_gaps) && (markpos = refpos)
n_gaps += 1 n_gaps += 1
else else
if !iszero(n_gaps) if !iszero(n_gaps)
push!(diffs, Diff(UInt(markpos), Deletion{LongAminoAcidSeq, AminoAcid}(UInt(n_gaps)))) push!(edits, Edit{T, E}(Deletion(UInt(n_gaps)), UInt(markpos)))
n_gaps = 0 n_gaps = 0
end end
end end
# Check for insertions # Check for insertions
if isgap(refi) if isgap(refi)
iszero(refpos) && continue # skip indels at start
iszero(n_ins) && (markpos = refpos + 1) iszero(n_ins) && (markpos = refpos + 1)
push!(insertion_buffer, seqi) push!(insertion_buffer, seqi)
n_ins += 1 n_ins += 1
else else
if !iszero(n_ins) if !iszero(n_ins)
seq = LongAminoAcidSeq(insertion_buffer) seq = T(insertion_buffer)
push!(diffs, Diff(UInt(markpos), Insertion(seq))) push!(edits, Edit{T, E}(Insertion(seq), UInt(markpos)))
empty!(insertion_buffer) empty!(insertion_buffer)
n_ins = 0 n_ins = 0
end end
@ -225,36 +266,44 @@ function variant(seq::LongAminoAcidSeq, ref::LongAminoAcidSeq)
# Substitutions # Substitutions
if !isgap(refi) && !isgap(seqi) && seqi != refi if !isgap(refi) && !isgap(seqi) && seqi != refi
push!(diffs, Diff(UInt(refpos), Substitution{LongAminoAcidSeq, AminoAcid}(seqi))) push!(edits, Edit{T, E}(Substitution{E}(seqi), UInt(refpos)))
end end
end end
# At the end of the loop?
# Final indel, if applicable
if !iszero(n_gaps)
push!(edits, Edit{T, E}(Deletion(UInt(n_gaps)), UInt(markpos)))
elseif !iszero(n_ins)
push!(edits, Edit{T, E}(Insertion(T(insertion_buffer)), UInt(markpos)))
return result return result
end end
@case Edit lendiff((x,)::Substitution) = 0 function lendiff(edit::Edit)
@case Edit lendiff((len,)::Deletion) = -(len % Int) x = edit.x
@case Edit lendiff((seq,)::Insertion) = length(seq) % Int x isa Substitution ? 0 : (x isa Deletion ? -length(x) : length(x.x))
function reconstruct!(seq::S, x::Variant{S}) where S function reconstruct!(seq::S, x::Variant{S}) where S
sort!(x.diffs, by=y -> y.pos) len = length(x.ref) + sum(edit -> lendiff(edit), x.edits)
len = length(x.ref) + sum(diff -> lendiff(diff.edit), x.diffs)
resize!(seq, len % UInt) resize!(seq, len % UInt)
refpos = seqpos = 1 refpos = seqpos = 1
for diff in x.diffs for edit in x.edits
while refpos < diff.pos while refpos < edit.pos
seq[seqpos] = x.ref[refpos] seq[seqpos] = x.ref[refpos]
refpos += 1 refpos += 1
seqpos += 1 seqpos += 1
end end
if diff.edit.data isa Substitution editx = edit.x
seq[seqpos] = diff.edit.data._1 if editx isa Substitution
seq[seqpos] = editx.x
seqpos += 1 seqpos += 1
refpos += 1 refpos += 1
elseif diff.edit.data isa Deletion elseif editx isa Deletion
refpos += diff.edit.data._1 refpos += editx.len
elseif diff.edit.data isa Insertion elseif editx isa Insertion
for i in diff.edit.data._1 for i in editx.x
seq[seqpos] = i seq[seqpos] = i
seqpos += 1 seqpos += 1
end end
@ -268,194 +317,21 @@ function reconstruct!(seq::S, x::Variant{S}) where S
seq seq
end end
""" struct Variation{S <: BioSequence, T <: BioSymbol}
reconstruct(x::Variant{S}) ref::S
edit::Edit{S, T}
Reconstruct the sequence of type `S` that created the variant. It is assumed the function Base.in(v::Variation, var::Variant)
variant is well-formed, e.g. no substitutions in deleted sequences, or if v.ref != var.ref
deletions/insertions of the same area multiple times. error("References must be equal")
""" end
reconstruct(x::Variant{S}) where S = reconstruct!(S(), x) any(v.edit == edit for edit in var.edits)
export Substitution, Insertion, Deletion, Diff, Variant, Variation # How to check if a Variation is present in a sequence?
function hasvariation(seq::S, var::Variation{S, T}) where {S, T}
var in variant(seq, var.ref)
end # module end # module
function variations(ref::S, refaln::S, seqaln::S) where {S <: BioSequence}
aln = AlignedSequence(seqaln, refaln)
return variations(ref, refaln, seqaln, aln.aln.anchors)
"Calculate all substitutions between two sequences"
function substitutions(ref::S, seq::S) where {S <: BioSequence}
if length(ref) != length(seq)
throw(DimensionMismatch("Sequences must match in length"))
if !(count(isgap, ref) == count(isgap, seq) == 0)
throw(ArgumentError("Neither sequence can contain gaps"))
diffs = Diff{Substitution{eltype(S)}}[]
@inbounds for i in eachindex(ref)
refi, seqi = ref[i], seq[i]
if refi != seqi
push!(diffs, Diff(i, Substitution(seqi)))
return Variant(ref, diffs)
function variations(ref::S, refaln::S, seqaln::S, anchors::Vector{AlignmentAnchor}) where {S <: BioSequence{A}} where A
result = Variant(dna"TAG", Diff[])
diffs = result.diffs
isempty(anchors) && return result
firstop = first(anchors)
if (firstop.op !== OP_START) || (firstop.refpos != 0 | firstop.seqpos != 0)
throw(ArgumentError("Alignment must begin with OP_START at positions (0, 0)"))
# refpos and seqpos refer to the ungapped sequences. seqaln refer to the gapped one
refpos, seqpos, seqalnpos, seqalnend = 1, 1, 1, 1
for anchor in @view anchors[2:end]
seqend, refend = anchor.seqpos, anchor.refpos
seqalnend = seqalnpos + max(seqend - seqpos, refend - refpos)
# For mismatches, we add one Variation per mismatch
if anchor.op == OP_SEQ_MISMATCH
p = seqalnpos
for pos in refpos:refend
push!(diffs, Diff(pos, Substitution{eltype(A)}(seqaln[p])))
p += 1
# Deletions are trivial
elseif anchor.op == OP_DELETE
len = refend - refpos + 1
push!(diffs, Diff(refpos, Deletion(len)))
# Insertions are a little more tricky
elseif anchor.op == OP_INSERT
push!(diffs, Diff(refend + 1, Insertion{S}(seqaln[seqalnpos:seqalnend])))
elseif anchor.op == OP_SEQ_MATCH
throw(ArgumentError("Cannot create Variation from operation $(anchor.op)"))
refpos, seqpos, seqalnpos = refend + 1, seqend + 1, seqalnend + 1
return result
function posmap(gap, oldref::BioSequence, newref::BioSequence)
if length(oldref) != length(newref)
throw(ArgumentError("Sequences must be equal-length and aligned"))
result = Vector{Union{Int, Nothing}}(undef, length(oldref))
oldpos, newpos = 0, 0
for (o, n) in zip(oldref, newref)
oldpos += o != gap
newpos += n != gap
o != gap && (result[oldpos] = n == gap ? nothing : newpos)
return resize!(result, oldpos)
posmap(oldref::S, newref::S)
Given two aligned sequences, creates a vector `v` such that `v[o] = n`, where `o` is
a position in the old (ungapped) sequence and `n` is a position in the new ungapped sequence.
If `o` maps to a gap in the new sequence, `v[o] === nothing`.
posmap(oldref::S, newref::S) where {A, S <: BioSequence{A}} = posmap(gap(eltype(A)), oldref, newref)
function rereference(diff::Diff{<:Substitution}, posmap)
newpos = posmap[diff.pos]
newpos === nothing && throw(ArgumentError("Position $(diff.pos) maps to a gap in reference"))
return typeof(diff)(newpos::Int, diff.edit)
function checkflanks(posmap, pos::Int, flank::Int)
for i in max(1, pos - flank) : min(length(posmap), pos + flank)
posmap[i] === nothing && throw(ArgumentError("Flanking position $i maps to a deletion"))
function rereference(diff::Diff{Deletion}, posmap, flank::Int=5)
checkbounds(posmap, diff.pos:diff.pos + diff.edit.len - 1)
checkflanks(posmap, diff.pos, flank)
return typeof(diff)(posmap[diff.pos], diff.edit.len)
function rereference(diff::Diff{<:Insertion}, posmap, flank::Int=5)
checkflanks(posmap, diff.pos, flank)
return typeof(diff)(posmap[diff.pos], diff.edit)
# Assumes same reference, and that they are not mutally exclusive
# (e.g no substitution in deleted areas)
function reconstruct(v::Variant)
isempty(v.diffs) && return copy(v.ref)
diffs = sort(v.diffs, by=x -> x.pos)
# First, get length of result
len::Int = length(v.ref)
for diff in diffs
if diff.edit isa Deletion
len = len - diff.edit.len
elseif diff.edit isa Insertion
len = len + length(diff.edit.seq)
# Fill in
dst = typeof(v.ref)(len)
src, diffi, srci::Int, dsti = v.ref, 1, 1, 1
diff = diffs[diffi]
while dsti len
while (srci < diff.pos) & (dsti len)
dst[dsti] = src[srci]
srci, dsti = srci + 1, dsti + 1
diff === nothing && break
if diff.edit isa Substitution
dst[dsti] = diff.edit.symbol
srci, dsti = srci + 1, dsti + 1
elseif diff.edit isa Insertion
for i in 1:(length(diff.edit.seq)::Int)
dst[dsti] = diff.edit.seq[i]
dsti += 1
elseif diff.edit isa Deletion
srci += diff.edit.len
diffi += 1
diff = diffi > length(diffs) ? nothing : diffs[diffi]
return dst
export Diff,
end # module

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@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
const DELETION_PATTERN = r"^Δ(\d+)(?:-(\d+))?$"
const INSERTION_PATTERN = r"^(\d+)([A-Z]+)$"
const SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN = r"^([A-Z])(\d+)([A-Z])$"
const MULTI_SUBST_PATTERN = r"^([A-Z](?:/[A-Z])*)(\d+)([A-Z](?:/[A-Z])*)$"
function Base.parse(::Type{<:SeqVar{A}}, ref::LongSequence{A}, st::AbstractString) where A
m = match(DELETION_PATTERN, st)
if m !== nothing
return parse(SeqVar{A, Deletion}, ref, m)
if m !== nothing
return parse(SeqVar{A, Substitution{eltype(A)}}, ref, m)
m = match(INSERTION_PATTERN, st)
if m !== nothing
return parse(SeqVar{A, Insertion{A}}, ref, m)
throw(ArgumentError("Cannot parse $st as Variation"))
function Base.parse(::Type{SeqVar{A, Deletion}}, ref::LongSequence{A}, m::RegexMatch) where A
pos = parse(Int, m[1])
len = m === nothing ? 1 : parse(Int, m[2]) - pos + 1
return SeqVar(ref, pos, Deletion(len))
function Base.parse(::Type{<:SeqVar{A, Substitution{T}}}, ref::LongSequence{A}, m::RegexMatch) where {A,T}
if T !== eltype(A)
throw(ArgumentError("Substitution type must be alphabet eltype"))
refst, pos, altst = m[1], m[2], m[3]
pos = parse(Int, pos)
refT = T(first(refst))
altT = T(first(altst))
return SeqVar(ref, pos, Substitution{T}(altT))
function Base.parse(::Type{<:SeqVar{A, Insertion{A}}}, ref::LongSequence{A}, m::RegexMatch) where A
pos = parse(Int, m[1])
# We accept an insertion immediately after the reference, right?
checkbounds(ref, pos - (pos == length(ref)))
seq = LongSequence{A}(m[2])
return SeqVar(ref, pos, Insertion{A}(seq))
totext(m::SeqVar, seqid::IdDict{<:LongSequence, AbstractString}) = string(seqid[m.ref], '\t', m)
function fromtext(st::AbstractString, seqid::Dict{String, LongSequence{A}}) where A
name, varstr = split(st, '\t', limit=2)
ref = seqid[name]
return parse(SeqVar{A}, ref, varstr)