Implement translate

This commit is contained in:
Jakob Nybo Nissen 2022-01-26 14:59:19 +01:00
parent 8024d50889
commit 92a2d40553
2 changed files with 95 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -20,9 +20,12 @@ TODO now:
* Add tests
import BioSymbols: BioSymbol
using BioAlignments
using BioSequences
using BioSymbols: BioSymbol
using BioAlignments: BioAlignments, PairwiseAlignment
using BioSequences: BioSequences, BioSequence, NucleotideSeq, AminoAcidSeq, LongSequence, isgap
const BA = BioAlignments
const BS = BioSequences
import Automa
@ -30,11 +33,7 @@ import Automa.RegExp: @re_str
struct Unsafe end
const DEFAULT_AA_ALN_MODEL = AffineGapScoreModel(BLOSUM62, gap_open=-10, gap_extend=-2)
const DEFAULT_DNA_ALN_MODEL = AffineGapScoreModel(EDNAFULL, gap_open=-25, gap_extend=-2)
model(::AminoAcidSeq) = DEFAULT_AA_ALN_MODEL
model(::NucleotideSeq) = DEFAULT_DNA_ALN_MODEL
struct Inapplicable end
const CONTEXT = Automa.CodeGenContext(
@ -56,7 +55,6 @@ outside this struct.
struct Substitution{T <: BioSymbol}
Substitution(x::BioSymbol) = Substitution{typeof(x)}(x)
Base.:(==)(x::Substitution, y::Substitution) = x.x == y.x
Base.hash(x::Substitution, h::UInt) = hash(Substitution, hash(x.x, h))
@ -85,7 +83,7 @@ Represents the insertion of a `S` into a sequence. The location of the insertion
is stored outside the struct.
struct Insertion{S <: BioSequence}
function Insertion{S}(x::S) where {S <: BioSequence}
isempty(x) && error("Insertion must be at least 1 symbol")
@ -93,8 +91,9 @@ struct Insertion{S <: BioSequence}
Insertion(s::BioSequence) = Insertion{typeof(s)}(s)
Base.length(x::Insertion) = length(x.seq)
Base.:(==)(x::Insertion, y::Insertion) = x.seq == y.seq
Base.hash(x::Insertion, h::UInt) = hash(Insertion, hash(x.x, h))
Base.hash(x::Insertion, h::UInt) = hash(Insertion, hash(x.seq, h))
Edit{S <: BioSequence, T <: BioSymbol}
@ -110,7 +109,10 @@ end
Base.:(==)(e1::Edit, e2::Edit) = e1.pos == e2.pos && e1.x == e2.x
Base.hash(x::Edit, h::UInt) = hash(Edit, hash((x.x, x.pos), h))
Base.parse(::Type{Edit}, s::AbstractString) = parse(Edit, String(s))
function Base.parse(::Type{T}, s::AbstractString) where {T <: Edit{Se, Sy}} where {Se, Sy}
parse(T, String(s))
function Base.parse(::Type{<:Edit{Se, Sy}}, s::Union{String, SubString{String}}) where {Se, Sy}
# Either "Δ1-2", "11T" or "G16C"
if (m = match(r"^Δ(\d+)-(\d+)$", s); m) !== nothing
@ -203,7 +205,6 @@ function, x::Variant)
# Validate:
# A sequence is invalid if any of its operations are out of bounds, or the same position
# is affected by multiple edits.
@ -236,11 +237,7 @@ function is_valid(v::Variant)
return true
function Variant(seq::T, ref::T) where {T <: LongSequence{<:Union{AminoAcidAlphabet, NucleicAcidAlphabet}}}
return Variant(pairalign(OverlapAlignment(), seq, ref, model(seq)).aln)
function Variant(aln::PairwiseAlignment{T, T}) where {T <: LongSequence{<:Union{AminoAcidAlphabet, NucleicAcidAlphabet}}}
function Variant(aln::PairwiseAlignment{T, T}) where {T <: LongSequence{<:Union{BS.AminoAcidAlphabet, BS.NucleicAcidAlphabet}}}
ref = aln.b
E = eltype(typeof(ref))
edits = Edit{T, E}[]
@ -375,9 +372,51 @@ function, var::Variant)
any(v.edit == edit for edit in var.edits)
# How to check if a Variation is present in a sequence?
function hasvariation(seq::S, var::Variation{S, T}) where {S, T}
var in variant(seq, var.ref)
function translate(var::Variation{S, T}, aln::PairwiseAlignment{S, S}) where {S, T}
kind = var.edit.x
pos = var.edit.pos
seq, ref = aln.seq, aln.b
# Special case: Insertions may have a pos of 0, which cannot be mapped to
# the seq using ref2seq
if iszero(pos)
(s, r), _ = iterate(aln)
(isgap(s) | isgap(r)) && return Inapplicable()
return Variation{S, T}(seq, Edit{S, T}(Insertion(var.edit.x), 0))
(seqpos, op) = BA.ref2seq(aln, pos)
if kind isa Substitution
# If it's a substitution, return nothing if it maps to a deleted
# position, or substitutes to same base.
op in (BA.OP_MATCH, BA.OP_SEQ_MATCH, BA.OP_SEQ_MISMATCH) || return nothing
seq[seqpos] == kind.x && return nothing
edit = Edit{S, T}(kind, seqpos)
return Variation{S, T}(seq, edit, Unsafe())
elseif kind isa Deletion
# If it's a deletion, return nothing if the deleted part is already missing
# from the new reference.
(stop, op2) = BA.ref2seq(aln, pos + length(kind) - 1)
start = seqpos + op == BA.OP_DELETE
start < stop && return nothing
edit = Edit{S, T}(Deletion(stop - start + 1), start)
return Variation{S, T}(seq, edit, Unsafe())
# If it maps directly to a symbol, just insert
# This happens if there is already an insertion at the position
if pos != lastindex(ref) && first(ref2seq(aln, pos+1)) != seqpos + 1
return Inapplicable()
edit = Edit{S, T}(Insertion(var.edit.x), seqpos)
return Variation{S, T}(seq, edit, Unsafe())
# Alternatively, it can map to a deletion. In that case, it become really
# tricky to talk about the "same" insertion.
return Inapplicable()
export Insertion,

test/runtests.jl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
Needs to be able to:
* Given a sequence and a reference, create a `Variant` that unambiguously represents
the sequence
* Given a `Variant` and a new reference, translate the variant to the new reference.
* Given a mutation and a reference and a sequence, determine if the sequence has that
TODO now:
* Create a string repr and parser for Edit, perhaps
* A243T for sub
* 119TAGGCTA for insertion
* TGAGCTA9 for deletion
* Create a parser + print/show for edit
* Play around with some NGS results rel. to picked reference.
* Is it easy to construct ref and variants? I.e. is API nice?
* Is it nice and easy to check if a mut is present?
* Implement "reference switching".
* Add tests
using BioSequences
using BioAlignments
using SequenceVariation
const DNA_MODEL = BioAlignments.AffineGapScoreModel(EDNAFULL, gap_open=-25, gap_extend=-2)
align(a::BioSequence, b::BioSequence) = pairalign(GlobalAlignment(), a, b, DNA_MODEL).aln
seq1 = ungap!(dna"--ATGCGTGTTAGCAAC--TTATCGCG")
var = Variant(align(seq1, seq2))