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A set of variations within a given sequence that are all found together. Depending on the
field, it might also be referred to as a "genotype" or "strain."
# Constructors
Haplotype(ref::S, edits::Vector{Edit{S,T}}) where {S<:BioSequence,T<:BioSymbol}
Haplotype(ref::S, vars::Vector{Variation{S,T}}) where {S<:BioSequence,T<:BioSymbol}
) where {T<:LongSequence{<:Union{BS.AminoAcidAlphabet,BS.NucleicAcidAlphabet}}}
When constructing a `Haplotype` from a vector of [`Edit`](@ref)s or [`Variation`](@ref)s,
the edits are applied sequentially from first to last position, therefore the vector must
always be sorted by position. These edits are sorted automatically if constructing from an
struct Haplotype{S<:BioSequence,T<:BioSymbol}
Haplotype{S,T}(ref::S, edits::Vector{Edit{S,T}}, ::Unsafe) where {S,T} = new(ref, edits)
function Haplotype{S,T}(
ref::S, edits::Vector{Edit{S,T}}
) where {S<:BioSequence,T<:BioSymbol}
sort!(edits; by=x -> x.pos)
result = Haplotype{S,T}(ref, edits, Unsafe())
valid, message = _is_valid(result)
valid || error(message)
return result
function Haplotype(ref::S, edits::Vector{Edit{S,T}}) where {S<:BioSequence,T<:BioSymbol}
return Haplotype{S,T}(ref, edits)
function, x::Haplotype)
n = length(x.edits)
print(io, summary(x), " with $n edit$(n > 1 ? "s" : ""):")
for i in x.edits
v = Variation(x.ref, i)
print(io, "\n ")
show(io, v)
_is_valid(h::Haplotype{S,T}) where {S,T}
Validate `h`. `h` is invalid if any of its operations are out of bounds, or the same
position is affected by multiple edits.
function _is_valid(h::Haplotype{S,T}) where {S,T}
# Empty references mean we have nothing to compare to
isempty(reference(h)) && return (false, "Empty reference")
# Empty edits simple means that this is the reference haplotype
isempty(_edits(h)) && return (true, "")
# It is valid for edits to exist within the space between the first edit and the entire
# length of the reference. The reason we can't use simply use the length of the reference
# is because we couldn't tell if a starting insertion overlapped with a future edit that
# way. Also, force the range to be a signed integer to avoid subtraction overflow errors
# when there is a starting insertion.
valid_positions = UnitRange{Int128}(
leftposition(first(_edits(h))), UInt64(length(reference(h)))
# Placeholder flag for iterating through multiple insertions at the same position
last_was_insert = false
for edit in _edits(h)
pos = leftposition(edit)
op = _mutation(edit)
# Sanity check: for this to be a valid variant, it must be comprised of valid
# variations
_is_valid(Variation{S,T}(h.ref, edit, Unsafe())) ||
return (false, "Invalid Variation")
if op isa Substitution
# For substitutions we simply do not allow another modification of the same base
pos in valid_positions ||
return (false, "Multiple modifications at same position")
# Invalidate this base's and all previous positions. This only works because
# we're working with a pre-sorted list of edits.
valid_positions = (pos + 1):last(valid_positions)
last_was_insert = false
elseif op isa Insertion
# Insertions affect 0 reference bases, so it does not modify the valid positions
# for next op. However, we cannot have two insertions at the same position, because
# then the order of them is ambiguous
pos in (
(first(valid_positions) - 1 + 2 * last_was_insert):(last(valid_positions) + 1)
) || return (false, "Multiple insertions at same position")
last_was_insert = true
elseif op isa Deletion
# Deletions obviously invalidate the reference bases that are deleted.
len = length(op)
pos in (first(valid_positions):(last(valid_positions) - len + 1)) ||
return (false, "Deletion out of range")
valid_positions = (first(valid_positions) + len):last(valid_positions)
last_was_insert = false
return (true, "")
function Haplotype(
) where {T<:LongSequence{<:Union{BS.AminoAcidAlphabet,BS.NucleicAcidAlphabet}}}
ref = aln.b
E = eltype(typeof(ref))
edits = Edit{T,E}[]
refpos = first(aln.a.aln.anchors).refpos
seqpos = first(aln.a.aln.anchors).seqpos
markpos = 0
n_gaps = n_ins = 0
insertion_buffer = E[]
for (seqi, refi) in aln
isgap(refi) || (refpos += 1)
isgap(seqi) || (seqpos += 1)
# Check for deletions
if isgap(seqi)
iszero(n_gaps) && (markpos = refpos)
n_gaps += 1
elseif !iszero(n_gaps)
push!(edits, Edit{T,E}(Deletion(UInt(n_gaps)), UInt(markpos)))
n_gaps = 0
# Check for insertions
if isgap(refi)
iszero(n_ins) && (markpos = refpos + 1)
push!(insertion_buffer, seqi)
n_ins += 1
elseif !iszero(n_ins)
seq = T(insertion_buffer)
push!(edits, Edit{T,E}(Insertion(seq), UInt(markpos)))
n_ins = 0
# Substitutions
if !isgap(refi) && !isgap(seqi) && seqi != refi
push!(edits, Edit{T,E}(Substitution{E}(seqi), UInt(refpos)))
# Check for clips at the end of the alignment
last_anchors = aln.a.aln.anchors[(end - 1):end]
# Final indel, if applicable
if !any(anchor -> anchor.op == OP_SOFT_CLIP, last_anchors)
if !iszero(n_gaps)
push!(edits, Edit{T,E}(Deletion(UInt(n_gaps)), UInt(markpos)))
elseif !iszero(n_ins)
push!(edits, Edit{T,E}(Insertion(T(insertion_buffer)), UInt(markpos)))
return Haplotype(ref, edits)
Gets the [`Edit`](@ref)s that comprise `h`
_edits(h::Haplotype) = h.edits
Gets the reference sequence of `h`.
reference(h::Haplotype) = h.ref
Base.:(==)(x::Haplotype, y::Haplotype) = x.ref == y.ref && x.edits == y.edits
Apply the edits in `h` to the reference sequence of `h` and return the mutated sequence
function reconstruct(h::Haplotype)
len = length(reference(h)) + sum(edit -> _lendiff(edit), _edits(h))
seq = copy(reference(h))
resize!(seq, len % UInt)
refpos = seqpos = 1
for edit in _edits(h)
while refpos < leftposition(edit)
seq[seqpos] = reference(h)[refpos]
refpos += 1
seqpos += 1
editx = _mutation(edit)
if editx isa Substitution
seq[seqpos] = editx.x
seqpos += 1
refpos += 1
elseif editx isa Deletion
refpos += editx.len
elseif editx isa Insertion
for i in editx.seq
seq[seqpos] = i
seqpos += 1
while seqpos length(seq)
seq[seqpos] = reference(h)[refpos]
refpos += 1
seqpos += 1
return seq
translate(hap::Haplotype{S,T}, aln::PairwiseAlignment{S,S}) where {S,T}
Convert the variations in `hap` to a new reference sequence based upon `aln`. The alignment
rules follow the conventions of
[`translate(::Variation, PairwiseAlignment)`](@ref translate(::Variation{S,T}, ::PairwiseAlignment{S,S}) where {S,T}).
Indels at the beginning or end may not be preserved. Returns a new
function translate(hap::Haplotype{S,T}, aln::PairwiseAlignment{S,S}) where {S,T}
vars = variations(hap)
new_ref = BA.sequence(aln)
translated_vars = Variation{S,T}[]
for v in vars
new_v = translate(v, aln)
isnothing(new_v) || push!(translated_vars, new_v)
return Haplotype(new_ref, translated_vars)