
124 lines
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Needs to be able to:
* Given a sequence and a reference, create a `Variant` that unambiguously represents
the sequence
* Given a `Variant` and a new reference, translate the variant to the new reference.
* Given a mutation and a reference and a sequence, determine if the sequence has that
TODO now:
* Create a string repr and parser for Edit, perhaps
* A243T for sub
* 119TAGGCTA for insertion
* TGAGCTA9 for deletion
* Create a parser + print/show for edit
* Play around with some NGS results rel. to picked reference.
* Is it easy to construct ref and variants? I.e. is API nice?
* Is it nice and easy to check if a mut is present?
* Implement "reference switching".
* Add tests
using BioAlignments
using BioSequences
using SequenceVariation
using Test
const DNA_MODEL = BioAlignments.AffineGapScoreModel(EDNAFULL, gap_open=-25, gap_extend=-2)
align(a::BioSequence, b::BioSequence) = pairalign(GlobalAlignment(), a, b, DNA_MODEL).aln
seq1 = ungap!(dna"--ATGCGTGTTAGCAAC--TTATCGCG")
var = Variant(align(seq1, seq2))
@testset "VariantRoundtrip" begin
for v in variations(var)
@test v in var
@test v in Variant(seq2, [v])
@testset "VariationPosition" begin
refseq = dna"ACAACTTTATCT"
mutseq = dna"ACATCTTTATCT"
read01 = AlignedSequence(mutseq[1:10], Alignment("10M", 1, 1))
read02 = AlignedSequence(mutseq[3:12], Alignment("10M", 1, 3))
aln01 = PairwiseAlignment(read01, refseq)
aln02 = PairwiseAlignment(read02, refseq)
@test Variant(aln01).edits == Variant(aln02).edits
@testset "VariationParsing" begin
refseq = dna"ACAACTTTATCT"
sub = Variation(refseq, "A4T")
del = Variation(refseq, "Δ4-5")
ins = Variation(refseq, "4TT")
@test mutation(sub) isa Substitution
@test mutation(del) isa Deletion
@test mutation(ins) isa Insertion
@testset "VariationRetrieval" begin
refseq = dna"ACAACTTTATCT"
mutseq = dna"ACATCTTTATCT"
read = AlignedSequence(mutseq[1:10], Alignment("10M", 1, 1))
aln = PairwiseAlignment(read, refseq)
var = Variant(aln)
sub = Variation(refseq, "A4T")
@test first(variations(var)) == sub
@testset "VariationBases" begin
# Test substition bases
@test refbases(Variation(dna"ATCGA", "C3G")) == dna"C"
@test altbases(Variation(dna"ATCGA", "C3G")) == dna"G"
# Test single deletion bases
@test refbases(Variation(dna"ATCGA", "Δ3-3")) == dna"TC"
@test altbases(Variation(dna"ATCGA", "Δ3-3")) == dna"T"
# Test multiple deletion bases
@test refbases(Variation(dna"ATCGA", "Δ3-4")) == dna"TCG"
@test altbases(Variation(dna"ATCGA", "Δ3-4")) == dna"T"
# Test first position deletion
@test refbases(Variation(dna"ATCGA", "Δ1-1")) == dna"AT"
@test altbases(Variation(dna"ATCGA", "Δ1-1")) == dna"T"
# Test single insertion bases
@test refbases(Variation(dna"ATCGA", "3A")) == dna"C"
@test altbases(Variation(dna"ATCGA", "3A")) == dna"CA"
# Test multiple insertion bases
@test refbases(Variation(dna"ATCGA", "3TAG")) == dna"C"
@test altbases(Variation(dna"ATCGA", "3TAG")) == dna"CTAG"
# Test first position insertion
@test refbases(Variation(dna"ATCGA", "1C")) == dna"A"
@test altbases(Variation(dna"ATCGA", "1C")) == dna"CA"
@testset "SoftclipVariant" begin
refseq = dna"GATTACA"
mutseq = dna"GATTACAAAA"
refvar = Variant(refseq, SequenceVariation.Edit{typeof(refseq), eltype(refseq)}[])
# Test for ending soft clip
@test Variant(PairwiseAlignment(AlignedSequence(mutseq, Alignment("7=3S", 1, 1)), refseq)) == refvar
# Test for ending soft+hard clip
@test Variant(PairwiseAlignment(AlignedSequence(mutseq, Alignment("7=3S2H", 1, 1)), refseq)) == refvar
# Test that ending insertions are still valid
@test length(Variant(PairwiseAlignment(AlignedSequence(mutseq, Alignment("7=3I", 1, 1)), refseq)).edits) == 1