# BAM Record # ========== """ BAM.Record() Create an unfilled BAM record. """ mutable struct Record # fixed-length fields (see BMA specs for the details) block_size::Int32 refid::Int32 pos::Int32 bin_mq_nl::UInt32 flag_nc::UInt32 l_seq::Int32 next_refid::Int32 next_pos::Int32 tlen::Int32 # variable length data data::Vector{UInt8} reader::Reader function Record() return new(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, UInt8[]) end end # the data size of fixed-length fields (block_size-tlen) const FIXED_FIELDS_BYTES = 36 function Record(data::Vector{UInt8}) return convert(Record, data) end function Base.convert(::Type{Record}, data::Vector{UInt8}) length(data) < FIXED_FIELDS_BYTES && throw(ArgumentError("data too short")) record = Record() dst_pointer = Ptr{UInt8}(pointer_from_objref(record)) unsafe_copyto!(dst_pointer, pointer(data), FIXED_FIELDS_BYTES) dsize = data_size(record) resize!(record.data, dsize) length(data) < dsize + FIXED_FIELDS_BYTES && throw(ArgumentError("data too short")) unsafe_copyto!(record.data, 1, data, FIXED_FIELDS_BYTES + 1, dsize) return record end function Base.copy(record::Record) copy = Record() copy.block_size = record.block_size copy.refid = record.refid copy.pos = record.pos copy.bin_mq_nl = record.bin_mq_nl copy.flag_nc = record.flag_nc copy.l_seq = record.l_seq copy.next_refid = record.next_refid copy.next_pos = record.next_pos copy.tlen = record.tlen copy.data = record.data[1:data_size(record)] if isdefined(record, :reader) copy.reader = record.reader end return copy end function Base.show(io::IO, record::Record) print(io, summary(record), ':') if isfilled(record) println(io) println(io, " template name: ", tempname(record)) println(io, " flag: ", flag(record)) println(io, " reference ID: ", refid(record)) println(io, " position: ", position(record)) println(io, " mapping quality: ", mappingquality(record)) println(io, " CIGAR: ", cigar(record)) println(io, " next reference ID: ", nextrefid(record)) println(io, " next position: ", nextposition(record)) println(io, " template length: ", templength(record)) println(io, " sequence: ", sequence(record)) # TODO: pretty print base quality println(io, " base quality: ", quality(record)) print(io, " auxiliary data:") for field in keys(auxdata(record)) print(io, ' ', field, '=', record[field]) end else print(io, " ") end end function Base.read!(reader::Reader, record::Record) return _read!(reader, record) end # Accessor Fuctions # ----------------- """ flag(record::Record)::UInt16 Get the bitwise flag of `record`. """ function flag(record::Record)::UInt16 checkfilled(record) return UInt16(record.flag_nc >> 16) end function hasflag(record::Record) return isfilled(record) end """ ismapped(record::Record)::Bool Test if `record` is mapped. """ function ismapped(record::Record)::Bool return flag(record) & SAM.FLAG_UNMAP == 0 end """ isprimary(record::Record)::Bool Test if `record` is a primary line of the read. This is equivalent to `flag(record) & 0x900 == 0`. """ function isprimary(record::Record)::Bool return flag(record) & 0x900 == 0 end """ ispositivestrand(record::Record)::Bool Test if `record` is aligned to the positive strand. This is equivalent to `flag(record) & 0x10 == 0`. """ function ispositivestrand(record::Record)::Bool flag(record) & 0x10 == 0 end """ refid(record::Record)::Int Get the reference sequence ID of `record`. The ID is 1-based (i.e. the first sequence is 1) and is 0 for a record without a mapping position. See also: `BAM.rname` """ function refid(record::Record)::Int checkfilled(record) return record.refid + 1 end function hasrefid(record::Record) return isfilled(record) end function checked_refid(record::Record) id = refid(record) if id == 0 throw(ArgumentError("record is not mapped")) end if !isdefined(record, :reader) throw(ArgumentError("reader is not defined")) end return id end """ refname(record::Record)::String Get the reference sequence name of `record`. See also: `BAM.refid` """ function refname(record::Record)::String checkfilled(record) id = checked_refid(record) return record.reader.refseqnames[id] end """ reflen(record::Record)::Int Get the length of the reference sequence this record applies to. """ function reflen(record::Record)::Int checkfilled(record) id = checked_refid(record) return record.reader.refseqlens[id] end function hasrefname(record::Record) return hasrefid(record) end """ position(record::Record)::Int Get the 1-based leftmost mapping position of `record`. """ function position(record::Record)::Int checkfilled(record) return record.pos + 1 end function hasposition(record::Record) return isfilled(record) end """ rightposition(record::Record)::Int Get the 1-based rightmost mapping position of `record`. """ function rightposition(record::Record)::Int checkfilled(record) return Int32(position(record) + alignlength(record) - 1) end function hasrightposition(record::Record) return isfilled(record) && ismapped(record) end """ isnextmapped(record::Record)::Bool Test if the mate/next read of `record` is mapped. """ function isnextmapped(record::Record)::Bool return isfilled(record) && (flag(record) & FLAG_MUNMAP == 0) end """ nextrefid(record::Record)::Int Get the next/mate reference sequence ID of `record`. """ function nextrefid(record::Record)::Int checkfilled(record) return record.next_refid + 1 end function hasnextrefid(record::Record) return isfilled(record) end """ nextrefname(record::Record)::String Get the reference name of the mate/next read of `record`. """ function nextrefname(record::Record)::String checkfilled(record) id = nextrefid(record) if id == 0 throw(ArgumentError("next record is not mapped")) elseif !isdefined(record, :reader) throw(ArgumentError("reader is not defined")) end return record.reader.refseqnames[id] end function hasnextrefname(record::Record) return isfilled(record) && isnextmapped(record) end """ nextposition(record::Record)::Int Get the 1-based leftmost mapping position of the next/mate read of `record`. """ function nextposition(record::Record)::Int checkfilled(record) return record.next_pos + 1 end function hasnextposition(record::Record) return isfilled(record) end """ mappingquality(record::Record)::UInt8 Get the mapping quality of `record`. """ function mappingquality(record::Record)::UInt8 return UInt8((record.bin_mq_nl >> 8) & 0xff) end function hasmappingquality(record::Record) return isfilled(record) end """ n_cigar_op(record::Record, checkCG::Bool = true) Return the number of operations in the CIGAR string of `record`. Note that in the BAM specification, the field called `cigar` typically stores the cigar string of the record. However, this is not always true, sometimes the true cigar is very long, and due to some constraints of the BAM format, the actual cigar string is stored in an extra tag: `CG:B,I`, and the `cigar` field stores a pseudo-cigar string. Calling this method with `checkCG` set to `true` (default) this method will always yield the number of operations in the true cigar string, because this is probably what you want, the vast majority of the time. If you have a record that stores the true cigar in a `CG:B,I` tag, but you still want to get the number of operations in the `cigar` field of the BAM record, then set `checkCG` to `false`. """ function n_cigar_op(record::Record, checkCG::Bool = true) return cigar_position(record, checkCG)[2] end """ cigar(record::Record)::String Get the CIGAR string of `record`. Note that in the BAM specification, the field called `cigar` typically stores the cigar string of the record. However, this is not always true, sometimes the true cigar is very long, and due to some constraints of the BAM format, the actual cigar string is stored in an extra tag: `CG:B,I`, and the `cigar` field stores a pseudo-cigar string. Calling this method with `checkCG` set to `true` (default) this method will always yield the true cigar string, because this is probably what you want the vast majority of the time. If you have a record that stores the true cigar in a `CG:B,I` tag, but you still want to access the pseudo-cigar that is stored in the `cigar` field of the BAM record, then you can set checkCG to `false`. See also `BAM.cigar_rle`. """ function cigar(record::Record, checkCG::Bool = true)::String buf = IOBuffer() for (op, len) in zip(cigar_rle(record, checkCG)...) print(buf, len, convert(Char, op)) end return String(take!(buf)) end """ cigar_rle(record::Record, checkCG::Bool = true)::Tuple{Vector{BioAlignments.Operation},Vector{Int}} Get a run-length encoded tuple `(ops, lens)` of the CIGAR string in `record`. Note that in the BAM specification, the field called `cigar` typically stores the cigar string of the record. However, this is not always true, sometimes the true cigar is very long, and due to some constraints of the BAM format, the actual cigar string is stored in an extra tag: `CG:B,I`, and the `cigar` field stores a pseudo-cigar string. Calling this method with `checkCG` set to `true` (default) this method will always yield the true cigar string, because this is probably what you want the vast majority of the time. If you have a record that stores the true cigar in a `CG:B,I` tag, but you still want to access the pseudo-cigar that is stored in the `cigar` field of the BAM record, then you can set checkCG to `false`. See also `BAM.cigar`. """ function cigar_rle(record::Record, checkCG::Bool = true)::Tuple{Vector{BioAlignments.Operation},Vector{Int}} checkfilled(record) idx, nops = cigar_position(record, checkCG) ops, lens = extract_cigar_rle(record.data, idx, nops) return ops, lens end function extract_cigar_rle(data::Vector{UInt8}, offset, n) ops = Vector{BioAlignments.Operation}() lens = Vector{Int}() for i in offset:4:offset + (n - 1) * 4 x = unsafe_load(Ptr{UInt32}(pointer(data, i))) op = BioAlignments.Operation(x & 0x0F) push!(ops, op) push!(lens, x >> 4) end return ops, lens end function cigar_position(record::Record, checkCG::Bool = true)::Tuple{Int, Int} cigaridx, nops = seqname_length(record) + 1, record.flag_nc & 0xFFFF if !checkCG return cigaridx, nops end if nops != 2 return cigaridx, nops end x = unsafe_load(Ptr{UInt32}(pointer(record.data, cigaridx))) if x != UInt32(seqlength(record) << 4 | 4) return cigaridx, nops end start = auxdata_position(record) stop = data_size(record) tagidx = findauxtag(record.data, start, stop, UInt8('C'), UInt8('G')) if tagidx == 0 return cigaridx, nops end # Tag exists, validate type is BI. typ = unsafe_load(Ptr{UInt16}(pointer(record.data, tagidx += 2))) if typ != (UInt16('I') << 8 | UInt16('B')) return cigaridx, nops end # If got this far, the CG tag is valid and contains the cigar. # Get the true n_cigar_ops, and return it and the idx of the first nops = UInt32(unsafe_load(Ptr{Int32}(pointer(record.data, tagidx += 2)))) tagidx += 4 return tagidx, nops end """ alignment(record::Record)::BioAlignments.Alignment Get the alignment of `record`. """ function alignment(record::Record)::BioAlignments.Alignment checkfilled(record) if !ismapped(record) return BioAlignments.Alignment(BioAlignments.AlignmentAnchor[]) end seqpos = 0 refpos = position(record) - 1 anchors = [BioAlignments.AlignmentAnchor(seqpos, refpos, BioAlignments.OP_START)] for (op, len) in zip(cigar_rle(record)...) if BioAlignments.ismatchop(op) seqpos += len refpos += len elseif BioAlignments.isinsertop(op) seqpos += len elseif BioAlignments.isdeleteop(op) refpos += len else error("operation $(op) is not supported") end push!(anchors, BioAlignments.AlignmentAnchor(seqpos, refpos, op)) end return BioAlignments.Alignment(anchors) end function hasalignment(record::Record) return ismapped(record) end """ alignlength(record::Record)::Int Get the alignment length of `record`. """ function alignlength(record::Record)::Int offset = seqname_length(record) length::Int = 0 for i in offset + 1:4:offset + n_cigar_op(record, false) * 4 x = unsafe_load(Ptr{UInt32}(pointer(record.data, i))) op = BioAlignments.Operation(x & 0x0F) if BioAlignments.ismatchop(op) || BioAlignments.isdeleteop(op) length += x >> 4 end end return length end """ tempname(record::Record)::String Get the query template name of `record`. """ function tempname(record::Record)::String checkfilled(record) # drop the last NUL character return unsafe_string(pointer(record.data), max(seqname_length(record) - 1, 0)) end function hastempname(record::Record) return isfilled(record) end """ templength(record::Record)::Int Get the template length of `record`. """ function templength(record::Record)::Int checkfilled(record) return record.tlen end function hastemplength(record::Record) return isfilled(record) end """ sequence(record::Record)::BioSequences.LongDNASeq Get the segment sequence of `record`. """ function sequence(record::Record)::BioSequences.LongDNASeq checkfilled(record) seqlen = seqlength(record) data = Vector{UInt64}(undef, cld(seqlen, 16)) src::Ptr{UInt64} = pointer(record.data, seqname_length(record) + n_cigar_op(record, false) * 4 + 1) for i in 1:lastindex(data) # copy data flipping high and low nybble x = unsafe_load(src, i) data[i] = (x & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f) << 4 | (x & 0xf0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0) >> 4 end return BioSequences.LongDNASeq(data, 1:seqlen, false) end function hassequence(record::Record) return isfilled(record) end """ seqlength(record::Record)::Int Get the sequence length of `record`. """ function seqlength(record::Record)::Int checkfilled(record) return record.l_seq % Int end function hasseqlength(record::Record) return isfilled(record) end """ quality(record::Record)::Vector{UInt8} Get the base quality of `record`. """ function quality(record::Record)::Vector{UInt8} checkfilled(record) seqlen = seqlength(record) offset = seqname_length(record) + n_cigar_op(record, false) * 4 + cld(seqlen, 2) return [reinterpret(Int8, record.data[i+offset]) for i in 1:seqlen] end function hasquality(record::Record) return isfilled(record) end """ auxdata(record::Record)::BAM.AuxData Get the auxiliary data of `record`. """ function auxdata(record::Record) checkfilled(record) return AuxData(record.data[auxdata_position(record):data_size(record)]) end function hasauxdata(record::Record) return isfilled(record) end function Base.getindex(record::Record, tag::AbstractString) checkauxtag(tag) start = auxdata_position(record) stop = data_size(record) return getauxvalue(record.data, start, stop, UInt8(tag[1]), UInt8(tag[2])) end function Base.haskey(record::Record, tag::AbstractString) checkauxtag(tag) start = auxdata_position(record) stop = data_size(record) return findauxtag(record.data, start, stop, UInt8(tag[1]), UInt8(tag[2])) > 0 end function Base.keys(record::Record) return collect(keys(auxdata(record))) end function Base.values(record::Record) return [record[key] for key in keys(record)] end # BioCore Methods # ----------- function BioCore.isfilled(record::Record) return record.block_size != 0 end function BioCore.seqname(record::Record) return tempname(record) end function BioCore.hasseqname(record::Record) return hastempname(record) end function BioCore.sequence(record::Record) return sequence(record) end function BioCore.hassequence(record::Record) return hassequence(record) end function BioCore.leftposition(record::Record) return position(record) end function BioCore.hasleftposition(record::Record) return hasposition(record) end function BioCore.rightposition(record::Record) return rightposition(record) end function BioCore.hasrightposition(record::Record) return hasrightposition(record) end # Helper Functions # ---------------- # Return the size of the `.data` field. function data_size(record::Record) if isfilled(record) return record.block_size - FIXED_FIELDS_BYTES + sizeof(record.block_size) end return 0 end function checkfilled(record::Record) if !isfilled(record) throw(ArgumentError("unfilled BAM record")) end end function auxdata_position(record::Record) seqlen = seqlength(record) return seqname_length(record) + n_cigar_op(record, false) * 4 + cld(seqlen, 2) + seqlen + 1 end # Return the length of the read name. function seqname_length(record::Record) return record.bin_mq_nl & 0xff end