@inline function anchor!(stream::BufferedStreams.BufferedInputStream, p, immobilize = true) stream.anchor = p stream.immobilized = immobilize return stream end @inline function upanchor!(stream::BufferedStreams.BufferedInputStream) @assert stream.anchor != 0 "upanchor! called with no anchor set" anchor = stream.anchor stream.anchor = 0 stream.immobilized = false return anchor end function ensure_margin!(stream::BufferedStreams.BufferedInputStream) if stream.position * 20 > length(stream.buffer) * 19 BufferedStreams.shiftdata!(stream) end return nothing end @inline function resize_and_copy!(dst::Vector{UInt8}, src::Vector{UInt8}, r::UnitRange{Int}) return resize_and_copy!(dst, 1, src, r) end @inline function resize_and_copy!(dst::Vector{UInt8}, dstart::Int, src::Vector{UInt8}, r::UnitRange{Int}) rlen = length(r) if length(dst) != dstart + rlen - 1 resize!(dst, dstart + rlen - 1) end copyto!(dst, dstart, src, first(r), rlen) return dst end function generate_index_function(record_type, machine, init_code, actions; kwargs...) kwargs = Dict(kwargs) context = Automa.CodeGenContext( generator = get(kwargs, :generator, :goto), checkbounds = get(kwargs, :checkbounds, false), loopunroll = get(kwargs, :loopunroll, 0) ) quote function index!(record::$(record_type)) data = record.data p = 1 p_end = p_eof = sizeof(data) initialize!(record) $(init_code) cs = $(machine.start_state) $(Automa.generate_exec_code(context, machine, actions)) if cs != 0 throw(ArgumentError(string("failed to index ", $(record_type), " ~>", repr(String(data[p:min(p+7,p_end)]))))) end @assert isfilled(record) return record end end end function generate_readheader_function(reader_type, metainfo_type, machine, init_code, actions, finish_code=:()) quote function readheader!(reader::$(reader_type)) _readheader!(reader, reader.state) end function _readheader!(reader::$(reader_type), state::State) stream = state.stream ensure_margin!(stream) cs = state.cs linenum = state.linenum data = stream.buffer p = stream.position p_end = stream.available p_eof = -1 finish_header = false record = $(metainfo_type)() $(init_code) while true $(Automa.generate_exec_code(Automa.CodeGenContext(generator=:table), machine, actions)) state.cs = cs state.finished = cs == 0 state.linenum = linenum stream.position = p if cs < 0 error("$($(reader_type)) file format error on line ", linenum) elseif finish_header $(finish_code) break elseif p > p_eof ≥ 0 error("incomplete $($(reader_type)) input on line ", linenum) else hits_eof = BufferedStreams.fillbuffer!(stream) == 0 p = stream.position p_end = stream.available if hits_eof p_eof = p_end end end end end end end function generate_read_function(reader_type, machine, init_code, actions; kwargs...) kwargs = Dict(kwargs) context = Automa.CodeGenContext( generator=get(kwargs, :generator, :goto), checkbounds=get(kwargs, :checkbounds, false), loopunroll=get(kwargs, :loopunroll, 0) ) quote function Base.read!(reader::$(reader_type), record::eltype($(reader_type)))::eltype($(reader_type)) return _read!(reader, reader.state, record) end function _read!(reader::$(reader_type), state::State, record::eltype($(reader_type))) stream = state.stream ensure_margin!(stream) cs = state.cs linenum = state.linenum data = stream.buffer p = stream.position p_end = stream.available p_eof = -1 found_record = false initialize!(record) $(init_code) if state.finished throw(EOFError()) end while true $(Automa.generate_exec_code(context, machine, actions)) state.cs = cs state.finished |= cs == 0 state.linenum = linenum stream.position = p if cs < 0 error($(reader_type), " file format error on line ", linenum, " ~>", repr(String(data[p:min(p+7,p_end)]))) elseif found_record break elseif cs == 0 throw(EOFError()) elseif p > p_eof ≥ 0 error("incomplete $($(reader_type)) input on line ", linenum) elseif BufferedStreams.available_bytes(stream) < 64 hits_eof = BufferedStreams.fillbuffer!(stream) == 0 p = stream.position p_end = stream.available if hits_eof p_eof = p_end end end end @assert isfilled(record) return record end end end # Automa.jl generated readrecord! and readmetainfo! functions # ======================================== # file = header . body # header = metainfo* # body = record* isinteractive() && info("compiling SAM") const sam_metainfo_machine, sam_record_machine, sam_header_machine, sam_body_machine = (function () cat = Automa.RegExp.cat rep = Automa.RegExp.rep alt = Automa.RegExp.alt opt = Automa.RegExp.opt any = Automa.RegExp.any metainfo = let tag = re"[A-Z][A-Z]" \ cat("CO") tag.actions[:enter] = [:mark1] tag.actions[:exit] = [:metainfo_tag] dict = let key = re"[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]" key.actions[:enter] = [:mark2] key.actions[:exit] = [:metainfo_dict_key] val = re"[ -~]+" val.actions[:enter] = [:mark2] val.actions[:exit] = [:metainfo_dict_val] keyval = cat(key, ':', val) cat(keyval, rep(cat('\t', keyval))) end dict.actions[:enter] = [:mark1] dict.actions[:exit] = [:metainfo_val] co = cat("CO") co.actions[:enter] = [:mark1] co.actions[:exit] = [:metainfo_tag] comment = re"[^\r\n]*" comment.actions[:enter] = [:mark1] comment.actions[:exit] = [:metainfo_val] cat('@', alt(cat(tag, '\t', dict), cat(co, '\t', comment))) end metainfo.actions[:enter] = [:anchor] metainfo.actions[:exit] = [:metainfo] record = let qname = re"[!-?A-~]+" qname.actions[:enter] = [:mark] qname.actions[:exit] = [:record_qname] flag = re"[0-9]+" flag.actions[:enter] = [:mark] flag.actions[:exit] = [:record_flag] rname = re"\*|[!-()+-<>-~][!-~]*" rname.actions[:enter] = [:mark] rname.actions[:exit] = [:record_rname] pos = re"[0-9]+" pos.actions[:enter] = [:mark] pos.actions[:exit] = [:record_pos] mapq = re"[0-9]+" mapq.actions[:enter] = [:mark] mapq.actions[:exit] = [:record_mapq] cigar = re"\*|([0-9]+[MIDNSHPX=])+" cigar.actions[:enter] = [:mark] cigar.actions[:exit] = [:record_cigar] rnext = re"\*|=|[!-()+-<>-~][!-~]*" rnext.actions[:enter] = [:mark] rnext.actions[:exit] = [:record_rnext] pnext = re"[0-9]+" pnext.actions[:enter] = [:mark] pnext.actions[:exit] = [:record_pnext] tlen = re"[-+]?[0-9]+" tlen.actions[:enter] = [:mark] tlen.actions[:exit] = [:record_tlen] seq = re"\*|[A-Za-z=.]+" seq.actions[:enter] = [:mark] seq.actions[:exit] = [:record_seq] qual = re"[!-~]+" qual.actions[:enter] = [:mark] qual.actions[:exit] = [:record_qual] field = let tag = re"[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]" val = alt( re"A:[!-~]", re"i:[-+]?[0-9]+", re"f:[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?", re"Z:[ !-~]*", re"H:([0-9A-F][0-9A-F])*", re"B:[cCsSiIf](,[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)+") cat(tag, ':', val) end field.actions[:enter] = [:mark] field.actions[:exit] = [:record_field] cat( qname, '\t', flag, '\t', rname, '\t', pos, '\t', mapq, '\t', cigar, '\t', rnext, '\t', pnext, '\t', tlen, '\t', seq, '\t', qual, rep(cat('\t', field))) end record.actions[:enter] = [:anchor] record.actions[:exit] = [:record] newline = let lf = re"\n" lf.actions[:enter] = [:countline] cat(re"\r?", lf) end header′ = rep(cat(metainfo, newline)) header′.actions[:exit] = [:header] header = cat(header′, opt(any() \ cat('@'))) # look ahead body = rep(cat(record, newline)) return map(Automa.compile, (metainfo, record, header, body)) end)() const sam_metainfo_actions = Dict( :metainfo_tag => :(record.tag = (mark1:p-1) .- offset), :metainfo_val => :(record.val = (mark1:p-1) .- offset), :metainfo_dict_key => :(push!(record.dictkey, (mark2:p-1) .- offset)), :metainfo_dict_val => :(push!(record.dictval, (mark2:p-1) .- offset)), :metainfo => quote resize_and_copy!(record.data, data, offset+1:p-1) record.filled = (offset+1:p-1) .- offset end, :anchor => :(), :mark1 => :(mark1 = p), :mark2 => :(mark2 = p)) eval( generate_index_function( MetaInfo, sam_metainfo_machine, :(mark1 = mark2 = offset = 0), sam_metainfo_actions)) eval( generate_readheader_function( Reader, MetaInfo, sam_header_machine, :(mark1 = mark2 = offset = 0), merge(sam_metainfo_actions, Dict( :metainfo => quote resize_and_copy!(record.data, data, upanchor!(stream):p-1) record.filled = (offset+1:p-1) .- offset @assert isfilled(record) push!(reader.header.metainfo, record) ensure_margin!(stream) record = MetaInfo() end, :header => :(finish_header = true; @escape), :countline => :(linenum += 1), :anchor => :(anchor!(stream, p); offset = p - 1))), quote if !eof(stream) stream.position -= 1 # cancel look-ahead end end)) const sam_record_actions = Dict( :record_qname => :(record.qname = (mark:p-1) .- offset), :record_flag => :(record.flag = (mark:p-1) .- offset), :record_rname => :(record.rname = (mark:p-1) .- offset), :record_pos => :(record.pos = (mark:p-1) .- offset), :record_mapq => :(record.mapq = (mark:p-1) .- offset), :record_cigar => :(record.cigar = (mark:p-1) .- offset), :record_rnext => :(record.rnext = (mark:p-1) .- offset), :record_pnext => :(record.pnext = (mark:p-1) .- offset), :record_tlen => :(record.tlen = (mark:p-1) .- offset), :record_seq => :(record.seq = (mark:p-1) .- offset), :record_qual => :(record.qual = (mark:p-1) .- offset), :record_field => :(push!(record.fields, (mark:p-1) .- offset)), :record => quote resize_and_copy!(record.data, data, 1:p-1) record.filled = (offset+1:p-1) .- offset end, :anchor => :(), :mark => :(mark = p)) eval( generate_index_function( Record, sam_record_machine, :(mark = offset = 0), sam_record_actions)) eval( generate_read_function( Reader, sam_body_machine, :(mark = offset = 0), merge(sam_record_actions, Dict( :record => quote resize_and_copy!(record.data, data, upanchor!(stream):p-1) record.filled = (offset+1:p-1) .- offset found_record = true @escape end, :countline => :(linenum += 1), :anchor => :(anchor!(stream, p); offset = p - 1)))))