# SAM Record # ========== mutable struct Record # data and filled range data::Vector{UInt8} filled::UnitRange{Int} # indexes qname::UnitRange{Int} flag::UnitRange{Int} rname::UnitRange{Int} pos::UnitRange{Int} mapq::UnitRange{Int} cigar::UnitRange{Int} rnext::UnitRange{Int} pnext::UnitRange{Int} tlen::UnitRange{Int} seq::UnitRange{Int} qual::UnitRange{Int} fields::Vector{UnitRange{Int}} end """ SAM.Record() Create an unfilled SAM record. """ function Record() return Record( UInt8[], 1:0, # qname-mapq 1:0, 1:0, 1:0, 1:0, 1:0, # cigar-seq 1:0, 1:0, 1:0, 1:0, 1:0, # qual and fields 1:0, UnitRange{Int}[]) end """ SAM.Record(data::Vector{UInt8}) Create a SAM record from `data`. This function verifies the format and indexes fields for accessors. Note that the ownership of `data` is transferred to a new record object. """ function Record(data::Vector{UInt8}) return convert(Record, data) end function Base.convert(::Type{Record}, data::Vector{UInt8}) record = Record( data, 1:0, # qname-mapq 1:0, 1:0, 1:0, 1:0, 1:0, # cigar-seq 1:0, 1:0, 1:0, 1:0, 1:0, # qual and fields 1:0, UnitRange{Int}[]) index!(record) return record end """ SAM.Record(str::AbstractString) Create a SAM record from `str`. This function verifies the format and indexes fields for accessors. """ function Record(str::AbstractString) return convert(Record, str) end function Base.convert(::Type{Record}, str::AbstractString) return Record(Vector{UInt8}(str)) end function Base.show(io::IO, record::Record) print(io, summary(record), ':') if isfilled(record) println(io) println(io, " template name: ", hastempname(record) ? tempname(record) : "") println(io, " flag: ", hasflag(record) ? flag(record) : "") println(io, " reference: ", hasrefname(record) ? refname(record) : "") println(io, " position: ", hasposition(record) ? position(record) : "") println(io, " mapping quality: ", hasmappingquality(record) ? mappingquality(record) : "") println(io, " CIGAR: ", hascigar(record) ? cigar(record) : "") println(io, " next reference: ", hasnextrefname(record) ? nextrefname(record) : "") println(io, " next position: ", hasnextposition(record) ? nextposition(record) : "") println(io, " template length: ", hastemplength(record) ? templength(record) : "") println(io, " sequence: ", hassequence(record) ? sequence(String, record) : "") println(io, " base quality: ", hasquality(record) ? quality(String, record) : "") print(io, " auxiliary data:") for field in record.fields print(io, ' ', String(record.data[field])) end else print(io, " ") end end function Base.print(io::IO, record::Record) write(io, record) return nothing end function Base.write(io::IO, record::Record) checkfilled(record) return unsafe_write(io, pointer(record.data, first(record.filled)), length(record.filled)) end function Base.copy(record::Record) return Record( copy(record.data), record.filled, record.qname, record.flag, record.rname, record.pos, record.mapq, record.cigar, record.rnext, record.pnext, record.tlen, record.seq, record.qual, copy(record.fields)) end # Accessor Functions # ------------------ """ flag(record::Record)::UInt16 Get the bitwise flag of `record`. """ function flag(record::Record)::UInt16 checkfilled(record) return unsafe_parse_decimal(UInt16, record.data, record.flag) end function hasflag(record::Record) return isfilled(record) end """ ismapped(record::Record)::Bool Test if `record` is mapped. """ function ismapped(record::Record)::Bool return isfilled(record) && (flag(record) & FLAG_UNMAP == 0) end """ isprimary(record::Record)::Bool Test if `record` is a primary line of the read. This is equivalent to `flag(record) & 0x900 == 0`. """ function isprimary(record::Record)::Bool return flag(record) & 0x900 == 0 end """ refname(record::Record)::String Get the reference sequence name of `record`. """ function refname(record::Record) checkfilled(record) if ismissing(record, record.rname) missingerror(:refname) end return String(record.data[record.rname]) end function hasrefname(record::Record) return isfilled(record) && !ismissing(record, record.rname) end """ position(record::Record)::Int Get the 1-based leftmost mapping position of `record`. """ function position(record::Record)::Int checkfilled(record) pos = unsafe_parse_decimal(Int, record.data, record.pos) if pos == 0 missingerror(:position) end return pos end function hasposition(record::Record) return isfilled(record) && (length(record.pos) != 1 || record.data[first(record.pos)] != UInt8('0')) end """ rightposition(record::Record)::Int Get the 1-based rightmost mapping position of `record`. """ function rightposition(record::Record) return position(record) + alignlength(record) - 1 end function hasrightposition(record::Record) return hasposition(record) && hasalignment(record) end """ isnextmapped(record::Record)::Bool Test if the mate/next read of `record` is mapped. """ function isnextmapped(record::Record)::Bool return isfilled(record) && (flag(record) & FLAG_MUNMAP == 0) end """ nextrefname(record::Record)::String Get the reference name of the mate/next read of `record`. """ function nextrefname(record::Record)::String checkfilled(record) if ismissing(record, record.rnext) missingerror(:nextrefname) end return String(record.data[record.rnext]) end function hasnextrefname(record::Record) return isfilled(record) && !ismissing(record, record.rnext) end """ nextposition(record::Record)::Int Get the position of the mate/next read of `record`. """ function nextposition(record::Record)::Int checkfilled(record) pos = unsafe_parse_decimal(Int, record.data, record.pnext) if pos == 0 missingerror(:nextposition) end return pos end function hasnextposition(record::Record) return isfilled(record) && (length(record.pnext) != 1 || record.data[first(record.pnext)] != UInt8('0')) end """ mappingquality(record::Record)::UInt8 Get the mapping quality of `record`. """ function mappingquality(record::Record)::UInt8 checkfilled(record) qual = unsafe_parse_decimal(UInt8, record.data, record.mapq) if qual == 0xff missingerror(:mappingquality) end return qual end function hasmappingquality(record::Record) return isfilled(record) && unsafe_parse_decimal(UInt8, record.data, record.mapq) != 0xff end """ cigar(record::Record)::String Get the CIGAR string of `record`. """ function cigar(record::Record)::String checkfilled(record) if ismissing(record, record.cigar) missingerror(:cigar) end return String(record.data[record.cigar]) end function hascigar(record::Record) return isfilled(record) && !ismissing(record, record.cigar) end """ alignment(record::Record)::BioAlignments.Alignment Get the alignment of `record`. """ function alignment(record::Record)::BioAlignments.Alignment if ismapped(record) return BioAlignments.Alignment(cigar(record), 1, position(record)) end return BioAlignments.Alignment(BioAlignments.AlignmentAnchor[]) end function hasalignment(record::Record) return isfilled(record) && hascigar(record) end """ alignlength(record::Record)::Int Get the alignment length of `record`. """ function alignlength(record::Record)::Int if length(record.cigar) == 1 && record.data[first(record.cigar)] == UInt8('*') return 0 end ret::Int = 0 len = 0 # operation length for i in record.cigar c = record.data[i] if in(c, UInt8('0'):UInt8('9')) len = len * 10 + (c - UInt8('0')) continue end op = convert(BioAlignments.Operation, Char(c)) if BioAlignments.ismatchop(op) || BioAlignments.isdeleteop(op) #Note: reference consuming ops ('M', 'D', 'N', '=', 'X'). ret += len end len = 0 end return ret end """ tempname(record::Record)::String Get the query template name of `record`. """ function tempname(record::Record)::String checkfilled(record) if ismissing(record, record.qname) missingerror(:tempname) end return String(record.data[record.qname]) end function hastempname(record::Record) return isfilled(record) && !ismissing(record, record.qname) end """ templength(record::Record)::Int Get the template length of `record`. """ function templength(record::Record)::Int checkfilled(record) len = unsafe_parse_decimal(Int, record.data, record.tlen) if len == 0 missingerror(:tlen) end return len end function hastemplength(record::Record) return isfilled(record) && (length(record.tlen) != 1 || record.data[first(record.tlen)] != UInt8('0')) end """ sequence(record::Record)::BioSequences.LongDNASeq Get the segment sequence of `record`. """ function sequence(record::Record)::BioSequences.LongDNASeq checkfilled(record) if ismissing(record, record.seq) missingerror(:sequence) end seqlen = length(record.seq) ret = BioSequences.LongDNASeq(seqlen) BioSequences.encode_copy!(ret, 1, record.data, first(record.seq), seqlen) return ret end function hassequence(record::Record) return isfilled(record) && !ismissing(record, record.seq) end """ sequence(::Type{String}, record::Record)::String Get the segment sequence of `record` as `String`. """ function sequence(::Type{String}, record::Record)::String checkfilled(record) return String(record.data[record.seq]) end """ seqlength(record::Record)::Int Get the sequence length of `record`. """ function seqlength(record::Record)::Int checkfilled(record) if ismissing(record, record.seq) missingerror(:seq) end return length(record.seq) end function hasseqlength(record::Record) return isfilled(record) && !ismissing(record, record.seq) end """ quality(record::Record)::Vector{UInt8} Get the Phred-scaled base quality of `record`. """ function quality(record::Record)::Vector{UInt8} checkfilled(record) if ismissing(record, record.qual) missingerror(:quality) end qual = record.data[record.qual] for i in 1:lastindex(qual) @inbounds qual[i] -= 33 end return qual end function hasquality(record::Record) return isfilled(record) && !ismissing(record, record.qual) end """ quality(::Type{String}, record::Record)::String Get the ASCII-encoded base quality of `record`. """ function quality(::Type{String}, record::Record)::String checkfilled(record) return String(record.data[record.qual]) end """ auxdata(record::Record)::Dict{String,Any} Get the auxiliary data (optional fields) of `record`. """ function auxdata(record::Record)::Dict{String,Any} checkfilled(record) return Dict(k => record[k] for k in keys(record)) end function Base.haskey(record::Record, tag::AbstractString) return findauxtag(record, tag) > 0 end function Base.getindex(record::Record, tag::AbstractString) i = findauxtag(record, tag) if i == 0 throw(KeyError(tag)) end field = record.fields[i] # data type typ = record.data[first(field)+3] lo = first(field) + 5 if i == lastindex(record.fields) hi = last(field) else hi = first(record.fields[i+1]) - 2 end if typ == UInt8('A') @assert lo == hi return Char(record.data[lo]) end if typ == UInt8('i') return unsafe_parse_decimal(Int, record.data, lo:hi) end if typ == UInt8('f') # TODO: Call a C function directly for speed? return parse(Float32, SubString(record.data[lo:hi])) end if typ == UInt8('Z') return String(record.data[lo:hi]) end if typ == UInt8('H') return parse_hexarray(record.data, lo:hi) end if typ == UInt8('B') return parse_typedarray(record.data, lo:hi) end throw(ArgumentError("type code '$(Char(typ))' is not defined")) end function Base.keys(record::Record) checkfilled(record) return [String(record.data[first(f):first(f)+1]) for f in record.fields] end function Base.values(record::Record) return [record[k] for k in keys(record)] end # Bio Methods # ----------- function BioCore.isfilled(record::Record) return !isempty(record.filled) end function BioCore.seqname(record::Record) return tempname(record) end function BioCore.hasseqname(record::Record) return hastempname(record) end function BioCore.sequence(record::Record) return sequence(record) end function BioCore.hassequence(record::Record) return hassequence(record) end function BioCore.rightposition(record::Record) return rightposition(record) end function BioCore.hasrightposition(record::Record) return hasrightposition(record) end function BioCore.leftposition(record::Record) return position(record) end function BioCore.hasleftposition(record::Record) return hasposition(record) end # Helper Functions # ---------------- function initialize!(record::Record) record.filled = 1:0 record.qname = 1:0 record.flag = 1:0 record.rname = 1:0 record.pos = 1:0 record.mapq = 1:0 record.cigar = 1:0 record.rnext = 1:0 record.pnext = 1:0 record.tlen = 1:0 record.seq = 1:0 record.qual = 1:0 empty!(record.fields) return record end function checkfilled(record::Record) if !isfilled(record) throw(ArgumentError("unfilled SAM record")) end end function findauxtag(record::Record, tag::AbstractString) checkfilled(record) if sizeof(tag) != 2 return 0 end t1, t2 = UInt8(tag[1]), UInt8(tag[2]) for (i, field) in enumerate(record.fields) p = first(field) if record.data[p] == t1 && record.data[p+1] == t2 return i end end return 0 end function parse_hexarray(data::Vector{UInt8}, range::UnitRange{Int}) @assert iseven(length(range)) ret = Vector{UInt8}(length(range) >> 1) byte2hex(b) = b ∈ 0x30:0x39 ? (b - 0x30) : b ∈ 0x41:0x46 ? (b - 0x41 + 0x0A) : error("not in [0-9A-F]") j = 1 for i in first(range):2:last(range)-1 ret[j] = (byte2hex(data[range[i]]) << 4) | byte2hex(data[range[i+1]]) j += 1 end return ret end function parse_typedarray(data::Vector{UInt8}, range::UnitRange{Int}) # format: [cCsSiIf](,[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)+ t = data[first(range)] xs = split(String(data[first(range)+2:last(range)])) if t == UInt8('c') return [parse(Int8, x) for x in xs] end if t == UInt8('C') return [parse(UInt8, x) for x in xs] end if t == UInt8('s') return [parse(Int16, x) for x in xs] end if t == UInt8('S') return [parse(UInt16, x) for x in xs] end if t == UInt8('i') return [parse(Int32, x) for x in xs] end if t == UInt8('I') return [parse(UInt32, x) for x in xs] end if t == UInt8('f') return [parse(Float32, x) for x in xs] end throw(ArgumentError("type code '$(Char(t))' is not defined")) end function ismissing(record::Record, range::UnitRange{Int}) return length(range) == 1 && record.data[first(range)] == UInt8('*') end