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# SAM Flags
# =========
# Bitwise flags (or FLAG).
for (name, bits, doc) in [
(:PAIRED, UInt16(0x001), "the read is paired in sequencing, no matter whether it is mapped in a pair"),
(:PROPER_PAIR, UInt16(0x002), "the read is mapped in a proper pair" ),
(:UNMAP, UInt16(0x004), "the read itself is unmapped; conflictive with SAM.FLAG_PROPER_PAIR" ),
(:MUNMAP, UInt16(0x008), "the mate is unmapped" ),
(:REVERSE, UInt16(0x010), "the read is mapped to the reverse strand" ),
(:MREVERSE, UInt16(0x020), "the mate is mapped to the reverse strand" ),
(:READ1, UInt16(0x040), "this is read1" ),
(:READ2, UInt16(0x080), "this is read2" ),
(:SECONDARY, UInt16(0x100), "not primary alignment" ),
(:QCFAIL, UInt16(0x200), "QC failure" ),
(:DUP, UInt16(0x400), "optical or PCR duplicate" ),
(:SUPPLEMENTARY, UInt16(0x800), "supplementary alignment" ),]
@assert bits isa UInt16 "The bits must be of type UInt16."
sym = Symbol("FLAG_", name)
docstring = """ $sym
SAM/BAM flag: $doc
See also: [`flag`](@ref)
@eval begin
@doc $(docstring) const $(sym) = $(bits)