#!/usr/bin/env julia using CSV using DataFrames # Import data survey_data = DataFrame(CSV.File("data.tsv"; delim='\t', normalizenames=true)) deleteat!(survey_data, 2) # Set descriptions of each column based on the actual question asked for (i, col) in enumerate(eachcol(survey_data)) colmetadata!(survey_data, i, "description", first(col)) end #for # Remove the messy JSON encoding # TODO: For later graphs, move this step _before_ the import so that DataFrames can properly # infer types # deleteat!(survey_data, [1,2]) # Compile comments from all requested questions questions = [:Q8, :Q16, :Q29, :Q30] for q in questions open("$q.md", "w") do f write(f, "# Antimicrobial usage survey open-ended question: $q\n\n") for (i, a) in enumerate(skipmissing(survey_data[!, q])) if i == 1 write(f, "**$a**\n\n") else write(f, "$a\n\n") end #if end #for end #do run(`pandoc $q.md -o $q.docx`) end #for