Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/MillironX/beefblup.git synced 2025-01-08 14:42:09 -05:00

Complete port of beefblup to Julia

This commit is contained in:
Thomas A. Christensen II 2020-02-03 18:11:55 -08:00
parent 44ec5ae1da
commit fc771d338a
Signed by: millironx
GPG key ID: 139C07724802BC5D
5 changed files with 194 additions and 202 deletions

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
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Excel/van der Werf2.xlsx Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
# Import the required packages # Import the required packages
using XLSX using XLSX
using LinearAlgebra
using Dates
using Gtk
# Display stuff # Display stuff
println("beefblup v") println("beefblup v")
@ -16,19 +19,23 @@ print("\n")
### Prompt User ### Prompt User
# Ask for an input spreadsheet # Ask for an input spreadsheet
# print("Enter the full filename of a beefblup worksheet> ") path = open_dialog_native(
# path = readline(stdin) "Select a beefblup worksheet",
path = "C:\\Users\\cclea\\source\\repos\\beefblup\\Excel\\Master BLUP Worksheet.xlsx" GtkNullContainer(),
("*.xlsx", GtkFileFilter("*.xlsx", name="beefblup worksheet"))
# Ask for an output text filename # Ask for an output text filename
# print("Enter the full filename of your desired results> ") savepath = save_dialog_native(
# savepath = readline(stdin) "Save your beefblup results",
savepath = "C:\\Users\\cclea\\source\\repos\\beefblup\\results.txt" GtkNullContainer(),
(GtkFileFilter("*.txt", name="Results file"),
# Ask for heritability # Ask for heritability
# print("What is the heritability for this trait?> ") print("What is the heritability for this trait?> ")
# h2 = parse(Float64, readline(stdin)) h2 = parse(Float64, readline(stdin))
h2 = 0.4
### Import input filename ### Import input filename
print("[🐮]: Importing Excel file...") print("[🐮]: Importing Excel file...")
@ -49,9 +56,9 @@ data = data[2:end,:]
data = sortslices(data, dims=1, lt=(x,y)->isless(x[2],y[2])) data = sortslices(data, dims=1, lt=(x,y)->isless(x[2],y[2]))
# Define fields to hold id values for animals and their parents # Define fields to hold id values for animals and their parents
ids = data[:,1] ids = string.(data[:,1])
damids = data[:,3] damids = string.(data[:,3])
sireids = data[:,4] sireids = string.(data[:,4])
numanimals = length(ids) numanimals = length(ids)
# Find the index values for animals and their parents # Find the index values for animals and their parents
@ -98,23 +105,183 @@ normal = Array{String}(undef,1,length(headers)-5)
for i in 6:length(headers) for i in 6:length(headers)
for j in numanimals:-1:1 for j in numanimals:-1:1
if !ismissing(data[j,i]) if !ismissing(data[j,i])
normal[i-5] = data[j,i] normal[i-5] = string(data[j,i])
break break
end end
end end
end end
# Print the results of the "normal" definition print("Done!\n")
println(" ")
println("For the purposes of this analysis, a 'normal' animal will be defined by") ### Create the fixed-effect matrix
println("the following traits:") print("[🐮]: Creating the fixed-effect matrix...")
for i in 6:length(headers)
print(headers[i]) # Form the fixed-effect matrix
print(": ") X = zeros(Int8, numanimals, floor(Int,sum(numgroups))-length(numgroups)+1)
print(normal[i-5]) X[:,1] = ones(Int8, 1, numanimals)
# Create an external counter that will increment through both loops
counter = 2
# Store the traits in a string array
adjustedtraits =
# Iterate through each group
for i in 1:length(normal)
# Find the traits that are present in this trait
localdata = string.(data[:,i+5])
traits = unique(localdata)
# Remove the normal version from the analysis
effecttraits = traits[findall(x -> x != normal[i], traits)]
# Iterate inside of the group
for j in 1:length(effecttraits)
matchedindex = findall(x -> x != effecttraits[j], localdata)
X[matchedindex, counter] .= 1
# Add this trait to the string
adjustedtraits[counter - 1] = traits[j]
# Increment the big counter
global counter = counter + 1
end end
println("If no animal matching this description exists, the results may appear")
println("outlandish, but are still as correct as the accuracy suggests") print("Done!\n")
### Additive relationship matrix
print("[🐮]: Creating additive relationship matrix...")
# Create an empty matrix for the additive relationship matrix
A = zeros(numanimals, numanimals)
# Create the additive relationship matrix by the FORTRAN method presented by
# Henderson
for i in 1:numanimals
if !isnothing(dam[i]) && !isnothing(sire[i])
for j in 1:(i-1)
A[j,i] = 0.5*(A[j,sire[i]] + A[j,dam[i]])
A[i,j] = A[j,i]
A[i,i] = 1 + 0.5*A[sire[i], dam[i]]
elseif !isnothing(dam[i]) && isnothing(sire[i])
for j in 1:(i-1)
A[j,i] = 0.5*A[j,dam[i]]
A[i,j] = A[j,i]
A[i,i] = 1
elseif isnothing(dam[i]) && !isnothing(sire[i])
for j in 1:(i-1)
A[j,i] = 0.5*A[j,sire[i]]
A[i,j] = A[j,i]
A[i,i] = 1
for j in 1:(i-1)
A[j,i] = 0
A[i,j] = 0
A[i,i] = 1
### Perform BLUP
print("[🐮]: Solving the mixed-model equations...")
# Extract the observed data
Y = convert(Array{Float64}, data[:,5])
# The random effects matrix
Z = Matrix{Int}(I, numanimals, numanimals)
# Remove items where there is no data
nullobs = findall(isnothing, Y)
Z[nullobs, nullobs] .= 0
# Calculate heritability
λ = (1-h2)/h2
# Use the mixed-model equations
MME = [X'*X X'*Z; Z'*X (Z'*Z)+(inv(A).*λ)]
MMY = [X'*Y; Z'*Y]
solutions = MME\MMY
# Find the accuracies
diaginv = diag(inv(MME))
reliability = ones(Float64, length(diaginv)) - diaginv.*λ
### Output the results
print("[🐮]: Saving results...")
# Find how many traits we found BLUE for
numgroups = numgroups .- 1
# Start printing results to output
fileID = open(savepath, "w")
write(fileID, "beefblup Results Report\n")
write(fileID, "Produced using beefblup for Julia (")
write(fileID, "https://github.com/millironx/beefblup")
write(fileID, ")\n\n")
write(fileID, "Input:\t")
write(fileID, path)
write(fileID, "\nAnalysis performed:\t")
write(fileID, string(Dates.today()))
write(fileID, "\nTrait examined:\t")
write(fileID, headers[5])
write(fileID, "\n\n")
# Print base population stats
write(fileID, "Base Population:\n")
for i in 1:length(numgroups)
write(fileID, "\t")
write(fileID, headers[i+5])
write(fileID, ":\t")
write(fileID, normal[i])
write(fileID, "\n")
write(fileID, "\tMean ")
write(fileID, headers[5])
write(fileID, ":\t")
write(fileID, string(solutions[1]))
write(fileID, "\n\n")
# Contemporary group adjustments
counter = 2
write(fileID, "Contemporary Group Effects:\n")
for i in 1:length(numgroups)
write(fileID, "\t")
write(fileID, headers[i+5])
write(fileID, "\tEffect\tReliability\n")
for j in 1:numgroups[i]
write(fileID, "\t")
write(fileID, adjustedtraits[counter - 1])
write(fileID, "\t")
write(fileID, string(solutions[counter]))
write(fileID, "\t")
write(fileID, string(reliability[counter]))
write(fileID, "\n")
global counter = counter + 1
write(fileID, "\n")
write(fileID, "\n")
# Expected breeding values
write(fileID, "Expected Breeding Values:\n")
write(fileID, "\tID\tEBV\tReliability\n")
for i in 1:numanimals
write(fileID, "\t")
write(fileID, ids[i])
write(fileID, "\t")
write(fileID, string(solutions[i+counter-1]))
write(fileID, "\t")
write(fileID, string(reliability[i+counter-1]))
write(fileID, "\n")
write(fileID, "\n - END REPORT -")
print("Done!\n") print("Done!\n")

View file

@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ using Pkg
# Install requisite packages # Install requisite packages
Pkg.add("XLSX") Pkg.add("XLSX")