# beefblup # Main script for performing single-variate BLUP to find beef cattle # breeding values # Usage: julia beefblup.jl # (C) 2019 Thomas A. Christensen II # Licensed under BSD-3-Clause License # Import the required packages using XLSX # Display stuff print("beefblup v\n") print("(C) 2019 Thomas A. Christensen II\n") print("https://github.com/millironx/beefblup\n") print("\n") ### Prompt User # Ask for an input spreadsheet print("Enter the full filename of a beefblup worksheet> ") path = readline(stdin) # Ask for an output text filename print("Enter the full filename of your desired results> ") savepath = readline(stdin) # Ask for heritability print("What is the heritability for this trait?> ") h2 = parse(Float64, readline(stdin))