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% beefblup
% Main script for performing single-variate BLUP to find beef cattle
% breeding values
% Usage: beefblup
% (C) 2018 Thomas A. Christensen II
% Licensed under BSD-3-Clause License
% Prepare the workspace for computation
close all
% Import data from a suitable spreadsheet
[name, path] = uigetfile('*.xlsx','Select a beefblup worksheet');
fullname = [path name];
clear name path
[~, ~, data] = xlsread(fullname);
% Extract the headers into a separate array
headers = data(1,:);
data(1,:) = [];
% Convert the string dates to numbers
data(:,2) = num2cell(datenum(data(:,2)));
% Sort the array by date
data = sortrows(data,2);
% Create a lookup lambda function to find the animal represented by a
% certain id
ids = data(:,1);
animalrow = @(id) find(ids == id);
numanimals = length(ids);
% Store column numbers that need to be deleted
colstodelete = 6;
% Coerce each group to string format
for i = 7:length(headers)
data(:,i) = cellfun(@num2str, data(:,i), 'UniformOutput', false);
% Find any columns that need to be deleted
for i = 7:length(headers)
if length(unique(data(:,i))) <= 1
colname = headers{i};
disp(['Column "' colname '" does not have any unique animals and will be removed from this analysis.']);
colstodelete = [colstodelete i];