# cowsay-cows cowfiles in the original spirit of cowsay, except that all of these are actually bovine ## Examples ### bell ```plaintext _______________________________________ / The hills are alive with the sound of \ \ moo-sic / --------------------------------------- \ ^__^ \ (oo) /(__)\ / \ | | | | / \ /__________\ \\ (_) Cow Bell ``` ### birdstale ```plaintext _______________________________________ / Grandpa said there was a moral there, \ | but you had to figure it out for | \ yourself / --------------------------------------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\___________* (__)\ ) ||----w | >o_ || || /****\ ``` ### bull ```plaintext ______________________ < Actually, I'm a bull > ---------------------- \ (__) \ |oo|\_______ (__)\ )\ ||---,- | * || || ``` ### compucow ```plaintext _______________________________________ / The programmers number one excuse for \ \ slacking off: cow-pie-ling / --------------------------------------- \ \ ^__^ / oo ______ | /\_| | \ | |___ | | | ---@ |_______| * | | ---- | | \ | |_____ \|________| CompuCow ``` ### cownterfeit ```plaintext ________________________________________ / The love of moo-lah is the root of all \ \ evil / ---------------------------------------- \ \ ____________________________________________________________________ | ________________________________________________________ | | 10 ) T H E U N I T E D S T A T E S O F A M E R I C A ( 10 | | / ........... ____ \ | | | / \ A10806726C | | | | 1 (A) | (__) | ___ __ __ 1 | | | | | (oo) | | |_ |\ | | | | | A10806726C | (__) | | |__ | \| | | | | 1 .......... \// /\/ ........... 1 | | | \ ......... _______________ ........ / | | 10 )___________________/ TEN DOLLARS \____________________( 10 | |____________________________________________________________________| Cownterfeit ``` ### cowpooling ```plaintext _______________________________________ / Maybe Al Gore will forgive us for all \ \ those methane emissions this way / --------------------------------------- \ \ ___________________________ | (__) (__) (__) (__) | | ( oo ( oo ( oo ( oo | _______| /\_| /\_| /\_| /\_| |________ | | | _____ _____ | |___| |________________________| |____| |___| |___| ``` ### cowstruction ```plaintext _________________________________ < My favorite part is bull-dozing > --------------------------------- \ o==+-- \ | |\ \ \ | | \ \ ____________________ | \ \ \ | | | \ \ \ | +------------+ | | \ \ \ | | ^__^ | | | \ \ \| | (oo) | | | \ \ | | o\ (__) | | | \ \| | | \/ \ | | /---\ \ | +------------+ | / \ \| | | | | | \ / | | \---/ | | | | -------------------------- ( ) -------------------------- Cow-struction worker ``` ### longhorn ```plaintext _______________________________________ / I've been sent to spread the message: \ \ God bless Texas! / --------------------------------------- \ \ \ / \ \________/ \ |oo|\_________ (__)\ )\ ||----,- | * || || Texas Longhorn Steer ``` ### papal ```plaintext ________________________ < I forgive you, my calf > ------------------------ \ _ \ / \ \ | + | \ |___| \ |o o|\_________ (___)\ ^ )\ | | | ||----,- | * || || Papal Bull ``` ### pie ```plaintext ___________________________________ < Nobody makes them like Aunt Aggie > ----------------------------------- \ \ (__) ______(oo)_____ ( _)_______(__) ) \ __________/ Cow Pie ``` ### resting ```plaintext ______________________________________ ( Insert deep thoughts and ruminations ) ( here ) -------------------------------------- o ^__^ o (oo) /-------(__) / \ | \__ * /__-------__| ~ ~ Cow resting ``` ### super ```plaintext ________________________________________ / If Impossible is as good as beef, then \ \ Bizarro is as good as me / ---------------------------------------- \ \ ^__^ /^^^^^^^^/ \ (oo) //^^^^^^^^/ (__)\/_______/-----* ^______/ ___ \_______^ ^_____/\ \S/ /--------^ \______/ It's a bird... It's a plane... ```