We have a Slack channel dedicated to UPPMAX users on the nf-core Slack: [https://nfcore.slack.com/channels/uppmax](https://nfcore.slack.com/channels/uppmax)
To use, run the pipeline with `-profile uppmax` (one hyphen).
This will download and launch the [`uppmax.config`](../conf/uppmax.config) which has been pre-configured with a setup suitable for the UPPMAX servers.
Using this profile, a docker image containing all of the required software will be downloaded, and converted to a Singularity image before execution of the pipeline.
A local copy of the iGenomes resource has been made available on all UPPMAX clusters so you should be able to run the pipeline against any reference available in the `igenomes.config`.
You can do this by simply using the `--genome <GENOME_ID>` parameter.
This raises the ceiling of available memory from the default of `128.GB` to `256.GB`.
Rackham has nodes with 128GB, 256GB and 1TB memory available.
Note that each job will still start with the same request as normal, but restarted attempts with larger requests will be able to request greater amounts of memory.
All jobs will be submitted to fat nodes using this method, so it's only for use in extreme circumstances.
Applied after main UPPMAX config, it overwrites certain parts of the config and submits jobs to the `devcore` queue, which has much faster queue times.
All jobs are limited to 1 hour to be eligible for this queue and only one job allowed at a time.
For security reasons, there is no internet access on Bianca so you can't download from or upload files to the cluster directly. Before running a nf-core pipeline on bianca you will first have to download the pipeline and singularity images needed elsewhere and transfer them via the wharf area to your bianca project.
You can follow the guide for downloading pipelines [for offline use](https://nf-co.re/tools#downloading-pipelines-for-offline-use). Note that you will have to download the singularity images as well.
After transffering the pipeline and the singularity images to your project. Before running the pipeline you will have to indicate to nextflow where the singularity images are located by setting `NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR` :