# nf-core/configs: University of Ghent High Performance Computing Infrastructure (VSC)
> **NB:** You will need an [account](https://www.ugent.be/hpc/en/access/faq/access) to use the HPC cluster to run the pipeline.
First you should go to the cluster you want to run the pipeline on. You can check what clusters have the most free space on this [link](https://shieldon.ugent.be:8083/pbsmon-web-users/). Use the following commands to easily switch between clusters:
nextflow run <pipeline> -profile vsc_ugent,<CLUSTER><Addyourotherparameters>
All of the intermediate files required to run the pipeline will be stored in the `work/` directory. It is recommended to delete this directory after the pipeline has finished successfully because it can get quite large, and all of the main output files will be saved in the `results/` directory anyway.
The config contains a `cleanup` command that removes the `work/` directory automatically once the pipeline has completed successfully. If the run does not complete successfully then the `work/` dir should be removed manually to save storage space. The default work directory is set to `$VSC_SCRATCH_VO_USER/work` per this configuration
You can also add several TORQUE options to the PBS script. More about this on this [link](http://hpcugent.github.io/vsc_user_docs/pdf/intro-HPC-linux-gent.pdf#appendix.B).