@ -19,57 +19,60 @@ process {
cpus = { check_max( 1, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 1, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 1.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 1.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { task.attempt == 3 ? 1440.h : task.attempt == 2 ? 48.h : 2.h }
time = '365.d'
cpus = { check_max( 1, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 1, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 4.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 4.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { task.attempt == 3 ? 1440.h : task.attempt == 2 ? 48.h : 2.h }
time = '365.d'
cpus = { check_max( 1, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 1, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 8.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 8.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { task.attempt == 3 ? 1440.h : task.attempt == 2 ? 48.h : 2.h }
time = '365.d'
cpus = { check_max( 2, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 2, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 4.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 4.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { task.attempt == 3 ? 1440.h : task.attempt == 2 ? 48.h : 2.h }
time = '365.d'
withLabel:'mc_medium' {
withLabel:'mc_medium' {
cpus = { check_max( 4, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 4, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 8.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 8.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { task.attempt == 3 ? 1440.h : task.attempt == 2 ? 48.h : 2.h }
time = '365.d'
cpus = { check_max( 8, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 8, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 16.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 16.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { task.attempt == 3 ? 1440.h : task.attempt == 2 ? 48.h : 2.h }
time = '365.d'
cpus = { check_max( 32, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 32, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 256.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 256.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { task.attempt == 3 ? 1440.h : task.attempt == 2 ? 48.h : 2.h }
time = '365.d'
// Fixes for SGE and Java incompatibility due to Java using more memory than you tell it to use
// Fixes for SGE and Java incompatibility due to Java using more memory than you tell it to use
withName: makeSeqDict {
withName: makeSeqDict {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: fastqc {
withName: fastqc {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: adapter_removal {
withName: adapter_removal {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: samtools_flagstat {
withName: samtools_flagstat {
@ -82,10 +85,13 @@ process {
withName: dedup {
withName: dedup {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: markduplicates {
withName: markduplicates {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
memory = { check_max( 20.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: library_merge {
withName: library_merge {
@ -113,34 +119,43 @@ process {
withName: maltextract {
withName: maltextract {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: multivcfanalyzer {
withName: multivcfanalyzer {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: mtnucratio {
withName: mtnucratio {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: vcf2genome {
withName: vcf2genome {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: qualimap {
withName: qualimap {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : task.exitStatus in [255] ? 'ignore' : 'finish' }
withName: damageprofiler {
withName: damageprofiler {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
memory = { check_max( 8.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: circularmapper {
withName: circularmapper {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: circulargenerator {
withName: circulargenerator {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: preseq {
withName: preseq {
@ -150,6 +165,7 @@ process {
withName: genotyping_ug {
withName: genotyping_ug {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
@ -180,57 +196,53 @@ profiles {
cpus = { check_max( 1, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 1, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 1.5.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 1.5.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { task.attempt == 3 ? 1440.h : task.attempt == 2 ? 48.h : 2.h }
cpus = { check_max( 1, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 1, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 6.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 6.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { task.attempt == 3 ? 1440.h : task.attempt == 2 ? 48.h : 2.h }
cpus = { check_max( 1, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 1, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 12.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 12.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { task.attempt == 3 ? 1440.h : task.attempt == 2 ? 48.h : 2.h }
cpus = { check_max( 2, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 2, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 6.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 6.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { task.attempt == 3 ? 1440.h : task.attempt == 2 ? 48.h : 2.h }
withLabel:'mc_medium' {
withLabel:'mc_medium' {
cpus = { check_max( 4, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 4, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 12.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 12.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { task.attempt == 3 ? 1440.h : task.attempt == 2 ? 48.h : 2.h }
cpus = { check_max( 8, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 8, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 24.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 24.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { task.attempt == 3 ? 1440.h : task.attempt == 2 ? 48.h : 2.h }
cpus = { check_max( 32, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 32, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 256.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 256.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { task.attempt == 3 ? 1440.h : task.attempt == 2 ? 48.h : 2.h }
// Fixes for SGE and Java incompatibility due to (and also some samtools?!) using more memory than you tell it to use
// Fixes for SGE and Java incompatibility due to (and also some samtools?!) using more memory than you tell it to use
withName: makeSeqDict {
withName: makeSeqDict {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: fastqc {
withName: fastqc {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: adapter_removal {
withName: adapter_removal {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: samtools_flagstat {
withName: samtools_flagstat {
@ -243,10 +255,13 @@ profiles {
withName: dedup {
withName: dedup {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: markduplicates {
withName: markduplicates {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
memory = { check_max( 32.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: library_merge {
withName: library_merge {
@ -270,47 +285,57 @@ profiles {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=1000G,virtual_free=1000G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=1000G,virtual_free=1000G" }
cpus = { check_max( 32, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 32, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 955.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 955.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName:hostremoval_input_fastq {
withName:hostremoval_input_fastq {
memory = { check_max( 32.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 32.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = 1440.h
withName: maltextract {
withName: maltextract {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: multivcfanalyzer {
withName: multivcfanalyzer {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: mtnucratio {
withName: mtnucratio {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: vcf2genome {
withName: vcf2genome {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: qualimap {
withName: qualimap {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : task.exitStatus in [255] ? 'ignore' : 'finish' }
withName: damageprofiler {
withName: damageprofiler {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
memory = { check_max( 16.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: circularmapper {
withName: circularmapper {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: circulargenerator {
withName: circulargenerator {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: genotyping_ug {
withName: genotyping_ug {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 3)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: preseq {
withName: preseq {
@ -345,57 +370,53 @@ profiles {
cpus = { check_max( 1, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 1, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 2.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 2.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { task.attempt == 3 ? 1440.h : task.attempt == 2 ? 48.h : 2.h }
cpus = { check_max( 1, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 1, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 8.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 8.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { task.attempt == 3 ? 1440.h : task.attempt == 2 ? 48.h : 2.h }
cpus = { check_max( 1, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 1, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 16.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 16.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { task.attempt == 3 ? 1440.h : task.attempt == 2 ? 48.h : 2.h }
cpus = { check_max( 2, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 2, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 8.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 8.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { task.attempt == 3 ? 1440.h : task.attempt == 2 ? 48.h : 2.h }
withLabel:'mc_medium' {
withLabel:'mc_medium' {
cpus = { check_max( 4, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 4, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 16.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 16.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { task.attempt == 3 ? 1440.h : task.attempt == 2 ? 48.h : 2.h }
cpus = { check_max( 8, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 8, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 32.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 32.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { task.attempt == 3 ? 1440.h : task.attempt == 2 ? 48.h : 2.h }
cpus = { check_max( 32, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 32, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 512.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 512.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { task.attempt == 3 ? 1440.h : task.attempt == 2 ? 48.h : 2.h }
// Fixes for SGE and Java incompatibility due to Java using more memory than you tell it to use
// Fixes for SGE and Java incompatibility due to Java using more memory than you tell it to use
withName: makeSeqDict {
withName: makeSeqDict {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: fastqc {
withName: fastqc {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: adapter_removal {
withName: adapter_removal {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: samtools_flagstat {
withName: samtools_flagstat {
@ -408,10 +429,13 @@ profiles {
withName: dedup {
withName: dedup {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: markduplicates {
withName: markduplicates {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
memory = { check_max( 48.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: library_merge {
withName: library_merge {
@ -430,7 +454,6 @@ profiles {
withName:hostremoval_input_fastq {
withName:hostremoval_input_fastq {
memory = { check_max( 32.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 32.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = 1440.h
withName: metagenomic_complexity_filter {
withName: metagenomic_complexity_filter {
@ -441,42 +464,53 @@ profiles {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=1000G,virtual_free=1000G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=1000G,virtual_free=1000G" }
cpus = { check_max( 32, 'cpus' ) }
cpus = { check_max( 32, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 955.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
memory = { check_max( 955.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: maltextract {
withName: maltextract {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: multivcfanalyzer {
withName: multivcfanalyzer {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: mtnucratio {
withName: mtnucratio {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: vcf2genome {
withName: vcf2genome {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: qualimap {
withName: qualimap {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : task.exitStatus in [255] ? 'ignore' : 'finish' }
withName: damageprofiler {
withName: damageprofiler {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
memory = { check_max( 32.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: circularmapper {
withName: circularmapper {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: circulargenerator {
withName: circulargenerator {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: genotyping_ug {
withName: genotyping_ug {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G,virtual_free=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 6)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
withName: preseq {
withName: preseq {