Merge branch 'master' into config_ucph-mjolnir_ash

Phil Ewels 2 years ago committed by GitHub
commit b51059a3ae
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -194,6 +194,8 @@ Currently documentation is available for the following pipelines within specific
- [UPPMAX](docs/pipeline/ampliseq/
- eager
- [EVA](docs/pipeline/eager/
- mag
- [EVA](docs/pipeline/mag/
- rnafusion
- [MUNIN](docs/pipeline/rnafusion/
- rnavar

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ params {
singularity {
enabled = true
envWhitelist = ['_JAVA_OPTIONS']
params {

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
params {
// Specific nf-core/configs params
config_profile_contact = 'James Fellows Yates (@jfy133)'
config_profile_description = 'nf-core/mag EVA profile provided by nf-core/configs'
process {
withName: FASTQC {
clusterOptions = { "-S /bin/bash -V -l h_vmem=${(task.memory.toGiga() * 2)}G" }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }

@ -7,4 +7,7 @@ process {
cpus = { check_max( 16 * task.attempt, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 80.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
ext.args = { "--java-mem-size=${task.memory.giga / 1.15 as long}G" }

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# nf-core/configs: eva mag specific configuration
Extra specific configuration for mag pipeline
## Usage
To use, run the pipeline with `-profile eva`.
This will download and launch the mag specific [`eva.config`](../../../conf/pipeline/mag/eva.config) which has been pre-configured with a setup suitable for the MPI-EVA cluster.
Example: `nextflow run nf-core/mag -profile eva`
## mag specific configurations for eva
Specific configurations for eva has been made for mag, primarily adjusting SGE memory requirements of Java tools (e.g. FastQC).

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
* -------------------------------------------------
* nfcore/mag custom profile Nextflow config file
* -------------------------------------------------
* Config options for custom environments.
* Cluster-specific config options should be saved
* in the conf/pipeline/mag folder and imported
* under a profile name here.
profiles {
eva { includeConfig "${params.custom_config_base}/conf/pipeline/mag/eva.config" }