# nf-core/configs: Sage Bionetworks Global Configuration To use this custom configuration, run the pipeline with `-profile sage`. This will download and load the [`sage.config`](../conf/sage.config), which contains a number of optimizations relevant to Sage employees running workflows on AWS (_e.g._ using Nextflow Tower). This profile will also load any applicable pipeline-specific configuration. This global configuration includes the following tweaks: - Update the default value for `igenomes_base` to `s3://sage-igenomes` - Increase the default time limits because we run pipelines on AWS - Enable retries by default when exit codes relate to insufficient memory - Allow pending jobs to finish if the number of retries are exhausted - Slow the increase in the number of allocated CPU cores on retries - Define the `check_max()` function, which is missing in Sarek v2 ## Additional information about iGenomes The following iGenomes prefixes have been copied from `s3://ngi-igenomes/` (`eu-west-1`) to `s3://sage-igenomes` (`us-east-1`). See [this script](https://github.com/Sage-Bionetworks-Workflows/nextflow-infra/blob/main/bin/mirror-igenomes.sh) for more information. The `sage-igenomes` S3 bucket has been configured to openly available, but files cannot be downloaded out of `us-east-1` to avoid egress charges. You can check the `conf/igenomes.config` file in each nf-core pipeline to figure out the mapping between genome IDs (_i.e._ for `--genome`) and iGenomes prefixes ([example](https://github.com/nf-core/rnaseq/blob/89bf536ce4faa98b4d50a8ec0a0343780bc62e0a/conf/igenomes.config#L14-L26)). - **Human Genome Builds** - `Homo_sapiens/Ensembl/GRCh37` - `Homo_sapiens/GATK/GRCh37` - `Homo_sapiens/UCSC/hg19` - `Homo_sapiens/GATK/GRCh38` - `Homo_sapiens/NCBI/GRCh38` - `Homo_sapiens/UCSC/hg38` - **Mouse Genome Builds** - `Mus_musculus/Ensembl/GRCm38` - `Mus_musculus/UCSC/mm10`