/* * ------------------------------------------------- * Nextflow custom config file for running nf-core eager on data generated at the Francis Crick Institute * contact: Alexandre Gilardet alexandre.gilardet@crick.ac.uk * ------------------------------------------------- * nextflow run nf-core/eager -profile ,crick -c crick.config * (where is screening, production or external) */ params { config_profile_name = 'nf-core/eager Crick screening, production & external profiles' config_profile_description = "Profiles for ressources fitting low & high coverage data generated at the Crick (screening & production respectively). Option for higher coverage external data." } profiles { screening { process { withName:bwa { cpus = 12 memory = '15 GB' time = '6h' } } } production { process { withName:adapter_removal { time = '3d' } withName:fastp { time = '8h' } withName:bwa { cpus = 8 memory = '56 GB' time = '3d' } withName:samtools_filter { time = '3d' } withName:dedup { cpus = 6 memory = '20 GB' time = '3d' } withName:damageprofiler { memory = '64 GB' time = '3d' errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [1,143,137,104,134,139] ? 'retry' : 'finish' } } } } external { process { withName:samtools_filter { cpus = 12 memory = '72 GB' } } } }