/* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Nextflow config file for use with Singularity on BINAC cluster in Tuebingen * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Defines basic usage limits and singularity image id. */ /* * ------------------------------------------------------------- * Name: BINAC * Description: Configuration profile for BinAC clusters in Baden-Wuerttemberg/Germany. * Contact person: Alexander Peltzer (@apeltzer) * URL: https://www.bwhpc-c5.de/wiki/index.php/Category:BwForCluster_BinAC * ------------------------------------------------------------- */ singularity { enabled = true } process { beforeScript = 'module load devel/singularity/3.0.1' executor = 'pbs' queue = 'short' } params { igenomesIgnore = true max_memory = 128.GB max_cpus = 28 max_time = 48.h profile_description = 'BINAC Cluster Profile provided by nf-core/configs.' }