# nf-core/configs: LUGH configuration Author: Barry Digby Contact Info: barry.digby@nuigalway.ie System Administrator: Chris Duke ## Quick Start To use the lugh configuration profile with your pipeline, add `-profile lugh` to your `nextflow run` command: ```console nextflow -bg run nf-core/rnaseq -profile test,nuig ``` Please take care to use the `-bg` flag, or run the job on a compute node. :warning: DO NOT RUN ANALYSES ON THE HEAD NODE :warning: The configuration file will load prerequisite modules for users (`Java` & `Singularity`), however it is up to the user to have a functional version of `nextflow` installed in their path. Follow `nextflow` installation instructions at the following [link](https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/getstarted.html#installation). ## Queue Resources | Queue | Hostnames | Max Memory | Max CPUS | Max Time | |---------|----------------|------------|----------|----------| | MSC | compute[01-03] | 32GB | 16 | 336.h | | Normal | compute[10-29] | 64GB | 16 | 240.h | | Highmem | compute[04-09] | 128GB | 32 | 2880.h | *** The configuration profile design is very simple. If your process exceeds 64GB memory or 16 cpus, it is sent to the `highmem` queue. If not, it is sent to the `normal` queue. Please do not use the `MSC` queue, this is reserved for Masters students. Take others into consideration when deploying your workflow (do not hog the cluster :pig:). If you need to hammer the cluster with a pipeline, please reach out to me and we can tweak the configuration profile to dispatch jobs to only a handful of compute nodes via hostnames. ## Container Cache Your workflow containers are stored under `/data/containers/` which is accessible to all users on lugh.