/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sheffield Bioinformatics Core Configuration Profile - ShARC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Base Institutional Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ params { // nf-core specific parameters displayed in header summary of each run config_profile_description = 'Sheffield Bioinformatics Core - ShARC' config_profile_contact = 'Lewis Quayle (l.quayle@sheffield.ac.uk)' config_profile_url = 'https://docs.hpc.shef.ac.uk/en/latest/sharc/index.html' // hpc resource limits max_cpus = 16 max_memory = 64.GB max_time = 96.h } // container engine singularity { enabled = true autoMounts = true } // hpc configuration specific to ShARC process { // scheduler executor = 'sge' penv = 'smp' queue = { task.time <= 6.h ? 'shortint.q' : 'all.q' } clusterOptions = { "-l rmem=${task.memory.toGiga()}G" } // error and retry handling errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [143,137,104,134,139,140] ? 'retry' : 'finish' } maxRetries = 2 }