# nf-core/configs: HKI Configuration All nf-core pipelines have been successfully configured for use on clusters at the [Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology Hans Knöll Institute](https://www.leibniz-hki.de/en/). To use, run the pipeline with `-profile hki,`. This will download and launch the [`hki.config`](../conf/hki.config) which contains specific profiles for each cluter. The number of parallel jobs that run is currently limited to 8. The profiles currently available are: - apate (uses singularity, cleanup set to true by default) - arges (uses singularity, cleanup set to true by default) - aither (uses singularity, cleanup set to true by default) - debug (sets cleanup to false for debugging purposes, use e.g. `profile hki,,debug`) Note that Nextflow is not necessarily installed by default on the HKI HPC cluster(s). You will need to install it into a directory you have write access to. Follow these instructions from the Nextflow documentation. - Install Nextflow : [here](https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/getstarted.html#) All of the intermediate files required to run the pipeline will be stored in the `work/` directory. It is recommended to delete this directory after the pipeline has finished successfully because it can get quite large, and all of the main output files will be saved in the `results/` directory anyway. > NB: You will need an account to use the HKI HPC clusters in order to run the pipeline. If in doubt contact the ICT Service Desk. > NB: Nextflow will need to submit the jobs via SLURM to the HKI HPC clusters and as such the commands above will have to be executed on the login > node. If in doubt contact ICT.