/* * ------------------------------------------------- * Nextflow nf-core config file for ICR davros HPC * ------------------------------------------------- * Defines LSF process executor and singularity * settings. * */ params { config_profile_description = "Nextflow nf-core profile for ICR davros HPC" config_profile_contact = "Adrian Larkeryd (@adrlar)" } singularity { enabled = true runOptions = "--bind /mnt:/mnt --bind /data:/data" // autoMounts = true // autoMounts sometimes causes a rare bug with the installed version of singularity } executor { // This is set because of an issue with too many // singularity containers launching at once, they // cause an singularity error with exit code 255. submitRateLimit = "2 sec" } process { executor = "LSF" } params { // LSF cluster set up with memory tied to cores, // it can't be requested. Locked at 12G per core. cpus = 10 max_cpus = 20 max_memory = 12.GB max_time = 168.h igenomes_base = "/mnt/scratch/readonly/igenomes" }