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//Profile config names for nf-core/configs
params {
config_profile_description = 'Cluster profile for medair (local cluster of Clinical Genomics Gothenburg)'
config_profile_contact = 'Clinical Genomics, Gothenburg (,'
config_profile_url = ''
//Nextflow parameters
singularity {
enabled = true
cacheDir = "/apps/bio/dependencies/nf-core/singularities"
profiles {
wgs {
process {
queue = 'wgs.q'
executor = 'sge'
penv = 'mpi'
process.clusterOptions = '-l excl=1'
params.max_cpus = 40
params.max_time = 48.h
params.max_memory = 128.GB
production {
process {
queue = 'production.q'
executor = 'sge'
penv = 'mpi'
process.clusterOptions = '-l excl=1'
params.max_cpus = 40
params.max_time = 480.h
params.max_memory = 128.GB
//Specific parameter for pipelines that can use Sentieon (e.g. nf-core/sarek, nf-core/raredisease)
process {
withLabel:'sentieon' {
container = "/apps/bio/singularities/sentieon-211204-peta.simg"