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// sarek/munin specific profile config
params {
// Specific nf-core/configs params
config_profile_contact = 'Maxime Garcia (@maxulysse)'
config_profile_description = 'nf-core/sarek MUNIN profile provided by nf-core/configs'
config_profile_url = ''
// Specific nf-core/sarek params
annotation_cache = true
cadd_cache = true
cadd_indels = '/data1/cache/CADD/v1.4/InDels.tsv.gz'
cadd_indels_tbi = '/data1/cache/CADD/v1.4/InDels.tsv.gz.tbi'
cadd_wg_snvs = '/data1/cache/CADD/v1.4/whole_genome_SNVs.tsv.gz'
cadd_wg_snvs_tbi = '/data1/cache/CADD/v1.4/whole_genome_SNVs.tsv.gz.tbi'
pon = '/data1/PON/vcfs/BTB.PON.vcf.gz'
pon_index = '/data1/PON/vcfs/BTB.PON.vcf.gz.tbi'
snpeff_cache = '/data1/cache/snpEff/'
vep_cache = '/data1/cache/VEP/'
vep_cache_version = '95'
// Specific nf-core/sarek process configuration
process {
withLabel:sentieon {
module = {params.sentieon ? 'sentieon/202112.02' : null}
container = {params.sentieon ? null : container}