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// Profile details
params {
config_profile_description = 'The Wellcome Sanger Institute HPC cluster (farm5) profile'
config_profile_contact = 'Priyanka Surana (@priyanka-surana)'
config_profile_url = ''
// Queue and retry strategy
executor = 'lsf'
queue = { task.time < 12.h ? 'normal' : task.time < 48.h ? 'long' : 'basement' }
errorStrategy = 'retry'
maxRetries = 5
// Executor details
name = 'lsf'
perJobMemLimit = true
poolSize = 4
submitRateLimit = '5 sec'
killBatchSize = 50
// Max resources
params {
max_memory = 683.GB
max_cpus = 256
max_time = 720.h
// For singularity
singularity.runOptions = '--bind /lustre --bind /nfs'