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//Profile config names for nf-core/configs
params {
config_profile_description = 'University of Texas at Dallas HPC cluster profile provided by nf-core/configs'
config_profile_contact = 'Edmund Miller(@emiller88)'
config_profile_url = ''
singularity_cache_dir = '/scratch/applied-genomics/singularity'
env {
TMPDIR = '/home/$USER/scratch/tmp'
singularity {
enabled = true
autoMounts = true
cacheDir = params.singularity_cache_dir
process {
beforeScript = 'module load singularity/3.4.1'
executor = 'slurm'
queue = { task.memory >= 30.GB && task.cpu <= 16 ? 'normal': 'smallmem' }
// Preform work directory cleanup after a successful run
cleanup = true
params {
// TODO Need to initialize this
// igenomes_base = '/scratch/applied-genomics/references/iGenomes/references/'
max_memory = 90.GB
max_cpus = 16
max_time = 96.h