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2020-03-19 18:13:15 +00:00
params.genome = ''
process BOWTIE2 {
2020-07-11 13:42:13 +02:00
// depending on the genome used one might want/need to adjust the memory settings.
// For the E. coli test data this is probably not required
// label 'bigMem'
// label 'multiCore'
2020-03-19 18:13:15 +00:00
2020-07-11 13:42:13 +02:00
tuple val(name), path(reads)
val (outdir)
val (bowtie2_args)
val (verbose)
path "*bam", emit: bam
path "*stats.txt", emit: stats
publishDir "$outdir/bowtie2",
mode: "copy", overwrite: true
if (verbose){
println ("[MODULE] BOWTIE2 ARGS: " + bowtie2_args)
cores = 4
readString = ""
// Options we add are
bowtie2_options = bowtie2_args
bowtie2_options += " --no-unal " // We don't need unaligned reads in the BAM file
// single-end / paired-end distinction. Might also be handled via params.single_end
if (reads instanceof List) {
readString = "-1 " + reads[0] + " -2 " + reads[1]
else {
readString = "-U " + reads
index = params.genome["bowtie2"]
bowtie2_name = name + "_" + params.genome["name"]
bowtie2 -x ${index} -p ${cores} ${bowtie2_options} ${readString} 2>${bowtie2_name}_bowtie2_stats.txt | samtools view -bS -F 4 -F 8 -F 256 -> ${bowtie2_name}_bowtie2.bam
2020-03-19 18:13:15 +00:00