Initial module creation

This commit is contained in:
jasmezz 2022-04-22 16:47:48 +02:00
parent 90b203d3e9
commit 1c1e813c67
6 changed files with 274 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
tag "$"
label 'process_medium'
conda (params.enable_conda ? "bioconda::antismash-lite=6.0.1" : null)
container "${ workflow.containerEngine == 'singularity' && !task.ext.singularity_pull_docker_container ?
'' :
'' }"
tuple val(meta), path(sequence_input)
tuple val(meta), path("${prefix}/clusterblast/*_c*.txt") , optional: true, emit: clusterblast_file
tuple val(meta), path("$prefix/css/*.css") , emit: css_file
tuple val(meta), path("$prefix/images") , emit: image_directory
tuple val(meta), path("$prefix/js/*.js") , emit: javascript
tuple val(meta), path("${prefix}/knownclusterblast/region*/ctg*.html") , optional: true, emit: knownclusterblast_html
tuple val(meta), path("${prefix}/knownclusterblast/*_c*.txt") , optional: true, emit: knownclusterblast_txt
tuple val(meta), path("${prefix}/svg/clusterblast*.svg") , optional: true, emit: svg_files_clusterblast
tuple val(meta), path("${prefix}/svg/knownclusterblast*.svg") , optional: true, emit: svg_files_knownclusterblast
tuple val(meta), path("$prefix/*.gbk") , emit: gbk_input
tuple val(meta), path("$prefix/*.json") , emit: json_results
tuple val(meta), path("$prefix/*.log") , emit: log
tuple val(meta), path("$prefix/*.zip") , emit: zip
tuple val(meta), path("$prefix/*region*.gbk") , emit: gbk_results
tuple val(meta), path("${prefix}/clusterblastoutput.txt") , optional: true, emit: clusterblastoutput
tuple val(meta), path("$prefix/index.html") , emit: html
tuple val(meta), path("${prefix}/knownclusterblastoutput.txt") , optional: true, emit: knownclusterblastoutput
tuple val(meta), path("$prefix/regions.js") , emit: json_sideloading
path "versions.yml" , emit: versions
task.ext.when == null || task.ext.when
def args = task.ext.args ?: ''
prefix = task.ext.suffix ? "${}${task.ext.suffix}" : "${}"
## We specifically do not include annotations (--genefinding-tool none) as
## this should be run as a separate module for versioning purposes
antismash \\
$sequence_input \\
$args \\
-c $task.cpus \\
--output-dir $prefix \\
--genefinding-tool none \\
--logfile $prefix/${prefix}.log \\
--databases $databases
cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml
antismash: \$(antismash --version | sed 's/antiSMASH //')

View file

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
name: antismash_antismashlite
description: antiSMASH allows the rapid genome-wide identification, annotation and analysis of secondary metabolite biosynthesis gene clusters.
- secondary metabolites
- biosynthetic gene cluster
- genome mining
- RiPP
- antibiotics
- prokaryotes
- bacteria
- eukaryotes
- fungi
- antismash
- antismashlite:
description: "antiSMASH - the antibiotics and Secondary Metabolite Analysis SHell"
homepage: ""
documentation: ""
tool_dev_url: ""
doi: "10.1093/nar/gkab335"
licence: "['AGPL v3']"
- meta:
type: map
description: |
Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ]
- sequence_input:
type: file
description: nucleotide sequence file (annotated)
pattern: "*.{gbk, gb, gbff, genbank, embl}"
- databases:
type: directory
description: downloaded antismash databases e.g. data/databases
pattern: "*"
- meta:
type: map
description: |
Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ]
- versions:
type: file
description: File containing software versions
pattern: "versions.yml"
- clusterblast_file:
type: file
description: Output of ClusterBlast algorithm
pattern: "clusterblast/*_c*.txt"
- css_file:
type: file
description: Style sheet containing the formatting of HTML output
pattern: "css/*.css"
- image_directory:
type: directory
description: image files for web view of antiSMASH results
pattern: "images"
- javascript:
type: file
description: JavaScript files
pattern: "js/*.js"
- knownclusterblast_html:
type: file
description: Tables with MIBiG hits in HTML format
pattern: "knownclusterblast/region*/ctg*.html"
- knownclusterblast_txt:
type: file
description: Tables with MIBiG hits
pattern: "knownclusterblast/*_c*.txt"
- svg_files_clusterblast:
type: file
description: SVG image showing the % identity of the aligned hits against their queries
pattern: "svg/clusterblast*.svg"
- svg_files_knownclusterblast:
type: file
description: SVG image showing the % identity of the aligned hits against their queries
pattern: "svg/knownclusterblast*.svg"
- gbk_input:
type: file
description: Nucleotide sequence + annotations in GenBank file format; converted from input file
pattern: "*.gbk"
- json_results:
type: file
description: Simple representation of all detected areas during the antiSMASH run in JSON format
pattern: "*.json"
- log:
type: file
description: Contains all the logging output that antiSMASH produced during its run
pattern: "*.log"
- zip:
type: file
description: Contains a compressed version of the folder in zip format
pattern: "*.zip"
- gbk_results:
type: file
description: Nucleotide sequence + annotations in GenBank file format; one file per antiSMASH hit
pattern: "*region*.gbk"
- clusterblastoutput:
type: file
description: Raw BLAST output of known clusters previously predicted by antiSMASH using the built-in ClusterBlast algorithm
pattern: "clusterblastoutput.txt"
- html:
type: file
description: Graphical web view of results in HTML format
patterN: "index.html"
- knownclusterblastoutput:
type: file
description: Raw BLAST output of known clusters of the MIBiG database
pattern: "knownclusterblastoutput.txt"
- json_sideloading:
type: file
description: Sideloaded annotations of protoclusters and/or subregions (see documentation "Annotation sideloading")
pattern: "regions.js"
- "@jasmezz"

View file

@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ amrfinderplus/update:
- modules/amrfinderplus/update/** - modules/amrfinderplus/update/**
- tests/modules/amrfinderplus/update/** - tests/modules/amrfinderplus/update/**
- modules/antismash/antismashlite/**
- tests/modules/antismash/antismashlite/**
antismash/antismashlitedownloaddatabases: antismash/antismashlitedownloaddatabases:
- modules/antismash/antismashlitedownloaddatabases/** - modules/antismash/antismashlitedownloaddatabases/**
- tests/modules/antismash/antismashlitedownloaddatabases/** - tests/modules/antismash/antismashlitedownloaddatabases/**

View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#!/usr/bin/env nextflow
nextflow.enable.dsl = 2
//include { GUNZIP } from '../../../modules/gunzip/'
include { UNTAR as UNTAR1 } from '../../../../modules/untar/'
include { UNTAR as UNTAR2 } from '../../../../modules/untar/'
include { UNTAR as UNTAR3 } from '../../../../modules/untar/'
include { ANTISMASH_ANTISMASHLITEDOWNLOADDATABASES } from '../../../modules/antismash/antismashlitedownloaddatabases/'
include { ANTISMASH_ANTISMASHLITE } from '../../../../modules/antismash/antismashlite/'
include { PROKKA } from '../../../modules/prokka/'
workflow test_antismashlite {
input = [
[ id:'test' ], // meta map
file(params.test_data['bacteroides_fragilis']['genome']['genome_gbff_gz'], checkIfExists: true) ]
input_antismash_db1 = [
file('', checkIfExists: true)
input_antismash_db2 = [
file('', checkIfExists: true)
input_antismash_db3 = [
file('', checkIfExists: true)
UNTAR1 ( input_antismash_db1 )
UNTAR2 ( input_antismash_db2 )
UNTAR3 ( input_antismash_db3 )
//workflow test_prokka_antismashlite {
// input_gunzip = [ [ id:'test' ], // meta map
// file(params.test_data['bacteroides_fragilis']['genome']['genome_fna_gz'], checkIfExists: true) ]
// GUNZIP ( input_gunzip )
// PROKKA ( GUNZIP.out.gunzip, [], [] )
// ANTISMASH ( PROKKA.out.gbk )
// }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
process {
publishDir = { "${params.outdir}/${task.process.tokenize(':')[-1].tokenize('_')[0].toLowerCase()}" }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
- name: antismash antismashlite test_antismashlite
command: nextflow run ./tests/modules/antismash/antismashlite -entry test_antismashlite -c tests/config/nextflow.config
- antismash/antismashlite
- antismash
- path: output/antismash/test/NZ_CP069563.1.region001.gbk
contains: ['/tool="antismash"']
- path: output/antismash/test/NZ_CP069563.1.region002.gbk
contains: ['/tool="antismash"']
- path: output/antismash/test/css/bacteria.css
md5sum: 8b3c2f8b143d5245a5f42f55803c532c
- path: output/antismash/test/genome.gbk
contains: ['/tool="antismash"']
- path: output/antismash/test/genome.json
contains: ['{"version": "6.0.1", "input_file": "genome.gbff.gz", "records": [{"id": "NZ_CP069563.1", "seq": {"data":']
- path: output/antismash/test/
- path: output/antismash/test/index.html
md5sum: 4792f0f4faf318035fbec5b4bf0ff76e
- path: output/antismash/test/js/antismash.js
md5sum: 58e90c3d783ae014cc3d51849bcb50a2
- path: output/antismash/test/js/jquery.js
md5sum: 397754ba49e9e0cf4e7c190da78dda05
- path: output/antismash/test/js/jquery.tablesorter.min.js
md5sum: 5e9e08cef4d1be0eaa538e6eb28809a7
- path: output/antismash/test/regions.js
md5sum: dfc82025379d87df63fbfce734e67725
- path: output/antismash/test/test.log
contains: ['antiSMASH version: 6.0.1']
- path: output/antismash/versions.yml
md5sum: 7151dfd4d39173338397b2dab50acf8e
- path: output/untar1/versions.yml
md5sum: 42c2c02eb6b5bc47b151bdd2c49bbb2d
- path: output/untar2/versions.yml
md5sum: 5a608b991b7d3e55cc43206939991a2d
- path: output/untar3/versions.yml
md5sum: ec74401950e3820b7575840571a6f00c