Update shovill module (#337)

* add shovill module

* removed deprecated shovill module

* fix line ending in functions.nf

* fix yaml indentation

* reduce spades memory usage

* update md5sums

* remove non reproducible md5sum

* Update test.yml

Remove last non-reproducible md5sum.

* purely cosmetic order change

* proper process label, improve output readability

Co-authored-by: Florian Wuennemann <flowuenne@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Robert A. Petit III 2021-03-24 00:57:41 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent af3bc225c0
commit 3f14b1fabe
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
10 changed files with 277 additions and 72 deletions

View file

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
process shovill {
tag "$shovill"
publishDir "${params.outdir}", pattern: '*.fasta', mode: 'copy'
container "quay.io/biocontainers/shovill:1.0.9--0"
tuple val(sample_id), path(forward), path(reverse)
path "${sample_id}.fasta"
shovill --R1 ${forward} --R2 ${reverse} --outdir shovill_out
mv shovill_out/contigs.fa ${sample_id}.fasta

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
name: Shovill
description: Create a bacterial assembly from paired fastq using shovill
- Genome Assembly
- Bacterial Isolates
- fastqc:
description: |
Shovill assembles bacterial isolate genomes from Illumina
paired-end reads. Shovill uses the SPAdes genome assembler,
providing pre and post-processing to the SPAdes assembly.
It also supports SKESA, Velvet and Megahit.
homepage: https://github.com/tseemann/shovill
documentation: https://github.com/tseemann/shovill/blob/master/README.md
- sample_id:
type: string
description: Sample identifier
- reads:
type: file
description: pair of fastq files
- assembly:
type: file
description: fasta file
pattern: ${sample_id}.fasta
- "@annacprice"

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env nextflow
nextflow.preview.dsl = 2
// import shovill
include {shovill} from '../main.nf' params(params)
// define input channel
readsPath = '../../../test-datasets/tools/shovill/input/SRR3609257_{1,2}.fastq.gz'
.fromFilePairs( "${readsPath}", flat: true )
.set{ ch_reads }
// main workflow
workflow {

View file

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
// docker
docker.enabled = true
// output directory
params.outdir = './results'

View file

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
* -----------------------------------------------------
* Utility functions used in nf-core DSL2 module files
* -----------------------------------------------------
* Extract name of software tool from process name using $task.process
def getSoftwareName(task_process) {
return task_process.tokenize(':')[-1].tokenize('_')[0].toLowerCase()
* Function to initialise default values and to generate a Groovy Map of available options for nf-core modules
def initOptions(Map args) {
def Map options = [:]
options.args = args.args ?: ''
options.args2 = args.args2 ?: ''
options.args3 = args.args3 ?: ''
options.publish_by_id = args.publish_by_id ?: false
options.publish_dir = args.publish_dir ?: ''
options.publish_files = args.publish_files
options.suffix = args.suffix ?: ''
return options
* Tidy up and join elements of a list to return a path string
def getPathFromList(path_list) {
def paths = path_list.findAll { item -> !item?.trim().isEmpty() } // Remove empty entries
paths = paths.collect { it.trim().replaceAll("^[/]+|[/]+\$", "") } // Trim whitespace and trailing slashes
return paths.join('/')
* Function to save/publish module results
def saveFiles(Map args) {
if (!args.filename.endsWith('.version.txt')) {
def ioptions = initOptions(args.options)
def path_list = [ ioptions.publish_dir ?: args.publish_dir ]
if (ioptions.publish_by_id) {
if (ioptions.publish_files instanceof Map) {
for (ext in ioptions.publish_files) {
if (args.filename.endsWith(ext.key)) {
def ext_list = path_list.collect()
return "${getPathFromList(ext_list)}/$args.filename"
} else if (ioptions.publish_files == null) {
return "${getPathFromList(path_list)}/$args.filename"

software/shovill/main.nf Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
// Import generic module functions
include { initOptions; saveFiles; getSoftwareName } from './functions'
params.options = [:]
options = initOptions(params.options)
process SHOVILL {
tag "$meta.id"
label 'process_medium'
publishDir "${params.outdir}",
mode: params.publish_dir_mode,
saveAs: { filename -> saveFiles(filename:filename, options:params.options, publish_dir:getSoftwareName(task.process), publish_id:meta.id) }
conda (params.enable_conda ? "bioconda::shovill=1.1.0" : null)
if (workflow.containerEngine == 'singularity' && !params.singularity_pull_docker_container) {
container "https://depot.galaxyproject.org/singularity/shovill:1.1.0--0"
} else {
container "quay.io/biocontainers/shovill:1.1.0--0"
tuple val(meta), path(reads)
tuple val(meta), path("contigs.fa") , emit: contigs
tuple val(meta), path("shovill.corrections") , emit: corrections
tuple val(meta), path("shovill.log") , emit: log
tuple val(meta), path("{skesa,spades,megahit,velvet}.fasta"), emit: raw_contigs
tuple val(meta), path("contigs.{fastg,gfa,LastGraph}") , optional:true, emit: gfa
path "*.version.txt" , emit: version
def software = getSoftwareName(task.process)
def memory = task.memory.toGiga()
shovill \\
--R1 ${reads[0]} \\
--R2 ${reads[1]} \\
$options.args \\
--cpus $task.cpus \\
--ram $memory \\
--outdir ./ \\
echo \$(shovill --version 2>&1) | sed 's/^.*shovill //' > ${software}.version.txt

software/shovill/meta.yml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
name: shovill
## TODO nf-core: Add a description of the module and list keywords
description: Assemble bacterial isolate genomes from Illumina paired-end reads
- bacterial
- assembly
- illumina
- shovill:
## TODO nf-core: Add a description and other details for the software below
description: Microbial assembly pipeline for Illumina paired-end reads
homepage: https://github.com/tseemann/shovill
documentation: https://github.com/tseemann/shovill/blob/master/README.md
licence: ['GPL v2']
- meta:
type: map
description: |
Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ]
- reads:
type: file
description: List of input paired-end FastQ files
- meta:
type: map
description: |
Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ]
- version:
type: file
description: File containing software version
pattern: "*.{version.txt}"
- contigs:
type: file
description: The final assembly produced by Shovill
pattern: "contigs.fa"
- corrections:
type: file
description: List of post-assembly corrections made by Shovill
pattern: "shovill.corrections"
- log:
type: file
description: Full log file for bug reporting
pattern: "shovill.log"
- raw_contigs:
type: file
description: Raw assembly produced by the assembler (SKESA, SPAdes, MEGAHIT, or Velvet)
pattern: "{skesa,spades,megahit,velvet}.fasta"
- gfa:
type: file
description: Assembly graph produced by MEGAHIT, SPAdes, or Velvet
pattern: "contigs.{fastg,gfa,LastGraph}"
- "@rpetit3"

View file

@ -383,6 +383,10 @@ seqwish_induce:
- software/seqwish/induce/**
- tests/software/seqwish/induce/**
- software/shovill/**
- tests/software/shovill/**
- software/spades/**
- tests/software/spades/**

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#!/usr/bin/env nextflow
nextflow.enable.dsl = 2
include { SHOVILL } from '../../../software/shovill/main.nf' addParams( options: [args: '--gsize 2800000 --kmers 31'] )
include { SHOVILL as SHOVILL_SKESA } from '../../../software/shovill/main.nf' addParams( options: [args: '--assembler skesa --gsize 2800000'] )
include { SHOVILL as SHOVILL_MEGAHIT } from '../../../software/shovill/main.nf' addParams( options: [args: '--assembler megahit --gsize 2800000'] )
include { SHOVILL as SHOVILL_VELVET } from '../../../software/shovill/main.nf' addParams( options: [args: '--assembler velvet --gsize 2800000'] )
workflow test_shovill {
def input = []
input = [ [ id:'test', single_end:false ], // meta map
[ file("https://github.com/nf-core/test-datasets/raw/bacass/ERR044595_1M_1.fastq.gz", checkIfExists: true),
file("https://github.com/nf-core/test-datasets/raw/bacass/ERR044595_1M_2.fastq.gz", checkIfExists: true) ] ]
SHOVILL ( input )
workflow test_shovill_megahit {
def input = []
input = [ [ id:'test', single_end:false ], // meta map
[ file("${launchDir}/tests/data/generic/fastq/test_R1.fastq.gz", checkIfExists: true),
file("${launchDir}/tests/data/generic/fastq/test_R2.fastq.gz", checkIfExists: true) ] ]
workflow test_shovill_skesa {
def input = []
input = [ [ id:'test', single_end:false ], // meta map
[ file("${launchDir}/tests/data/generic/fastq/test_R1.fastq.gz", checkIfExists: true),
file("${launchDir}/tests/data/generic/fastq/test_R2.fastq.gz", checkIfExists: true) ] ]
workflow test_shovill_velvet {
def input = []
input = [ [ id:'test', single_end:false ], // meta map
[ file("${launchDir}/tests/data/generic/fastq/test_R1.fastq.gz", checkIfExists: true),
file("${launchDir}/tests/data/generic/fastq/test_R2.fastq.gz", checkIfExists: true) ] ]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
- name: shovill with spades
command: nextflow run ./tests/software/shovill -entry test_shovill -c tests/config/nextflow.config
- shovill
- shovill_spades
- path: output/shovill/contigs.gfa
md5sum: 277af5d8ae8a0d2432db59a316226828
- path: output/shovill/spades.fasta
md5sum: 2506fc2af3a24397a3c5d3fbda0861fb
# MD5sum not reproducible (timestamp)
- path: output/shovill/contigs.fa
- path: output/shovill/shovill.corrections
- path: output/shovill/shovill.log
- name: shovill with megahit
command: nextflow run ./tests/software/shovill -entry test_shovill_megahit -c tests/config/nextflow.config
- shovill
- shovill_megahit
- path: output/shovill/shovill.corrections
md5sum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
# MD5sum not reproducible (timestamp, contig order)
- path: output/shovill/contigs.fa
- path: output/shovill/contigs.fastg
- path: output/shovill/megahit.fasta
- path: output/shovill/shovill.log
- name: shovill with skesa
command: nextflow run ./tests/software/shovill -entry test_shovill_skesa -c tests/config/nextflow.config
- shovill
- shovill_skesa
- path: output/shovill/shovill.corrections
md5sum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
- path: output/shovill/skesa.fasta
md5sum: c0c2d11b633310eb1437345cb599c33c
# MD5sum not reproducible (timestamp)
- path: output/shovill/contigs.fa
- path: output/shovill/shovill.log
- name: shovill with velvet
command: nextflow run ./tests/software/shovill -entry test_shovill_velvet -c tests/config/nextflow.config
- shovill
- shovill_velvet
# MD5sum not reproducible (timestamp, contig order)
- path: output/shovill/contigs.fa
- path: output/shovill/contigs.LastGraph
- path: output/shovill/shovill.corrections
- path: output/shovill/shovill.log
- path: output/shovill/velvet.fasta