mirror of
synced 2024-12-21 18:58:16 +00:00
New module: LIMA
* 📦 NEW: Add module lima * 👌 IMPROVE: Move .pbi output to reports channel * 🐛 FIX: Fix report channel definition * 👌IMPROVE; Remove options from command line update test script with removed options * 👌 IMPROVE: Add some pacbio test files * 🐛 FIX: Add Pacbio index to test_data.config * 👌 IMPROVE: Re add 10000 data test * 🐛 FIX: Add pbi input * 👌 IMPROVE: Add parallelization to lima * 👌 IMPROVE: Add some pbindex * 🐛 FIX: Add pbi extension to files * 👌 IMPROVE: The accept one channel (primers move into the first channel) * 👌 IMPROVE: Assign a value channel for pimers Improve code workflow readability * 👌 IMPROVE: Update .gitignore * 👌 IMPROVE: Update module to last template version * 🐛 FIX: Correct Singularity and Docker URL * 👌 IMPROVE: Update to the last version of modules template * 👌 IMPROVE: Update test_data.config * 👌 IMPROVE: Remove pbi from input files * 👌 IMPROVE: Final version of test datasets config * 👌 IMPROVE: Remove useless index + Fix Typos * 🐛 FIX: Fill contains args * 📦 NEW: Add module lima * 👌 IMPROVE: Move .pbi output to reports channel * 🐛 FIX: Fix report channel definition * 👌IMPROVE; Remove options from command line update test script with removed options * 🐛 FIX: Add pbi input * 👌 IMPROVE: Add parallelization to lima * 👌 IMPROVE: Add some pacbio test files * 🐛 FIX: Add Pacbio index to test_data.config * 👌 IMPROVE: Re add 10000 data test * 👌 IMPROVE: Add some pbindex * 🐛 FIX: Add pbi extension to files * 👌 IMPROVE: The accept one channel (primers move into the first channel) * 👌 IMPROVE: Assign a value channel for pimers Improve code workflow readability * 👌 IMPROVE: Update .gitignore * 👌 IMPROVE: Update module to last template version * 🐛 FIX: Correct Singularity and Docker URL * 👌 IMPROVE: Update to the last version of modules template * 👌 IMPROVE: Update test_data.config * 👌 IMPROVE: Remove pbi from input files * 👌 IMPROVE: Final version of test datasets config * 👌 IMPROVE: Remove useless index + Fix Typos * 🐛 FIX: Fill contains args * 👌 IMPROVE: Add channel for each output * 👌 IMPROVE: Remove comments * 📦 NEW: Add module lima * 👌 IMPROVE: Move .pbi output to reports channel * 🐛 FIX: Fix report channel definition * 👌IMPROVE; Remove options from command line update test script with removed options * 🐛 FIX: Add pbi input * 👌 IMPROVE: Add parallelization to lima * 👌 IMPROVE: Add some pacbio test files * 🐛 FIX: Add Pacbio index to test_data.config * 👌 IMPROVE: Re add 10000 data test * 👌 IMPROVE: Add some pbindex * 🐛 FIX: Add pbi extension to files * 👌 IMPROVE: The accept one channel (primers move into the first channel) * 👌 IMPROVE: Assign a value channel for pimers Improve code workflow readability * 👌 IMPROVE: Update module to last template version * 🐛 FIX: Correct Singularity and Docker URL * 👌 IMPROVE: Update to the last version of modules template * 👌 IMPROVE: Update test_data.config * 👌 IMPROVE: Remove pbi from input files * 🐛 FIX: Fill contains args * 📦 NEW: Add module lima * 👌 IMPROVE: Move .pbi output to reports channel * 🐛 FIX: Fix report channel definition * 👌IMPROVE; Remove options from command line update test script with removed options * 🐛 FIX: Add pbi input * 👌 IMPROVE: Add parallelization to lima * 👌 IMPROVE: Add some pacbio test files * 🐛 FIX: Add Pacbio index to test_data.config * 👌 IMPROVE: Re add 10000 data test * 👌 IMPROVE: Add some pbindex * 🐛 FIX: Add pbi extension to files * 👌 IMPROVE: The accept one channel (primers move into the first channel) * 👌 IMPROVE: Assign a value channel for pimers Improve code workflow readability * 👌 IMPROVE: Update module to last template version * 🐛 FIX: Correct Singularity and Docker URL * 👌 IMPROVE: Update to the last version of modules template * 👌 IMPROVE: Update test_data.config * 👌 IMPROVE: Remove pbi from input files * 👌 IMPROVE: Final version of test datasets config * 👌 IMPROVE: Remove useless index + Fix Typos * 🐛 FIX: Fill contains args * 👌 IMPROVE: Add channel for each output * 👌 IMPROVE: Remove comments * 🐛 FIX: Clean test_data.config * Update modules/lima/main.nf Add meta to each output Co-authored-by: Harshil Patel <drpatelh@users.noreply.github.com> * Update modules/lima/main.nf Remove useless parenthesis Co-authored-by: Harshil Patel <drpatelh@users.noreply.github.com> * 🐛 FIX: Keep version number only * 🐛 FIX: Reintegrate prefix variable and use it to define output file name * 👌 IMPROVE: add suffix arg to check output files names * 👌 IMPROVE: Use prefix for output filename * 🐛 FIX: Set optional output Allow usage of different input formats * 👌 IMPROVE: Update meta file * 👌 IMPROVE: Update test One test for each input file type * 👌 IMPROVE: add fasta, fastq.gz, fastq, fastq.gz test files * 👌 IMPROVE: Update with last templates / Follow new version.yaml rule * 🐛 FIX: Fix typos and include getProcessName function * 👌 IMPROVE: Update .gitignore * 👌 IMPROVE: Using suffix to manage output was not a my best idea Add a bash code to detect extension and update output file name * 👌 IMPROVE: clean code Co-authored-by: Harshil Patel <drpatelh@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Gregor Sturm <mail@gregor-sturm.de> Co-authored-by: Mahesh Binzer-Panchal <mahesh.binzer-panchal@nbis.se>
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 390 additions and 0 deletions
@ -11,3 +11,5 @@ __pycache__
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
// Utility functions used in nf-core DSL2 module files
// Extract name of software tool from process name using $task.process
def getSoftwareName(task_process) {
return task_process.tokenize(':')[-1].tokenize('_')[0].toLowerCase()
// Extract name of module from process name using $task.process
def getProcessName(task_process) {
return task_process.tokenize(':')[-1]
// Function to initialise default values and to generate a Groovy Map of available options for nf-core modules
def initOptions(Map args) {
def Map options = [:]
options.args = args.args ?: ''
options.args2 = args.args2 ?: ''
options.args3 = args.args3 ?: ''
options.publish_by_meta = args.publish_by_meta ?: []
options.publish_dir = args.publish_dir ?: ''
options.publish_files = args.publish_files
options.suffix = args.suffix ?: ''
return options
// Tidy up and join elements of a list to return a path string
def getPathFromList(path_list) {
def paths = path_list.findAll { item -> !item?.trim().isEmpty() } // Remove empty entries
paths = paths.collect { it.trim().replaceAll("^[/]+|[/]+\$", "") } // Trim whitespace and trailing slashes
return paths.join('/')
// Function to save/publish module results
def saveFiles(Map args) {
def ioptions = initOptions(args.options)
def path_list = [ ioptions.publish_dir ?: args.publish_dir ]
// Do not publish versions.yml unless running from pytest workflow
if (args.filename.equals('versions.yml') && !System.getenv("NF_CORE_MODULES_TEST")) {
return null
if (ioptions.publish_by_meta) {
def key_list = ioptions.publish_by_meta instanceof List ? ioptions.publish_by_meta : args.publish_by_meta
for (key in key_list) {
if (args.meta && key instanceof String) {
def path = key
if (args.meta.containsKey(key)) {
path = args.meta[key] instanceof Boolean ? "${key}_${args.meta[key]}".toString() : args.meta[key]
path = path instanceof String ? path : ''
if (ioptions.publish_files instanceof Map) {
for (ext in ioptions.publish_files) {
if (args.filename.endsWith(ext.key)) {
def ext_list = path_list.collect()
return "${getPathFromList(ext_list)}/$args.filename"
} else if (ioptions.publish_files == null) {
return "${getPathFromList(path_list)}/$args.filename"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
// Import generic module functions
include { initOptions; saveFiles; getSoftwareName; getProcessName } from './functions'
params.options = [:]
options = initOptions(params.options)
process LIMA {
tag "$meta.id"
label 'process_medium'
publishDir "${params.outdir}",
mode: params.publish_dir_mode,
saveAs: { filename -> saveFiles(filename:filename, options:params.options, publish_dir:getSoftwareName(task.process), meta:meta, publish_by_meta:['id']) }
conda (params.enable_conda ? "bioconda::lima=2.2.0" : null)
if (workflow.containerEngine == 'singularity' && !params.singularity_pull_docker_container) {
container "https://depot.galaxyproject.org/singularity/lima:2.2.0--h9ee0642_0"
} else {
container "quay.io/biocontainers/lima:2.2.0--h9ee0642_0"
tuple val(meta), path(ccs)
path primers
tuple val(meta), path("*.clips") , emit: clips
tuple val(meta), path("*.counts") , emit: counts
tuple val(meta), path("*.guess") , emit: guess
tuple val(meta), path("*.report") , emit: report
tuple val(meta), path("*.summary"), emit: summary
path "versions.yml" , emit: version
tuple val(meta), path("*.bam") , optional: true, emit: bam
tuple val(meta), path("*.bam.pbi") , optional: true, emit: pbi
tuple val(meta), path("*.{fa, fasta}") , optional: true, emit: fasta
tuple val(meta), path("*.{fa.gz, fasta.gz}"), optional: true, emit: fastagz
tuple val(meta), path("*.fastq") , optional: true, emit: fastq
tuple val(meta), path("*.fastq.gz") , optional: true, emit: fastqgz
tuple val(meta), path("*.xml") , optional: true, emit: xml
tuple val(meta), path("*.json") , optional: true, emit: json
def prefix = options.suffix ? "${meta.id}${options.suffix}" : "${meta.id}"
if [[ $ccs =~ bam\$ ]]; then
elif [[ $ccs =~ fasta\$ ]]; then
elif [[ $ccs =~ fasta.gz\$ ]]; then
elif [[ $ccs =~ fastq\$ ]]; then
elif [[ $ccs =~ fastq.gz\$ ]]; then
echo \$OUT_EXT
lima \\
$ccs \\
$primers \\
$prefix.\$OUT_EXT \\
-j $task.cpus \\
cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml
lima: \$( lima --version | sed 's/lima //g' | sed 's/ (.\\+//g' )
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
name: lima
description: lima - The PacBio Barcode Demultiplexer and Primer Remover
- sort
- lima:
description: lima - The PacBio Barcode Demultiplexer and Primer Remover
homepage: https://github.com/PacificBiosciences/pbbioconda
documentation: https://lima.how/
tool_dev_url: https://github.com/pacificbiosciences/barcoding/
doi: ""
licence: ['BSD-3-clause-Clear']
- meta:
type: map
description: |
Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:'test' ]
- ccs:
type: file
description: A BAM or fasta or fasta.gz or fastq or fastq.gz file of subreads or ccs
pattern: "*.{bam,fasta,fasta.gz,fastq,fastq.gz}"
- primers:
type: file
description: Fasta file, sequences of primers
pattern: "*.fasta"
- meta:
type: map
description: |
Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:'test' ]
- bam:
type: file
description: A bam file of ccs purged of primers
pattern: "*.bam"
- pbi:
type: file
description: Pacbio index file of ccs purged of primers
pattern: "*.bam"
- xml:
type: file
description: An XML file representing a set of a particular sequence data type such as subreads, references or aligned subreads.
pattern: "*.xml"
- json:
type: file
description: A metadata json file
pattern: "*.json"
- clips:
type: file
description: A fasta file of clipped primers
pattern: "*.clips"
- counts:
type: file
description: A tabulated file of describing pairs of primers
pattern: "*.counts"
- guess:
type: file
description: A second tabulated file of describing pairs of primers (no doc available)
pattern: "*.guess"
- report:
type: file
description: A tab-separated file about each ZMW, unfiltered
pattern: "*.report"
- summary:
type: file
description: This file shows how many ZMWs have been filtered, how ZMWs many are same/different, and how many reads have been filtered.
pattern: "*.summary"
- version:
type: file
description: File containing software version
pattern: "*.{version.txt}"
- "@sguizard"
@ -562,6 +562,10 @@ last/train:
- modules/last/train/**
- tests/modules/last/train/**
- modules/lima/**
- tests/modules/lima/**
- modules/lofreq/call/**
- tests/modules/lofreq/call/**
@ -175,6 +175,11 @@ params {
alz = "${test_data_dir}/genomics/homo_sapiens/pacbio/bam/alz.bam"
alzpbi = "${test_data_dir}/genomics/homo_sapiens/pacbio/bam/alz.bam.pbi"
ccs = "${test_data_dir}/genomics/homo_sapiens/pacbio/bam/alz.ccs.bam"
ccs_fa = "${test_data_dir}/genomics/homo_sapiens/pacbio/fasta/alz.ccs.fasta"
ccs_fa_gz = "${test_data_dir}/genomics/homo_sapiens/pacbio/fasta/alz.ccs.fasta.gz"
ccs_fq = "${test_data_dir}/genomics/homo_sapiens/pacbio/fastq/alz.ccs.fastq"
ccs_fq_gz = "${test_data_dir}/genomics/homo_sapiens/pacbio/fastq/alz.ccs.fastq.gz"
ccs_xml = "${test_data_dir}/genomics/homo_sapiens/pacbio/xml/alz.ccs.consensusreadset.xml"
lima = "${test_data_dir}/genomics/homo_sapiens/pacbio/bam/alz.ccs.fl.NEB_5p--NEB_Clontech_3p.bam"
refine = "${test_data_dir}/genomics/homo_sapiens/pacbio/bam/alz.ccs.fl.NEB_5p--NEB_Clontech_3p.flnc.bam"
cluster = "${test_data_dir}/genomics/homo_sapiens/pacbio/bam/alz.ccs.fl.NEB_5p--NEB_Clontech_3p.flnc.clustered.bam"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
#!/usr/bin/env nextflow
nextflow.enable.dsl = 2
include { LIMA } from '../../../modules/lima/main.nf' addParams( options: [args: '--isoseq --peek-guess', suffix: ".fl"] )
workflow test_lima_bam {
input = [
[ id:'test' ], // meta map
file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['pacbio']['ccs'], checkIfExists: true),
primers = [ file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['pacbio']['primers'], checkIfExists: true) ]
LIMA ( input, primers )
workflow test_lima_fa {
input = [
[ id:'test' ], // meta map
file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['pacbio']['ccs_fa'], checkIfExists: true),
primers = [ file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['pacbio']['primers'], checkIfExists: true) ]
LIMA ( input, primers )
workflow test_lima_fa_gz {
input = [
[ id:'test' ], // meta map
file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['pacbio']['ccs_fa_gz'], checkIfExists: true),
primers = [ file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['pacbio']['primers'], checkIfExists: true) ]
LIMA ( input, primers )
workflow test_lima_fq {
input = [
[ id:'test' ], // meta map
file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['pacbio']['ccs_fq'], checkIfExists: true),
primers = [ file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['pacbio']['primers'], checkIfExists: true) ]
LIMA ( input, primers )
workflow test_lima_fq_gz {
input = [
[ id:'test' ], // meta map
file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['pacbio']['ccs_fq_gz'], checkIfExists: true),
primers = [ file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['pacbio']['primers'], checkIfExists: true) ]
LIMA ( input, primers )
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
- name: lima test_lima_bam
command: nextflow run tests/modules/lima -entry test_lima_bam -c tests/config/nextflow.config
- lima
- path: output/lima/test.fl.NEB_5p--NEB_Clontech_3p.bam
md5sum: 14b51d7f44e30c05a5b14e431a992097
- path: output/lima/test.fl.NEB_5p--NEB_Clontech_3p.bam.pbi
md5sum: 6ae7f057304ad17dd9d5f565d72d3f7b
- path: output/lima/test.fl.NEB_5p--NEB_Clontech_3p.consensusreadset.xml
contains: [ 'ConsensusReadSet' ]
- path: output/lima/test.fl.json
contains: [ 'ConsensusReadSet' ]
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.clips
md5sum: fa03bc75bd78b2648a139fd67c69208f
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.counts
md5sum: 842c6a23ca2de504ced4538ad5111da1
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.guess
md5sum: d3675af3ca8a908ee9e3c231668392d3
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.report
md5sum: dc073985322ae0a003ccc7e0fa4db5e6
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.summary
md5sum: bcbcaaaca418bdeb91141c81715ca420
- name: lima test_lima_fa
command: nextflow run tests/modules/lima -entry test_lima_fa -c tests/config/nextflow.config
- lima
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.clips
md5sum: 1012bc8874a14836f291bac48e8482a4
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.counts
md5sum: a4ceaa408be334eaa711577e95f8730e
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.guess
md5sum: 651e5f2b438b8ceadb3e06a2177e1818
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.report
md5sum: bd4a8bde17471563cf91aab4c787911d
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.summary
md5sum: 03be2311ba4afb878d8e547ab38c11eb
- name: lima test_lima_fa_gz
command: nextflow run tests/modules/lima -entry test_lima_fa_gz -c tests/config/nextflow.config
- lima
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.clips
md5sum: 1012bc8874a14836f291bac48e8482a4
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.counts
md5sum: a4ceaa408be334eaa711577e95f8730e
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.guess
md5sum: 651e5f2b438b8ceadb3e06a2177e1818
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.report
md5sum: bd4a8bde17471563cf91aab4c787911d
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.summary
md5sum: 03be2311ba4afb878d8e547ab38c11eb
- name: lima test_lima_fq
command: nextflow run tests/modules/lima -entry test_lima_fq -c tests/config/nextflow.config
- lima
- path: output/lima/test.fl.NEB_5p--NEB_Clontech_3p.fastq
md5sum: ef395f689c5566f501e300bb83d7a5f2
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.clips
md5sum: 5c16ef8122f6f1798acc30eb8a30828c
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.counts
md5sum: 767b687e6eda7b24cd0e577f527eb2f0
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.guess
md5sum: 31b988aab6bda84867e704b9edd8a763
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.report
md5sum: ad2a9b1eeb4cda4a1f69ef4b7520b5fd
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.summary
md5sum: e91d3c386aaf4effa63f33ee2eb7da2a
- name: lima test_lima_fq_gz
command: nextflow run tests/modules/lima -entry test_lima_fq_gz -c tests/config/nextflow.config
- lima
- path: output/lima/test.fl.NEB_5p--NEB_Clontech_3p.fastq.gz
md5sum: 32c11db85f69a1b4454b6bbd794b6df2
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.clips
md5sum: 5c16ef8122f6f1798acc30eb8a30828c
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.counts
md5sum: 767b687e6eda7b24cd0e577f527eb2f0
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.guess
md5sum: 31b988aab6bda84867e704b9edd8a763
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.report
md5sum: ad2a9b1eeb4cda4a1f69ef4b7520b5fd
- path: output/lima/test.fl.lima.summary
md5sum: e91d3c386aaf4effa63f33ee2eb7da2a
Reference in a new issue