mirror of
synced 2024-12-31 03:32:10 -05:00
Mutect2 (#682)
* mutect2 files added, first draft of module code entered * removing comment from main.nf * removing comment from main.nf * test added, commit made before editing yaml * tests added, still needs final check and info/comments added * gatk4 version changed to gatk4= * multiple sample support added, information added to module yaml file * Update meta.yml fixed linting error * add keywords to meta.yml * Corrections made to meta.yml * removed whitespace from meta.yml Co-authored-by: Gavin.Mackenzie <gavin.mackenzie@nibsc.org> Co-authored-by: Maxime U. Garcia <max.u.garcia@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 326 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
// Utility functions used in nf-core DSL2 module files
// Extract name of software tool from process name using $task.process
def getSoftwareName(task_process) {
return task_process.tokenize(':')[-1].tokenize('_')[0].toLowerCase()
// Function to initialise default values and to generate a Groovy Map of available options for nf-core modules
def initOptions(Map args) {
def Map options = [:]
options.args = args.args ?: ''
options.args2 = args.args2 ?: ''
options.args3 = args.args3 ?: ''
options.publish_by_meta = args.publish_by_meta ?: []
options.publish_dir = args.publish_dir ?: ''
options.publish_files = args.publish_files
options.suffix = args.suffix ?: ''
return options
// Tidy up and join elements of a list to return a path string
def getPathFromList(path_list) {
def paths = path_list.findAll { item -> !item?.trim().isEmpty() } // Remove empty entries
paths = paths.collect { it.trim().replaceAll("^[/]+|[/]+\$", "") } // Trim whitespace and trailing slashes
return paths.join('/')
// Function to save/publish module results
def saveFiles(Map args) {
if (!args.filename.endsWith('.version.txt')) {
def ioptions = initOptions(args.options)
def path_list = [ ioptions.publish_dir ?: args.publish_dir ]
if (ioptions.publish_by_meta) {
def key_list = ioptions.publish_by_meta instanceof List ? ioptions.publish_by_meta : args.publish_by_meta
for (key in key_list) {
if (args.meta && key instanceof String) {
def path = key
if (args.meta.containsKey(key)) {
path = args.meta[key] instanceof Boolean ? "${key}_${args.meta[key]}".toString() : args.meta[key]
path = path instanceof String ? path : ''
if (ioptions.publish_files instanceof Map) {
for (ext in ioptions.publish_files) {
if (args.filename.endsWith(ext.key)) {
def ext_list = path_list.collect()
return "${getPathFromList(ext_list)}/$args.filename"
} else if (ioptions.publish_files == null) {
return "${getPathFromList(path_list)}/$args.filename"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
// Import generic module functions
include { initOptions; saveFiles; getSoftwareName } from './functions'
params.options = [:]
options = initOptions(params.options)
process GATK4_MUTECT2 {
tag "$meta.id"
label 'process_medium'
publishDir "${params.outdir}",
mode: params.publish_dir_mode,
saveAs: { filename -> saveFiles(filename:filename, options:params.options, publish_dir:getSoftwareName(task.process), meta:meta, publish_by_meta:['id']) }
conda (params.enable_conda ? "bioconda::gatk4=" : null)
if (workflow.containerEngine == 'singularity' && !params.singularity_pull_docker_container) {
container "https://depot.galaxyproject.org/singularity/gatk4:"
} else {
container "quay.io/biocontainers/gatk4:"
tuple val(meta) , path(bam) , path(bai) , val(which_norm)
val run_single
val run_pon
path fasta
path fastaidx
path dict
path germline_resource
path germline_resource_idx
path panel_of_normals
path panel_of_normals_idx
tuple val(meta), path("*.vcf.gz"), emit: vcf
tuple val(meta), path("*.tbi") , emit: tbi
tuple val(meta), path("*.f1r2.tar.gz"), optional:true, emit: f1r2
path "*.version.txt" , emit: version
def software = getSoftwareName(task.process)
def prefix = options.suffix ? "${meta.id}${options.suffix}" : "${meta.id}"
def inputsList = []
def normalsList = []
def inputsCommand = ''
def panelsCommand = ''
def normalsCommand = ''
bam.each() {a -> inputsList.add(" -I " + a ) }
inputsCommand = inputsList.join( ' ')
if(run_pon) {
panelsCommand = ''
normalsCommand = ''
} else if(run_single) {
panelsCommand = " --germline-resource $germline_resource --panel-of-normals $panel_of_normals"
normalsCommand = ''
} else {
panelsCommand = " --germline-resource $germline_resource --panel-of-normals $panel_of_normals --f1r2-tar-gz ${prefix}.f1r2.tar.gz"
which_norm.each() {a -> normalsList.add(" -normal " + a ) }
normalsCommand = normalsList.join( ' ')
gatk Mutect2 \\
-R ${fasta} \\
${inputsCommand} \\
${normalsCommand} \\
${panelsCommand} \\
-O ${prefix}.vcf.gz \\
echo \$(gatk --version 2>&1) | sed 's/^.*(GATK) v//; s/ .*\$//' > ${software}.version.txt
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
name: gatk4_mutect2
description: Call somatic SNVs and indels via local assembly of haplotypes.
- gatk4
- mutect2
- haplotype
- somatic
- gatk4:
description: |
Developed in the Data Sciences Platform at the Broad Institute, the toolkit offers a wide variety of tools
with a primary focus on variant discovery and genotyping. Its powerful processing engine
and high-performance computing features make it capable of taking on projects of any size.
homepage: https://gatk.broadinstitute.org/hc/en-us
documentation: https://gatk.broadinstitute.org/hc/en-us/categories/360002369672s
doi: 10.1158/1538-7445.AM2017-3590
- meta:
type: map
description: |
Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:'test']
- bam:
type: list
description: list of BAM files
pattern: "*.bam"
- bai:
type: list
description: list of BAM file indexes
pattern: "*.bam.bai"
- which_norm:
type: list
description: optional list of sample headers contained in the normal sample bam files (these are required for tumor_normal_pair mode)
- run_single:
type: boolean
description: Specify whether or not to run in tumor_single mode instead of tumor_normal_pair mode (will be ignored if run_pon is also true)
- run_pon:
type: boolean
description: Specify whether or not to run in panel_of_normal mode instead of tumor_normal_pair mode
- fasta:
type: file
description: The reference fasta file
pattern: "*.fasta"
- fastaidx:
type: file
description: Index of reference fasta file
pattern: "fasta.fai"
- dict:
type: file
description: GATK sequence dictionary
pattern: "*.dict"
- germline_resource:
type: file
description: Population vcf of germline sequencing, containing allele fractions.
pattern: "*.vcf.gz"
- germline_resource_idx:
type: file
description: Index file for the germline resource.
pattern: "*.vcf.gz_tbi"
- panel_of_normals:
type: file
description: vcf file to be used as a panel of normals.
pattern: "*.vcf.gz"
- panel_of_normals_idx:
type: file
description: Index for the panel of normals.
pattern: "*.vcf.gz_tbi"
- vcf:
type: file
description: compressed vcf file
pattern: "*.vcf.gz"
- tbi:
type: file
description: Index of vcf file
pattern: "*vcf.gz.tbi"
- f1r2:
type: file
description: file containing information to be passed to LearnReadOrientationModel (only outputted when tumor_normal_pair mode is run)
pattern: "*.f1r2.tar.gz"
- version:
type: file
description: File containing software version
pattern: "*.version.txt"
- "@GCJMackenzie"
@ -358,6 +358,10 @@ gatk4/mergevcfs:
- modules/gatk4/mergevcfs/**
- tests/modules/gatk4/mergevcfs/**
- modules/gatk4/mutect2/**
- tests/modules/gatk4/mutect2/**
- modules/gatk4/revertsam/**
- tests/modules/gatk4/revertsam/**
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
#!/usr/bin/env nextflow
nextflow.enable.dsl = 2
include { GATK4_MUTECT2 } from '../../../../modules/gatk4/mutect2/main.nf' addParams( options: [:] )
workflow test_gatk4_mutect2_tumor_normal_pair {
input = [ [ id:'test'], // meta map
[ file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['illumina']['test_paired_end_recalibrated_sorted_bam'], checkIfExists: true) , file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['illumina']['test2_paired_end_recalibrated_sorted_bam'], checkIfExists: true)],
[ file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['illumina']['test_paired_end_recalibrated_sorted_bam_bai'], checkIfExists: true) , file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['illumina']['test2_paired_end_recalibrated_sorted_bam_bai'], checkIfExists: true)],
run_single = false
run_pon = false
fasta = file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['genome']['genome_fasta'], checkIfExists: true)
fastaidx = file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['genome']['genome_fasta_fai'], checkIfExists: true)
dict = file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['genome']['genome_dict'], checkIfExists: true)
germline_resource = file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['genome']['gnomad_r2_1_1_vcf_gz'], checkIfExists: true)
germline_resource_idx = file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['genome']['gnomad_r2_1_1_vcf_gz_tbi'], checkIfExists: true)
panel_of_normals = file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['genome']['mills_and_1000g_indels_vcf_gz'], checkIfExists: true)
panel_of_normals_idx = file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['genome']['mills_and_1000g_indels_vcf_gz_tbi'], checkIfExists: true)
GATK4_MUTECT2 ( input , run_single , run_pon , fasta , fastaidx , dict , germline_resource, germline_resource_idx , panel_of_normals , panel_of_normals_idx )
workflow test_gatk4_mutect2_tumor_single {
input = [ [ id:'test'], // meta map
[ file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['illumina']['test2_paired_end_recalibrated_sorted_bam'], checkIfExists: true)],
[ file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['illumina']['test2_paired_end_recalibrated_sorted_bam_bai'], checkIfExists: true)],
run_single = true
run_pon = false
fasta = file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['genome']['genome_fasta'], checkIfExists: true)
fastaidx = file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['genome']['genome_fasta_fai'], checkIfExists: true)
dict = file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['genome']['genome_dict'], checkIfExists: true)
germline_resource = file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['genome']['gnomad_r2_1_1_vcf_gz'], checkIfExists: true)
germline_resource_idx = file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['genome']['gnomad_r2_1_1_vcf_gz_tbi'], checkIfExists: true)
panel_of_normals = file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['genome']['mills_and_1000g_indels_vcf_gz'], checkIfExists: true)
panel_of_normals_idx = file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['genome']['mills_and_1000g_indels_vcf_gz_tbi'], checkIfExists: true)
GATK4_MUTECT2 ( input , run_single , run_pon , fasta , fastaidx , dict , germline_resource, germline_resource_idx , panel_of_normals , panel_of_normals_idx )
workflow test_gatk4_mutect2_generate_pon {
input = [ [ id:'test'], // meta map
[ file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['illumina']['test_paired_end_recalibrated_sorted_bam'], checkIfExists: true)],
[ file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['illumina']['test_paired_end_recalibrated_sorted_bam_bai'], checkIfExists: true)],
run_single = false
run_pon = true
fasta = file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['genome']['genome_fasta'], checkIfExists: true)
fastaidx = file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['genome']['genome_fasta_fai'], checkIfExists: true)
dict = file(params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['genome']['genome_dict'], checkIfExists: true)
germline_resource = []
germline_resource_idx = []
panel_of_normals = []
panel_of_normals_idx = []
GATK4_MUTECT2 ( input , run_single , run_pon , fasta , fastaidx , dict , germline_resource, germline_resource_idx , panel_of_normals , panel_of_normals_idx )
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
- name: gatk4 mutect2 test_gatk4_mutect2_tumor_normal_pair
command: nextflow run tests/modules/gatk4/mutect2 -entry test_gatk4_mutect2_tumor_normal_pair -c tests/config/nextflow.config
- gatk4
- gatk4/mutect2
- path: output/gatk4/test.f1r2.tar.gz
- path: output/gatk4/test.vcf.gz
- path: output/gatk4/test.vcf.gz.tbi
- name: gatk4 mutect2 test_gatk4_mutect2_tumor_single
command: nextflow run tests/modules/gatk4/mutect2 -entry test_gatk4_mutect2_tumor_single -c tests/config/nextflow.config
- gatk4
- gatk4/mutect2
- path: output/gatk4/test.vcf.gz
- path: output/gatk4/test.vcf.gz.tbi
- name: gatk4 mutect2 test_gatk4_mutect2_generate_pon
command: nextflow run tests/modules/gatk4/mutect2 -entry test_gatk4_mutect2_generate_pon -c tests/config/nextflow.config
- gatk4
- gatk4/mutect2
- path: output/gatk4/test.vcf.gz
- path: output/gatk4/test.vcf.gz.tbi
Reference in a new issue