Fux tests

This commit is contained in:
James Fellows Yates 2022-06-02 20:32:00 +02:00
parent 28101149b6
commit c469a2b35e
2 changed files with 11 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ process GATK_REALIGNERTARGETCREATOR {
tuple val(meta), path(input), path(index)
path path(fasta)
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ process GATK_REALIGNERTARGETCREATOR {
def args = task.ext.args ?: ''
def prefix = task.ext.prefix ?: "${meta.id}"
def known = known_vcf ? "-known ${known_vcf}" : ""
if ("$bam" == "${prefix}.bam") error "Input and output names are the same, set prefix in module configuration to disambiguate!"
if ("$input" == "${prefix}.bam") error "Input and output names are the same, set prefix in module configuration to disambiguate!"
def avail_mem = 3
if (!task.memory) {
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ process GATK_REALIGNERTARGETCREATOR {
-Xmx${avail_mem}g \\
-T RealignerTargetCreator \\
-nt ${task.cpus} \\
-I ${bam} \\
-I ${input} \\
-R ${fasta} \\
-o ${prefix}.intervals \\
${known} \\

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@ -6,16 +6,13 @@ include { GATK_REALIGNERTARGETCREATOR } from '../../../../modules/gatk/realigner
workflow test_gatk_realignertargetcreator {
input = [
[ id:'test', single_end:false ], // meta map
file(params.test_data['sarscov2']['illumina']['test_paired_end_sorted_bam'], checkIfExists: true),
file(params.test_data['sarscov2']['illumina']['test_paired_end_sorted_bam_bai'], checkIfExists: true)
reference = [
file(params.test_data['sarscov2']['genome']['genome_fasta'], checkIfExists: true),
file(params.test_data['sarscov2']['genome']['genome_fasta_fai'], checkIfExists: true),
file(params.test_data['sarscov2']['genome']['genome_dict'], checkIfExists: true),
input = [ [ id:'test' ], // meta map
file(params.test_data['sarscov2']['illumina']['test_paired_end_sorted_bam'], checkIfExists: true),
file(params.test_data['sarscov2']['illumina']['test_paired_end_sorted_bam_bai'], checkIfExists: true),
fasta = file(params.test_data['sarscov2']['genome']['genome_fasta'], checkIfExists: true)
fai = file(params.test_data['sarscov2']['genome']['genome_fasta_fai'], checkIfExists: true)
dict = file(params.test_data['sarscov2']['genome']['genome_dict'], checkIfExists: true)
GATK_REALIGNERTARGETCREATOR ( input, reference, [] )
GATK_REALIGNERTARGETCREATOR ( input, fasta, fai, dict, [] )