* Update README
* Rename pytest_software.yml to pytest_modules.yml
* Rename main software directory to modules
* Remove deprecated modules
* Rename tests software to modules
* Replace paths for tests in pytest_modules.yml
* Replace software with modules in Github Actions
* Replace software with modules in main.nf tests
* Rename software to modules in test.yml
* New last/mafconvert module to convert MAF alignments.
The `maf-convert` tool distributed with [LAST](https://gitlab.com/mcfrith/last)
reads alignmnts in [MAF](https://genome-asia.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format5)
format and converts them in another format (axt, blast, blasttab, chain,
gff, html, psl, sam, tab).
This new module is part of the work described in Issue #464. During this
development, we fix the versiob of LAST to 1219 to ensure consistency.
We will upgrade it later.
* Delete white space.
* Update the function.nf file to the dev version.