name: "merqury" description: k-mer based assembly evaluation. keywords: - "k-mer" - "assembly" - "evaluation" tools: - "merqury": description: "Evaluate genome assemblies with k-mers and more." homepage: "None" documentation: "None" tool_dev_url: "" doi: "10.1186/s13059-020-02134-9" licence: "['PUBLIC DOMAIN']" input: - meta: type: map description: | Groovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] - meryl_db: type: file description: "Meryl read database" - assembly: type: file description: FASTA assembly file output: - meta: type: map description: | Groovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] - versions: type: file description: File containing software versions pattern: "versions.yml" - assembly_only_kmers_bed: type: file description: "The positions of the k-mers found only in an assembly for further investigation in .bed" pattern: "*_only.bed" - assembly_only_kmers_wig: type: file description: "The positions of the k-mers found only in an assembly for further investigation in .wig" pattern: "*_only.wig" - stats: type: file description: Assembly statistics file pattern: "*.completeness.stats" - dist_hist: type: file description: Histogram pattern: "*.dist_only.hist" - spectra_cn_fl_png: type: file description: "Unstacked copy number spectra filled plot in PNG format" pattern: "*.spectra-cn.fl.png" - spectra_cn_ln_png: type: file description: "Unstacked copy number spectra line plot in PNG format" pattern: "*.spectra-cn.ln.png" - spectra_cn_st_png: type: file description: "Stacked copy number spectra line plot in PNG format" pattern: "*" - spectra_cn_hist: type: file description: "Copy number spectra histogram" pattern: "*.spectra-cn.hist" - spectra_asm_fl_png: type: file description: "Unstacked assembly spectra filled plot in PNG format" pattern: "*.spectra-asm.fl.png" - spectra_asm_ln_png: type: file description: "Unstacked assembly spectra line plot in PNG format" pattern: "*.spectra-asm.ln.png" - spectra_asm_st_png: type: file description: "Stacked assembly spectra line plot in PNG format" pattern: "*" - spectra_asm_hist: type: file description: "Assembly spectra histogram" pattern: "*.spectra-asm.hist" - assembly_qv: type: file description: "Assembly consensus quality estimation" pattern: "*.qv" - scaffold_qv: type: file description: "Scaffold consensus quality estimation" pattern: "*.qv" - read_ploidy: type: file description: "Ploidy estimate from read k-mer database" pattern: "*.hist.ploidy" authors: - "@mahesh-panchal"