process MULTIVCFANALYZER { tag '$fasta' label 'process_medium' conda (params.enable_conda ? "bioconda::multivcfanalyzer=0.85.2" : null) container "${ workflow.containerEngine == 'singularity' && !task.ext.singularity_pull_docker_container ? '': '' }" input: path vcfs path fasta path snpeff_results path gff val allele_freqs val genotype_quality val coverage val homozygous_freq val heterozygous_freq path gff_exclude output: path('fullAlignment.fasta.gz') , emit: full_alignment path('info.txt') , emit: info_txt path('snpAlignment.fasta.gz') , emit: snp_alignment path('snpAlignmentIncludingRefGenome.fasta.gz') , emit: snp_genome_alignment path('snpStatistics.tsv') , emit: snpstatistics path('snpTable.tsv') , emit: snptable path('snpTableForSnpEff.tsv') , emit: snptable_snpeff path('snpTableWithUncertaintyCalls.tsv') , emit: snptable_uncertainty path('structureGenotypes.tsv') , emit: structure_genotypes path('structureGenotypes_noMissingData-Columns.tsv') , emit: structure_genotypes_nomissing path('MultiVCFAnalyzer.json') , emit: json path "versions.yml" , emit: versions when: task.ext.when == null || task.ext.when script: // def args = task.ext.args ?: '' // MultiVCFAnalyzer has strict and input ordering and all are mandatory. Deactivating $args to prevent breakage of input def args2 = task.ext.args2 ?: '' def cmd_snpeff_results = snpeff_results ? "${snpeff_results}" : "NA" def cmd_gff = gff ? "${gff}" : "NA" def cmd_allele_freqs = allele_freqs ? "T" : "F" def cmd_gff_exclude = gff_exclude ? "${gff}" : "NA" """ multivcfanalyzer \\ ${cmd_snpeff_results} \\ ${fasta} \\ ${cmd_gff} \\ . \ ${cmd_allele_freqs} \\ ${genotype_quality} \\ ${coverage} \\ ${homozygous_freq} \\ ${heterozygous_freq} \\ ${cmd_gff_exclude} \\ ${vcfs.join(" ")} gzip \\ $args2 \\ fullAlignment.fasta snpAlignment.fasta snpAlignmentIncludingRefGenome.fasta cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml "${task.process}": multivcfanalyzer: \$(echo \$(multivcfanalyzer --help | head -n 1) | cut -f 3 -d ' ' ) END_VERSIONS """ }