// Import generic module functions include { initOptions; saveFiles; getSoftwareName } from './functions' // TODO nf-core: A module file SHOULD only define input and output files as command-line parameters. // All other parameters MUST be provided as a string i.e. "options.args" // where "params.options" is a Groovy Map that MUST be provided via the addParams section of the including workflow. // Any parameters that need to be evaluated in the context of a particular sample // e.g. single-end/paired-end data MUST also be defined and evaluated appropriately. // TODO nf-core: Software that can be piped together SHOULD be added to separate module files // unless there is a run-time, storage advantage in implementing in this way // e.g. bwa mem | samtools view -B -T ref.fasta to output BAM instead of SAM. // TODO nf-core: Optional inputs are not currently supported by Nextflow. However, "fake files" MAY be used to work around this issue. params.options = [:] def options = initOptions(params.options) process SEQKIT_SPLIT2 { tag "$meta.id" label 'process_medium' publishDir "${params.outdir}", mode: params.publish_dir_mode, saveAs: { filename -> saveFiles(filename:filename, options:params.options, publish_dir:getSoftwareName(task.process), publish_id:meta.id) } conda (params.enable_conda ? "bioconda::seqkit=0.15.0" : null) if (workflow.containerEngine == 'singularity' && !params.singularity_pull_docker_container) { container "https://depot.galaxyproject.org/singularity/seqkit:0.15.0--0" } else { container "quay.io/biocontainers/seqkit:0.15.0--0" } input: tuple val(meta), path(reads) output: tuple val(meta), path("*.split/*.fastq.gz"), emit: reads path("*.version.txt") , emit: version script: def software = getSoftwareName(task.process) //TODO not sure if this is useful here, as the splits need to be named individually, and this would make the prefix the same and the outputname I am afraid. def prefix = options.suffix ? "${meta.id}${options.suffix}" : "${meta.id}" if(meta.single_end){ """ seqkit \ split2 \ $options.args \ --threads $task.cpus \ -1 ${reads} \ --out-dir ${prefix}.split echo \$(seqkit --version 2>&1) | sed 's/^.*seqkit //; s/Using.*\$//' > ${software}.version.txt """ } else { """ seqkit \ split2 \ $options.args \ --threads $task.cpus \ -1 ${reads[0]} \ -2 ${reads[1]} \ --out-dir ${prefix}.split echo \$(seqkit --version 2>&1) | sed 's/^.*seqkit //; s/Using.*\$//' > ${software}.version.txt """ } }