name: ncbigenomedownload description: A tool to quickly download assemblies from NCBI's Assembly database keywords: - fasta - download - assembly tools: - ncbigenomedownload: description: Download genome files from the NCBI FTP server. homepage: documentation: tool_dev_url: doi: "" licence: ['Apache Software License'] input: - meta: type: map description: | Groovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] - accessions: type: file description: List of accessions (one per line) to download pattern: "*.txt" output: - meta: type: map description: | Groovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] - versions: type: file description: File containing software versions pattern: "versions.yml" - gbk: type: file description: GenBank format of the genomic sequence(s) in the assembly pattern: "*_genomic.gbff.gz" - fna: type: file description: FASTA format of the genomic sequence(s) in the assembly. pattern: "*_genomic.fna.gz" - rm: type: file description: RepeatMasker output for eukaryotes. pattern: "*_rm.out.gz" - features: type: file description: Tab-delimited text file reporting locations and attributes for a subset of annotated features pattern: "*_feature_table.txt.gz" - gff: type: file description: Annotation of the genomic sequence(s) in GFF3 format pattern: "*_genomic.gff.gz" - faa: type: file description: FASTA format of the accessioned protein products annotated on the genome assembly. pattern: "*_protein.faa.gz" - gpff: type: file description: GenPept format of the accessioned protein products annotated on the genome assembly. pattern: "*_protein.gpff.gz" - wgs_gbk: type: file description: GenBank flat file format of the WGS master for the assembly pattern: "*_wgsmaster.gbff.gz" - cds: type: file description: FASTA format of the nucleotide sequences corresponding to all CDS features annotated on the assembly pattern: "*_cds_from_genomic.fna.gz" - rna: type: file description: FASTA format of accessioned RNA products annotated on the genome assembly pattern: "*_rna.fna.gz" - rna_fna: type: file description: FASTA format of the nucleotide sequences corresponding to all RNA features annotated on the assembly pattern: "*_rna_from_genomic.fna.gz" - report: type: file description: Tab-delimited text file reporting the name, role and sequence accession.version for objects in the assembly pattern: "*_assembly_report.txt" - stats: type: file description: Tab-delimited text file reporting statistics for the assembly pattern: "*_assembly_stats.txt" authors: - "@rpetit3"