#!/usr/bin/env nextflow nextflow.preview.dsl=2 params.outdir = "." params.verbose = false params.multiqc_args = '' // include '../../../nf-core/module_testing/check_process_outputs.nf' include '../main.nf' if (params.verbose){ println ("[WORKFLOW] MULTIQC ARGS: " + params.multiqc_args) } multiqc_ch = Channel .fromPath( ['../../../test-datasets/*trimming_report.txt','../../../test-datasets/*fastqc.zip','../../../test-datasets/*screen.txt','../../../test-datasets/*bowtie2_stats.txt'] ) .collect() // collect() flattens all channels to single list // .view() // view the files in the channel // Run the workflow workflow { main: // This is an example workflow for real reads aligned with Bowtie2. Just for illustration purposes // FASTQC (file_ch, params.outdir, params.fastqc_args, params.verbose) // FASTQ_SCREEN (file_ch, params.outdir, params.fastq_screen_args, params.verbose) // TRIM_GALORE (file_ch, params.outdir, params.trim_galore_args, params.verbose) // FASTQC2 (TRIM_GALORE.out.reads, params.outdir, params.fastqc_args, params.verbose) // BOWTIE2 (TRIM_GALORE.out.reads, params.outdir, params.bowtie2_args, params.verbose) // merging channels for MultiQC // multiqc_ch = FASTQC.out.report.mix( // TRIM_GALORE.out.report, // FASTQ_SCREEN.out.report, // FASTQC2.out.report, // BOWTIE2.out.stats, // ).collect() MULTIQC (multiqc_ch, params.outdir, params.multiqc_args, params.verbose) // .check_output() TODO }