nextflow.preview.dsl=2 process FASTQ_SCREEN { // depending on the number of genomes and the type of genome (e.g. plants!), memory needs to be ample! // label 'bigMem' // label 'multiCore' input: tuple val(name), path(reads) val (outputdir) // fastq_screen_args are best passed in to the workflow in the following manner: // --fastq_screen_args="--subset 200000 --force" val (fastq_screen_args) val (verbose) output: path "*png", emit: png path "*html", emit: html path "*txt", emit: report publishDir "$outputdir", mode: "link", overwrite: true script: println(name) println(reads) println(outputdir) if (verbose){ println ("[MODULE] FASTQ SCREEN ARGS: "+ fastq_screen_args) } """ module load fastq_screen fastq_screen $fastq_screen_args $reads """ }