name: "plasmidfinder" description: Identify plasmids in bacterial sequences and assemblies keywords: - fasta - fastq - plasmid tools: - "plasmidfinder": description: "PlasmidFinder allows identification of plasmids in total or partial sequenced isolates of bacteria." homepage: "" documentation: "" tool_dev_url: "" doi: "10.1128/AAC.02412-14" licence: "['Apache-2.0']" input: - meta: type: map description: | Groovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] - seqs: type: file description: Input FASTA or FASTQ formatted genome sequences pattern: "*.{fastq.gz,fq.gz,fastq.gz,fna.gz,fa.gz}" output: - meta: type: map description: | Groovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] - versions: type: file description: File containing software versions pattern: "versions.yml" - json: type: file description: The results from analysis in JSON format pattern: "*.json" - txt: type: file description: The summary of results from analysis pattern: "*.txt" - tsv: type: file description: The results from analysis in TSV format pattern: "*.tsv" - genome_seq: type: file description: FASTA of sequences in the input with a hit pattern: "*-hit_in_genome_seq.fsa" - plasmid_seq: type: file description: FASTA of plasmid sequences with a hit against the input pattern: "*-plasmid_seqs.fsa" authors: - "@rpetit3"