#!/usr/bin/env nextflow nextflow.enable.dsl = 2 include { GOAT_TAXONSEARCH } from '../../../../modules/goat/taxonsearch/main.nf' // // Test with genus name (Canis) // workflow test_goat_taxonsearch_single_species { input = [ [ id:'test_single_species' ], // meta map taxon = 'Meles meles', [] ] GOAT_TAXONSEARCH ( input ) } // // Test with genus (Drosophila, fruit flies) using NCBI taxonomy ID // workflow test_goat_taxonsearch_genus_id { input = [ [ id:'test_genus_id' ], // meta map taxon = '7215', [] ] GOAT_TAXONSEARCH ( input ) } // // Test with multiple species from a taxa file // workflow test_goat_taxonsearch_species { input = [ [ id:'test_species' ], // meta map taxon = '', file('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nf-core/test-datasets/modules/data/delete_me/goat_taxonsearch/taxonomy_ids.txt', checkIfExists: true) ] GOAT_TAXONSEARCH ( input ) }