#!/usr/bin/env nextflow nextflow.preview.dsl=2 params.outdir = "." params.genome = "" params.hisat2_args = '' // HISAT2 arguments should be supplied in the following format to work: // --hisat2_args="--score-min L,0,-0.8" params.verbose = false if (params.verbose){ println ("[WORKFLOW] HISAT2 ARGS ARE: " + params.hisat2_args) } // for other genomes this needs to be handled somehow to return all possible genomes genomeValues = ["name" : params.genome] genomeValues["hisat2"] = "/bi/home/fkrueger/VersionControl/nf-core-modules/test-datasets/indices/hisat2/E_coli/${params.genome}"; include '../main.nf' params(genome: genomeValues) ch_read_files = Channel .fromFilePairs('../../../test-datasets/Ecoli*{1,2}.fastq.gz',size:-1) // .view() // to check whether the input channel works workflow { main: HISAT2(ch_read_files, params.outdir, params.hisat2_args, params.verbose) }