name: Build Docker Images on: push: # Only on pushes to master (after PRs are merged) branches: master # Only if a conda environment file or a docker build file has been updated paths: - software/*/environment.yml - software/*/Dockerfile jobs: build_docker: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: # Check out the repo - uses: actions/checkout@v1 # Find the tool wrappers that changed # Annoyingly, matrix can't take dynamic variables - name: Find changed tools run: | TOOLS=$( git diff --name-only HEAD~ | egrep -o 'tools\/[^\/]+\/' | sort | uniq | awk NF | tr '\r\n' ' ' ) # Save so that GitHub Actions can see this variable in the next step echo "::set-env name=TOOLS::$TOOLS" echo "Tools that appear to have been updated:" echo $TOOLS - name: Build images run: | echo "Tools that appear to have been updated:" echo -e $TOOLS echo '-----' for TOOL in $TOOLS; do echo $TOOL done; echo '-----' for d in software/*; do for TOOL in $TOOLS; do echo "$d -- $TOOL" if echo $d/ | grep -q "$TOOL"; then cd "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/$d" TOOLNAME=$(basename `pwd`) #${GITHUB_REPOSITORY,,}/${TOOLNAME,,}:$GITHUB_SHA # TODO: How do we have a proper version tag here?${GITHUB_REPOSITORY,,}/${TOOLNAME,,}:latest echo "Image name is: $IMGNAME" echo "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" | docker login -u ${{ }} --password-stdin docker build -t $IMGNAME . docker push $IMGNAME fi; done; done;