#!/usr/bin/env nextflow nextflow.enable.dsl = 2 include { ENTREZDIRECT_ESEARCH as ENTREZDIRECT_ESEARCHP } from "../../../../modules/entrezdirect/esearch/main.nf" include { ENTREZDIRECT_ESEARCH } from "../../../../modules/entrezdirect/esearch/main.nf" // // Test with PubMed database, using date range and spell check, // see nextflow.config file for optional definition(ext.args) // workflow test_entrezdirect_esearch_pubmed { input = [ [ id:'test_pubmed' ], // meta map term = "selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor" ] database = "pubmed" ENTREZDIRECT_ESEARCHP ( input, database ) } // // Test with Genome database and species; no date range, no spell check // workflow test_entrezdirect_esearch_genome { input = [ [ id:'test_genome' ], // meta map, term = "Danio+rerio" ] database = "genome" ENTREZDIRECT_ESEARCH ( input, database ) } // // Test with Assembly database and GenBank accession; no date range, no spell check // workflow test_entrezdirect_esearch_assembly { input = [ [ id:'test_assembly' ], // meta map term = "GCA_000001635.9" ] database = "assembly" ENTREZDIRECT_ESEARCH ( input, database ) }