name: artic_guppyplex description: Aggregates fastq files with demultiplexed reads keywords: - artic - aggregate - demultiplexed reads tools: - artic: description: ARTIC pipeline - a bioinformatics pipeline for working with virus sequencing data sequenced with nanopore homepage: documentation: tool_dev_url: doi: "" licence: ["MIT"] input: - meta: type: map description: | Groovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] - fastq_dir: type: directory description: Directory containing the fastq files with demultiplexed reads pattern: "*" output: - meta: type: map description: | Groovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] - fastq: type: file description: Aggregated FastQ files pattern: "*.{fastq.gz}" - versions: type: file description: File containing software versions pattern: "versions.yml" authors: - "@joseespinosa" - "@drpatelh"