name: subread_featurecounts description: Count reads that map to genomic features keywords: - counts - fasta - genome - reference tools: - featurecounts: description: featureCounts is a highly efficient general-purpose read summarization program that counts mapped reads for genomic features such as genes, exons, promoter, gene bodies, genomic bins and chromosomal locations. It can be used to count both RNA-seq and genomic DNA-seq reads. homepage: documentation: doi: "10.1093/bioinformatics/btt656" licence: ["GPL v3"] input: - meta: type: map description: | Groovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] - bam: type: file description: BAM/SAM file containing read alignments pattern: "*.{bam}" - annotation: type: file description: Genomic features annotation in GTF or SAF pattern: "*.{gtf,saf}" output: - meta: type: map description: | Groovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] - counts: type: file description: Counts of reads mapping to features pattern: "*featureCounts.txt" - summary: type: file description: Summary log file pattern: "*.featureCounts.txt.summary" - versions: type: file description: File containing software versions pattern: "versions.yml" authors: - "@ntoda03"