name: quast description: Quality Assessment Tool for Genome Assemblies keywords: - quast - assembly - quality tools: - quast: description: | QUAST calculates quality metrics for genome assemblies homepage: doi: params: - outdir: type: string description: | The pipeline's output directory. By default, the module will output files into `$params.outdir/` - publish_dir_mode: type: string description: | Value for the Nextflow `publishDir` mode parameter. Available: symlink, rellink, link, copy, copyNoFollow, move. - enable_conda: type: boolean description: | Run the module with Conda using the software specified via the `conda` directive - singularity_pull_docker_container: type: boolean description: | Instead of directly downloading Singularity images for use with Singularity, force the workflow to pull and convert Docker containers instead. input: - consensus: type: file description: | Fasta file containing the assembly of interest - fasta: type: file description: | The genome assembly to be evaluated. Has to contain at least a non-empty string dummy value. - use_fasta: type: boolean description: Whether to use the provided fasta reference genome file - gff: type: file description: The genome GFF file. Has to contain at least a non-empty string dummy value. - use_gff: type: boolean description: Whether to use the provided gff reference annotation file output: - quast: type: directory description: Directory containing complete quast report pattern: "{prefix}.lineage_report.csv" - report: - version: type: file description: File containing software version pattern: "*.{version.txt}" authors: - "@drpatelh" - "@kevinmenden"